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  • 5 Things We Know About Christ’s Second Coming

    What Is Known “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken. And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And then he will send out the angels and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven.” ( Mark 13:24–27 ) “But concerning that day or that hour, no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Be on guard, keep awake. For you do not know when the time will come.” ( Mark 13:32–33 ) What is known about “that day” can be summarized under five headings. First, Jesus’s second coming will be obvious.  When Christ returns, all “the powers in the heavens will be shaken” ( Mark 13:25 ): the sun (“The sun will be darkened”) and the moon (“The moon will not give its light”) will turn off, followed by the stars’ “falling from heaven” ( Mark 13:25 ). These are all obvious indications that something important is afoot. So too is the new and spectacular light show that will fill the universal dark void: “And then they will see the Son of Man coming in the clouds” ( Mark 13:26 ). The darkness is set in contrast to the heavenly “sign” of the Son of Man ( Matt. 24:30 ). We are told that Jesus will descend from heaven (“coming in clouds”) and that this coming will be “with great power and glory” ( Mark 13:26 ). Mark states, “And then they will see” ( Mark 13:26 ); Matthew tells us that the “they” are “all the tribes of the earth” ( Matt. 24:30 ), everyone from every nation who is alive on that day. But how will everyone alive then, from different parts of the globe, see Jesus at the same time? Perhaps our Lord is speaking metaphorically. If so, the point still stands. His return will be obvious. No one will miss it. But if he is speaking literally, then the scene is more remarkable. Think about it. How will everyone see him in the dark—without the light of the sun, moon, or stars? The answer is that the “light of the world” ( John 8:12 ) needs no lesser lights to line his way (cf. Rev. 22:5 ). Second, Jesus’s second coming will be awesome.  Notice that Jesus uses his favorite title for himself in relation to his second coming. It is the “Son of Man” ( Mark 13:26 ) who will be riding upon the clouds. This title is linked to Daniel 7:13–14  and relates to Jesus’s divinely bestowed authority. In that chapter the Ancient of Days grants the Son of Man a glorious and everlasting kingdom. That is awesome. Jesus will return as the Son of Man, the one who has been granted all authority over all creation ( Mark 2:10, 28 ; cf. Matt. 28:18 ). Other details also highlight the awesomeness of Christ’s return. In fact, nearly every phrase of Mark 13:24–27  is brimming with this theme. When Jesus says, in verse 24, “But in those days . . . the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,” he is not talking about a double eclipse; when he mentions in verse 25 “the stars . . . falling from heaven,” he is not talking about a divine firework show that starts with a few shooting stars. Rather he is talking about all the great lights created on day four of creation turning off for good. They will turn off because, as I said, a new and spectacular light show fills the universal dark void: “The Son of Man coming in the clouds” ( Mark 13:26 ). Whatever that awesome cosmic upheaval will look like, it will make Haley’s Comet look like two Boy Scouts rubbing sticks together to make a spark. The second coming will be awesome. Third, Jesus’s second coming will bring relief to the righteous; it will be a day of vindication for God’s people.  The image of God’s messengers’ (“the angels”) gathering God’s people (“his elect”) from the whole earth (“from the ends of the earth”) and throughout the highest heavens (“to the ends of heaven,” Mark 13:27 ) is an image not only of God’s power but of his grace. For those who have persevered through persecution (see Mark 13:9–13 ) final vindication will come with the coming Son. My first sermon as a pastor was on September 16, 2001, five days after 9/11. My preselected passage was Revelation 19:11–21 . I preached a sermon on Jesus’s coming as savior and judge, and I began the sermon like this: Vengeance has its place in the Christian faith. And it holds not an insignificant, unnecessary, or minor role in our salvation. It is as foundational and as crucial as the biblical concepts of grace, mercy, love, and forgiveness because at its center stands our Lord Jesus Christ. When most of us think of Jesus we rarely picture him, as the book of Revelation does, as a holy king, righteous judge, and victorious warrior. In our minds, we have little trouble imagining him as a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes, as a child teaching in the temple, as a man miraculously walking on water, and as a dying savior. But we struggle to envision Jesus as a mighty conquering king—muscular, fierce, relentless, and vengeful. One reason we may have this difficulty is due either to our ignorance or to our misunderstandings concerning Christ and his second coming. On the one hand, we may simply be uninformed of the details of Christ’s return; on the other hand, we may be able to recite some of the facts of the second coming, yet fail to comprehend its ultimate objective. The objective of Jesus’s second coming is salvation. Jesus comes to save his people, and he does so in part by judging those who are not his people. Salvation and judgment are linked. We need to know that Jesus’s second coming will bring relief to the righteous, and we need to praise God for that. Fourth, Jesus’s second coming is certain, as he makes clear in Mark 13:30–31 :  “Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” In the immediate context (see Mark 13:5–23 ) Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple emphatically (“Truly, I say to you,” Mark 13:30 ), and sure enough the temple is toppled. Of course, what Jesus says in verses 30–31 we can apply to every word Jesus said. A number of times in the last five years I have given a talk titled “Why I Am a Christian.” I give four reasons. I talk about Jesus’s irresistible call on my life, the alluring paradox of Jesus’s claims and character, and how Jesus has dealt with and will deal with the three universal problems humans face: sin, death, and injustice. I also talk about the power of his words. Nearly two thousand years ago Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away” ( Mark 13:31 ). What does history make of this bold statement? Is it true or false? It is true. It is historically verifiable. Let us say there are forty million local churches around the world where over two billion Christians gather each Sunday. In most of those churches, even the unorthodox ones, the words of Jesus are being read and taught. Christians, and some non-Christians, each Sunday morning seek afresh to understand and apply what Jesus said. Can we say this of the words of Socrates, Cicero, Julius Caesar, or Winston Churchill? No! This is not true of any philosopher or politician, and it certainly is not true of celebrities. People are not gathering together each week to try to understand and apply what John Lennon sang or said. Back to the point. If Jesus’s words are more permanent than the ground below or the sky above (“Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away,” Mark 13:31 ), and if Jesus has a proven track record on a massive prediction in world history—the destruction of the temple (“This generation,” that of his apostles, “will not pass away until all these things take place,” Mark 13:30 )—then we can trust that what he says about his return, and the events surrounding it, will likewise occur. That certainty takes us to the fifth fact. We know the second coming will be (1) obvious, (2) awesome, (3) a day of vindication for God’s people, and (4) certain. The fifth fact follows: (5) since the temple has been destroyed, we must know that Jesus’s return is imminent.  This is what our Lord says with his parabolic teaching in Mark 13:28–29 : “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates.” Here either Jesus is talking indirectly about his second coming, saying in effect, “As soon as the temple falls, know that there is a possibility, at any time, for my return.” Or, more likely, in these verses Jesus returns to speaking directly about the destruction of the temple and what his earliest followers should do. As soon as they hear the rumble of the Roman troops as they shake the foundation of the holy city (a sign as obvious as a fig tree in spring spouting leaves), they need to do everything Jesus has taught in verses 5–23. So here is how I understand verse 29: “When you see these things taking place [the desolation and destruction of the temple], know that he [or “it,” i.e., “that tribulation”] is near, at the very gates.” Whatever the case, what Jesus is doing throughout the Olivet Discourse is what scholars call “prophetic foreshortening.” What that means is that Jesus, like the prophets, speaks of two events—one in the near future and another in the distant future—as though they will happen close to each other. For example, Isaiah speaks of the destruction of Babylon in the same breath as he does the final day of the Lord, as though there were one day of divine judgment (“the day of the Lord”) when we know there will be two. The analogy often used to explain this teaching technique or unique genre is that of a mountain range. If we looked at a mountain range from a distance, it might appear that two peaks were close to each other when in fact they were miles apart. Likewise, Jesus speaks of two mountaintops—the destruction of the temple and his return—as though they were close together when, in reality, they are thousands of years apart. What to Do in Light of Such Knowledge In light of those five facts, especially the last one, what are we to do? Jesus tells his disciples and us in Mark 13:33–36 . He begins with two similar exhortations: “Be on guard” and “Keep awake” ( Mark 13:33 ). He then says why, reiterating the point of Mark 13:32 : “For you do not know when the time will come” ( Mark 13:33 ). Next, he illustrates, “It is like a man going on a journey, when he leaves home and puts his servants in charge, each with his work, and commands the doorkeeper to stay awake” ( Mark 13:34 ). That story then morphs into an admonition, one we have heard before: “Therefore stay awake—for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning—lest he come suddenly and find you asleep” ( Mark 13:35–36 ). This admonition is universal, given to both Jesus’s first followers and all since: “And what I say to you I say to all: Stay awake” ( Mark 13:37 ). Here then is the logic to Jesus’s call to vigilance: if no one knows the time of Christ’s return (“Concerning that day or that hour, no one knows,” Mark 13:32 ; “You do not know when the time will come,” Mark 13:33 ), then the hour-by-hour application should be readiness (“Be on guard,” Mark 13:33 ) and wakefulness (“Keep awake,” Mark 13:33 ; “Stay awake,” Mark 13:34, 35, 37 ). The objective of Jesus’s second coming is salvation. This article is adapted from   Expository Reflections on the Gospels, Volume 3: Mark   by Douglas Sean O’Donnell.

  • Does James Contradict Paul?

    Sola Fide No Christian denies that justification is by faith. That is an obvious biblical teaching. The controversy is about whether justification is by faith alone ( sola fide ). In Roman Catholic theology, justification is a process begun at baptism, after which we are obliged to cooperate with grace in hopes of receiving a favorable verdict from God at the end of our lives. “The Protestant doctrine of justification by faith alone contradicts Scripture,” writes Peter Kreeft, a winsome and articulate spokesman for Catholic theology. Nevertheless, argues Kreeft, Protestant theology reminds us “that none of us can deserve heaven” and that if God were to ask us why he should let us into heaven, “our answer should not begin with the word ‘I’ but with the word ‘Christ.’ ” Don’t overlook the word begin in that sentence, because works do eventually enter into the equation. Later Kreeft writes, “To the world’s most practical question, ‘What must I do to be saved?’, God has given us clear answer: Repent, believe, and live in charity.” That’s what Kreeft means when he says that justification is not by faith alone. By contrast, the Bible stresses that we are justified by faith apart from works of the law ( Rom. 3:28 ). “For by works of the law no human being will be justified in his sight” ( Rom. 3:20 ). “We know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ” ( Gal. 2:16 ). “It is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for ‘The righteous shall live by faith’ ” ( Gal. 3:11 ). In short, the righteousness by which we are acquitted comes through faith in Christ, not through the law on account of our own righteousness ( Phil. 3:9 ). It is important to note that faith is not itself virtuous. Faith is not the basis or the ground by which we are justified, as if the righteous act of believing outweighs all our unrighteous deeds. Faith has value because of the object to which it connects us. Think of skating on a frozen pond. Faith is the means by which we get out on the ice, but it is not the reason we do not sink. We are kept out of the dangerous water below by the object of our faith. It is the thickness of the ice that saves us. To put it in Aristotelian terms, faith is the instrumental cause of our justification. “We compare faith to a kind of vessel,” Calvin writes, “for unless we come empty and with the mouth of our souls open to seek Christ’s grace, we are not capable of receiving Christ.” Faith is the outstretched empty hand ready to receive Christ and all his benefits. The act of believing, in itself, does not save. Faith “is only the instrument by which we embrace Christ our righteousness” (BC Art. 22). Finally, we should be clear that although we are justified by faith alone, the faith that justifies is never alone. Good works do not contribute to the root of our justification, but they must be found as fruit of our justification. As Turretin observes, “it is one thing for works to be connected with faith in the person of the justified; another, however, in the matter of justification.” In other words, sinners are not justified by works, but works will always be evident in the lives of justified sinners. The book of James seems to repudiate the Protestant doctrine of sola fide . How does Romans 3:28  (“For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law”) square with James 2:24  (“You see that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone”)? This seems like a plain contradiction. Paul thinks we are justified by faith alone; James thinks we are justified by faith and works. No wonder Luther once called James a “right strawy epistle.” Rightly understood, however, there is no contradiction between Paul and James. Here are five reasons why. James and Paul are addressing different concerns. The foolish person in James 2:20  is not the apostle Paul. James was likely written before Paul’s letters to the Romans or Galatians. They are dealing with different issues. Paul is asking the question, “How are we right with God?” James is asking, “What does genuine faith look like?” For Paul the issue is: “How do Gentiles get into the church?” For James the issue is: “Why are people not caring for their brothers and sisters in the church?” James’s argument presupposes the importance of faith. The necessity of faith is presumed in verse 17 and in verse 20, and again in the example of Abraham in verses 22 and 24. James does not want faith to be supplanted  by works or even supplemented  by works. He wants faith to be demonstrated  by works. The equation in James is not “faith plus works equals justification.” The equation is “faith minus works does not  equal justification.” Think of salvation as F(aith)=J(ustification)+W(orks). Paul says, “Don’t you dare put ‘W’ on the left side of the equation.” James says, “Don’t you dare leave out ‘W’ on the right side of the equation.” Paul and James use “works” in two different ways. Paul is talking about works of the law, especially Jewish rites like circumcision, holy days, and food observance. Those were the typical ways, for a Jewish audience, that one would be tempted to place their confidence in something other than Christ. James is talking about the works of faith, acts of charity operative in the body of Christ without preferential treatment. Paul and James use the word justify  in two different ways. Paul is dealing with people who trust in the works of the law for their standing with God. James is dealing with people who think that mere intellectual assent is real Christianity ( James 2:19 ). Paul is talking about a forensic declaration of righteousness. James is talking about practical evidence that faith is real (2:16, 18). Paul teaches the same point James teaches. Paul speaks of the obedience of faith ( Rom. 1:5 ) and of faith working through love ( Gal. 5:6 ). Paul understands that dead faith is no faith at all ( 1 Cor. 6:9–11 ; Gal. 5:16–26 ). James is talking about the kind of “belief ” that even demons have ( James 2:19 ). Neither Paul nor James believes that such empty, untrusting belief constitutes justifying faith. In the end, there is no conflict between Paul and James. It is right to say we are justified by faith alone apart from works of the law, provided we understand, as James reminds us, that the faith that justifies will always work itself out in love. Good works do not contribute to the root of our justification, but they must be found as fruit of our justification.   This article is adapted from   Daily Doctrine: A One-Year Guide to Systematic Theology   by Kevin DeYoung.

  • The Organic Prayer Patterns of Christ

    When we follow in the Savior’s footsteps and watch his life story told in the Gospels, we discover that prayer saturated all he did. Jesus prayed continually as he journeyed here on earth. Jesus is our example of all things good and beautiful. So what do we learn in scripture about his patterns of praying organically? Prayer in community Our Savior prayed in public. With a crowd of mourners gathered at the opened tomb of Lazarus, we read that Jesus lifted his face and voice toward heaven: “Then Jesus looked up and said, ‘Father, I thank you that you have heard me. I knew that you always hear me, but I said this for the benefit of the people standing here, that they may believe that you sent me.’ When he had said this, Jesus called in a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come out!’” (John 11:41–43). The Gospels also relate how the power of heaven moved through Jesus as he performed many miracles. A precursor to these life-changing moments was often prayer. “Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the disciples, and the disciples gave them to the people” (Matthew 14:19). It’s easy to miss, but notice that before the miracle of multiplying the loaves, Jesus gave thanks and acknowledged God’s provision in prayer. More than five thousand men plus women and children ate this gift of bread, and there were even leftovers. Prayer marks moments when heaven intersects with earth. Healing, too, was often accompanied by prayer. “He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, ‘ Ephphatha! ’ (which means ‘Be opened!’). At this, the man’s ears were opened, his tongue was loosened and he began to speak plainly” (Mark 7:34–35). Jesus, with eyes open, looked upward and spoke one word and the power of heaven was released. Prayer was so important for Jesus that when a major spiritual experience was on the horizon, Jesus gathered people to pray with him. “About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. Two men, Moses and Elijah, appeared in glorious splendor, talking with Jesus” (Luke 9:28–30). Jesus knew he would soon face the trial and pain of the cross, so he asked these three friends to pray with him. God’s answer was a revelation of his heavenly glory and a reminder of his true identity and mission in anticipation of his final days of suffering. As we survey the life of Jesus, we should notice that prayer was not something Jesus reserved only for special and sacred moments. Yes, there were times when Jesus sought to be alone and experience the face of the Father in private intimacy, and so should we. But many of Jesus’ prayers were also part of the natural flow of life, spoken in public settings and lifted to heaven with his eyes wide open. Prayer in quiet Jesus also prayed in quiet and lonely places. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed” (Mark 1:35). After the previous full and taxing day of ministry, teaching, and healing, Jesus felt the need to slip away to be with the Father. When Jesus was preparing to make a big decision, he cried out in prayer. Choosing his followers was a critical moment in the ministry of Jesus, so he made space to talk with his heavenly Father: “One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray and spent the night praying to God. When morning came, he called his disciples to him and chose twelve of them, whom he also designated apostles” (Luke 6:12–13). What a beautiful model! Like Jesus, we should talk with God about every important decision before we make it. What can we learn from Jesus’ example of prayer? Jesus prayed in the most public of settings and in quiet places as he retreated from the world and sought the face of the Father. When we pray throughout the day, we too may find ourselves communing with God when we are alone and when we are surrounded by people. As you begin each day, let us seek to follow Jesus’ example. Let us pray for encounters with people—with all sorts of neighbors in the various places we inhabit, work, and live. May we pray to keep our hearts humble. Let us make sure there is room in our schedules to slow down. Then love generously and share freely. Organic prayers like these lead to organic conversations, and these in turn open the door for a powerful work of the Holy Spirit. Taken from Organic Prayer: Discover the Presence and Power of God in the Everyday .

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  • Published Books | My Site

    Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace. NOW AVAILABLE Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace. Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace.

  • Cynthia's Prayer Room | My Site

    WELCOME TO CYNTHIA'S PRAYER ROOM! We serve an awesome God who is always on our side! Because of His mercy and His grace, those in Christ Jesus are Most Blessed! Here in Cynthia's Prayer Room we delight in going before the throne of Grace to commune with Our Father, and to receive strength for the day ahead. Join me as we touch heaven! THANKFUL -WHY? It's hard to believe that Thanksgiving 2024 is upon us! Where did this year go? I pray wherever it took you, there was joy, prosperity and a "more than enough" anointing that permeated your life. The year isn't over yet, there is still time for that thing you prayed for to come to pass. But, at the same time, if you'll think about it you will probably find that even if that one thing you waited for has not manifested, so many other blessings from the Lord did appear. There is a man I listen to many mornings early who says, "We made the wake-up" list this morning." This may seem trivial to the naked eye, but each moment we're here on earth is an opportunity to give love and to receive it. So, you've had about 330 days of God's breath in your lungs, have you made the best of it? Or, have you fixated on what did not happen to such a degree that the magnificence of God's provision, His Agape love; and His divine protection lost their place on your priority list? Don't let shifty focus, or a dirty lens prevent seeing the glory of God daily showing up in your life. Be grateful, be glad, be filled with the oil of joy, exchange it for mourning. The past is the past, gone forever, but the future is right in front of you brighter than the sun through Jesus Christ. In case I don't talk with you again before next year, here's a watchword for you: "Eyes on the prize in 2025!" The prize here is salvation; eyes on the one who gave it all, Jesus! Set your watch by God's timetable, letting His will be your will. There's a song I love called: "Be Encouraged." The songwriter wrote: "Be encouraged no matter what's going on; He'll make it alright, but you gotta stay strong." Great focus comes from belief and faith in the God of the Bible, the God of Jesus Christ. Without a foundation of those two things, nothing else will matter. God said that without faith it is impossible to please Him; and that we must believe that He is; and that He rewards those who diligently seek Him. So, beloved, let's practice believing from our deep well of faith. Let's see beyond what these two eyes behold, and let's go beyond the natural all the way to God. Let's go all the way to the supernatural, power-packed promises of wholeness: nothing missing, lacking or broken in our lives. Loved ones leave us for heaven; marriages dissolve despite our best efforts; friendships go up in flames sometimes, but we serve a God who has promised never to leave nor forsake us. He put His Spirit within us so that we have a constancy that cannot be touched by situations or circumstances. Rejoice today, and on Thanksgiving Day, knowing this: "That the same God of the mountaintop is the same God of the valley." Our God is able to do exceeding, abundantly above what we can ask or think, or even imagine. So, rejoice over what you have rather than what you lost in 2024. God is still on the throne, and forever will be. I want to leave you today with a special song. It's easy to find on YouTube called "I trust in God." The one I listen to most often is by Elevation Worship. When you feel a cold coming on, its good to take preemptive strike measures to deal with it ahead of time; well, when you feel lonely, you're hearing whispers of defeat, you're wondering if its worth it, play this song. get it deep down in your sanctified soul that God will and cannot ever fail you. One line in the song bowls me over every time: "I sought the Lord and He heard and He answered; that's why I trust Him." He was the 4th man in the fire for the 3 Hebrew boys, and He will be there for you! May God continue to bless you mightily as you go through the holidays with joy unspeakable and full of glory. And remember, He is also Healer: of hurts, pains, sickness, disease and of sin. Let God be God in your life and joy will surely be your portion. Until next year! Much love, Cki. MY PRAYER IS A WEAPON!!! Quote of the day : "The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm." Today, I whispered back, "I am the storm!" (Powered by the Holy ghost!). The enemy is real; but God is realer! Satan cannot prevail when the power of God, resident within us, is unleashed through prayer and active faith in God's word. We are powered by the Holy Ghost, there is no power on earth greater! I believe Satan trembles when a praying saint rises in the morning and goes about his/her work. See, we operate by faith; we don't simply possess faith, we walk in it, and we receive victory through faith. This power, unique to followers of Christ, enables us to believe that God is with us everywhere we go, giving us the fortitude to press on through every obstacle, all the way to victory! Today; walk in that Power! Walk in the victory that overcomes the world which is our faith. Trust in God! Rely upon Him today. Show that you have full confidence in Him no matter what storm is raging. Speak peace to your storm today! Stand strong no matter what you're going through; God is with you! He promised not to leave you, not to forsake you. Storms of life blow through and often make us stronger in our prayer lives. One song-writer wrote: “The storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go, they meet me at a time, when I’m strong and doing fine. But, the captain of my soul, He’s always on board, He rocks me in His arms while riding through the storm! Can’t you hear Yolanda Adams belting out that beautiful tune? Well, sometimes in the aftermath of a storm whether internal or external, we are left with scars of fear; sometimes anger or bitterness; perhaps the misguided notion that God authored such destruction. Beloved, I’m here to shout out that God is with you! God said He only has thoughts that give you hope and a future; thoughts of good and not of evil towards you. God is with you; and, I pray that you are with Him. If you’re reading this today, you are alive with the breath of God within you. You are reading this because God has you on His mind right now. Keep uppermost in your mind the blessings you have already received; the prayers already answered; the witness you have given to others; then stay the course. Past answered prayers can be prologue to the future because they strengthen our resolve to trust God! Go ahead: Let go and let God ! Seek the Lord with your whole heart, and see that He is faithful to respond. Let’s pray: Father, we thank You for Your love lavished upon us. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, You are worthy of all our praise. Father, You are our wonderful, magnificent, benevolent God who sees us wherever we are. There is no-one like You Father. Today, we make you large in our hearts through this moment of praise and extreme worship of You. Father, You declared that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. We choose to dwell there now, in Jesus' name. Father, keep us in Your perfect care. Jehovah Jireh, provide for us today; Jehovah Rophe, manifest healing today; Jehovah Shalom, let Your “peace, peace” reign in our lives today that we might be a blessing to someone else. Father, thank You that Your love is unconditional; that You look beyond our faults and see our need. We praise You that through the blood of Jesus we can enter boldly before the throne of God to receive whatever we need. Thank You for the blood! Father, someone woke up this morning depressed, confused, or maybe even angry because of what they’ve been through. Please, Father, let them know that You are standing with them. Let them feel the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I intercede now for all those who are enduring the storm in this moment, and all who endured it, especially for those who lost a loved one; for those who had storm damage to homes, and for those who are just plain fed up with problems they face. I pray the blood of Jesus will sustain them; that they will turn to You and surrender their lives and every issue to You. I pray that every door of access is now closed to the enemy, in Jesus’ name. So, now Father, as we go through our day, this wonderful day that You have made and gifted us; I pray that joy will permeate the lives of Your people, and that every prayer will be answered, for You are the God that heals all manner of sickness and disease. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen . God loves us all so much; He sent Jesus, His only begotten Son to die for us on a cruel cross. Now, we have access to the fount of wisdom, God’s Holy Spirit, the great connector; a constant companion who provides comfort, wisdom, friendship and direction, and peace, when we yield to Him. Have a wonderful day, all day, knowing that the Word of God is truth; that God loves You with an everlasting love, and He wants to bless and keep you safe until the coming of the Lord. Blessings always; Cki. MY PRAYER IS A WEAPON!!! Quote of the day : "The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm." Today, I whispered back, "I am the storm!" (Powered by the Holy ghost!). The enemy is real; but God is realer! Satan cannot prevail when the power of God, resident within us, is unleashed through prayer and active faith in God's word. We are powered by the Holy Ghost, there is no power on earth greater! I believe Satan trembles when a praying saint rises in the morning and goes about his/her work. See, we operate by faith; we don't simply possess faith, we walk in it, and we receive victory through faith. This power, unique to followers of Christ, enables us to believe that God is with us everywhere we go, giving us the fortitude to press on through every obstacle, all the way to victory! Today; walk in that Power! Walk in the victory that overcomes the world which is our faith. Trust in God! Rely upon Him today. Show that you have full confidence in Him no matter what storm is raging. Speak peace to your storm today! Stand strong no matter what you're going through; God is with you! He promised not to leave you, not to forsake you. Storms of life blow through and often make us stronger in our prayer lives. One song-writer wrote: “The storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go, they meet me at a time, when I’m strong and doing fine. But, the captain of my soul, He’s always on board, He rocks me in His arms while riding through the storm! Can’t you hear Yolanda Adams belting out that beautiful tune? Well, sometimes in the aftermath of a storm whether internal or external, we are left with scars of fear; sometimes anger or bitterness; perhaps the misguided notion that God authored such destruction. Beloved, I’m here to shout out that God is with you! God said He only has thoughts that give you hope and a future; thoughts of good and not of evil towards you. God is with you; and, I pray that you are with Him. If you’re reading this today, you are alive with the breath of God within you. You are reading this because God has you on His mind right now. Keep uppermost in your mind the blessings you have already received; the prayers already answered; the witness you have given to others; then stay the course. Past answered prayers can be prologue to the future because they strengthen our resolve to trust God! Go ahead: Let go and let God ! Seek the Lord with your whole heart, and see that He is faithful to respond. Let’s pray: Father, we thank You for Your love lavished upon us. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, You are worthy of all our praise. Father, You are our wonderful, magnificent, benevolent God who sees us wherever we are. There is no-one like You Father. Today, we make you large in our hearts through this moment of praise and extreme worship of You. Father, You declared that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. We choose to dwell there now, in Jesus' name. Father, keep us in Your perfect care. Jehovah Jireh, provide for us today; Jehovah Rophe, manifest healing today; Jehovah Shalom, let Your “peace, peace” reign in our lives today that we might be a blessing to someone else. Father, thank You that Your love is unconditional; that You look beyond our faults and see our need. We praise You that through the blood of Jesus we can enter boldly before the throne of God to receive whatever we need. Thank You for the blood! Father, someone woke up this morning depressed, confused, or maybe even angry because of what they’ve been through. Please, Father, let them know that You are standing with them. Let them feel the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I intercede now for all those who are enduring the storm in this moment, and all who endured it, especially for those who lost a loved one; for those who had storm damage to homes, and for those who are just plain fed up with problems they face. I pray the blood of Jesus will sustain them; that they will turn to You and surrender their lives and every issue to You. I pray that every door of access is now closed to the enemy, in Jesus’ name. So, now Father, as we go through our day, this wonderful day that You have made and gifted us; I pray that joy will permeate the lives of Your people, and that every prayer will be answered, for You are the God that heals all manner of sickness and disease. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen . God loves us all so much; He sent Jesus, His only begotten Son to die for us on a cruel cross. Now, we have access to the fount of wisdom, God’s Holy Spirit, the great connector; a constant companion who provides comfort, wisdom, friendship and direction, and peace, when we yield to Him. Have a wonderful day, all day, knowing that the Word of God is truth; that God loves You with an everlasting love, and He wants to bless and keep you safe until the coming of the Lord. Blessings always; Cki. Promulgate the Gospel whenever and however you can! Praise the LORD this morning saints of God!!! What a glorious day in the kingdom! Oh yes, I'm talking to you, the one upfront; to you, in the back; to you, hiding out from fear and anxiety because of what you might face today; and, I'm talking to you who is joyful this morning. Come on everyone and praise our God Jehovah with me! As my eyes opened this morning there was a song on my heart. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a singer, yet I love music with all my heart. So, the song of the day is: "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sung most notably by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. You see, my heart just wants to proclaim Him; to lift up Jesus and magnify Him, to tell the world that not only am I not ashamed, I am downright giddy about this Love that transcends the most glorious dream a man or woman can dream. Here are a few of the lyrics that might lighten your day: "We're an anchor for those who are hurting; and a harbor for those who are lost; Sometimes it's not always easy bearing Calvary's cross." You might need kleenex for this next part: "We've been ridiculed by those who don't know Him; and mocked by those who don't believe. Still, I love standing up for my Jesus, because of all He's done for me. That's why I am not ashamed of the gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ. No, I am not afraid to be counted, but I'm willing to give my life." There is so much more to this song testimony, but she sings, "A simple thanks just doesn't say how I'm feeling; I get tears in my eyes. So, as for me I'm going to keep right on believing, in the One who's been so faithful to me. This next verse is so powerful: "I'm not out to please this whole world around me; I've got my eyes on eternity. That's why I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!" This song is a sermon that will preach for all our lives. She goes on to belt out: "See, I'm ready to be all God wants me to be, I'll give up the wrong for the right." Well, it was not my intention to write so many of the lyrics, but this last part is my testimony as well: "I've got too much behind me to let this world blind me. Maybe, to some He's just a name, but to me He's my everything! I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!" Let those words marinate in your soul today. Keep the fire burning. Never let days pass when your gratitude is not front and center. Promulgate the gospel today; make it known; declare it in your heart and from your lips! We serve an awesome God; and His Son Jesus was the express image of Him as He walked the earth, lived, taught, was crucified and died for us on that old rugged cross. Any shame was carried by Jesus on our behalf. So, be bold and courageous as you share the greatest gift this world has ever known--Jesus, the Christ , Son of the Living God today. Just know that multitudes around the world stand with you. So, share, unabashedly; unashamedly; proudly; un- apologetically; humbly and with joy unspeakable and full of glory!!! I know, I will . God bless you today, as you go out with your soul soaring, because you are a child of the Most High God; and you get to call Him, Abba. God bless you, amen . Someone once said: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Keep on praying, keep on praising, God has a plan! YOU BELIEVED GOD FOR HEALING, BUT THEY DIED ANYWAY! Have you ever prayed fervently for a loved one who was sick in body or mind, only to watch them slip away? Is your faith shaken; or has anger at God seeped in? Sometimes, beloved, we who are born-again, dyed in the wool Christian believers, cannot understand why our prayers are not answered in the way we prayed. When the definitive answer of death becomes a reality; or when that person, if saved, is now with the Lord, all manner of thoughts and feelings can flood our souls. Not only death; but there are those who are afflicted even now with sickness, disease, a thorn in the side, or some malady that simply will not heal. No-one wants to talk about the frustration of praying and not seeing manifested healing because we're afraid of being called out as ones with little or dwindling faith. I wanted to say to all of us this morning, that God is Sovereign. He knows the plan for your loved one. And although He hears our prayers, the answer sometimes is: for whatever the reason, now is the time for that one to go to their eternal home. Acceptance can be hard, and the feelings of confusion or doubt need to be dealt with. See, the enemy of our souls would like to drive a wedge between us and God's unchanging love for us by making us doubt. The other thing the enemy has a PHD in is trying to convince us, through planting thoughts, ideas and suggestions in our heads, to believe that God does not hear our prayers. You see, the devil hates a praying saint, and loves a prayer-less one. He delights when we hesitate to pray. The truth is, God is sovereign. He sees the entire plan. The Bible says that His thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways not our ways! We need to be "modern day Job (s)"; to be just like the man who suffered loss that boggles the mind; loss that transcends imagination. And yet, he made the ultimate statement: "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." In other words, yet will I hope in Him. For me, I prayed for so many to live: my father, my sister, my brother, now, my mother as well (over many years), and they are all with Jesus. Yet, I must not forget the prayers for my own life, and prayers I've prayed for so many others throughout the years that were answered exceedingly. As a follower of Christ Jesus for over 45 years, I've had too many answered prayers to try to number them. God has fulfilled His promise time and time again to walk with me through the valley of the shadow of death. He has delivered me, and answered my prayers to deliver others, time and time again! Therefore, when the time comes that someone I love goes home to be with the Lord, I know that there is a blessing in it. For example: For one person I loved dearly, the sickness, I believe could have meant death long ago without the prayers of the righteous. But she lived to see her children grow up, and to see the birth and growth of her grand-children; God sustaining her through it all. And, in the recent example of my mother's transition, she was 95 years old, kept by God through incredible circumstances: widowed over 40 years ago; blessed to find love again and marry for another long time, and she was blessed to pray and praise Jesus for as long as I can remember. Yes, we prayed that she be healed for another sprint, but 95 years, serving God for most of it, represents a life overflowing with blessings! Today, my only thought is that mommy is with the Lord now: that she sees daddy; she sees her second husband, her children that went before her, and all the aunts and uncles that reached heaven through the years. What an awesome reunion of souls!!! So, as a wrap-up: I believe that when we pray, we're making the ultimate statement to God that we trust Him with our very lives. And, that we accept His decisions whether we hear them as yes, no, or wait. I truly believe many in the Body of Christ grapple with this sometimes perplexing subject; and there should be seminars taught in churches to unpack the command to pray; as well as our acceptance of answered prayer whether it be yes, no or wait. Although there are too many scriptures to count on this subject of faith and trust in the Lord's sovereignty, I leave you with Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering (for He is faithful that promised)”. So, pray beloved, without ceasing, and know beyond doubt that God hears you and answers every prayer. His answers are always based in love; and He always has the best interest of that person we're praying for, foremost in His heart. But at the end of the day, He is God; and God alone! Have an awesome day in the Lord! Pray about everything today, and worry about nothing! And prayerfully, I'll see you again in "Cynthia's Prayer Room". Love you; Cki. Walk in Your Calling! When God calls you, don't worry about what you bring to the table in the natural. God is the architect of our lives. He has it all mapped out, we simply need to yield to it. About 23 years ago, Marco and I began a journey with the Lord. An amazing Pastor saw something in us that we were not sure how to navigate at the time. In 2001, we were both ordained as Ministers and Evangelists, and we fought hard against the title out of misguided dilemmas about our own gifts. However, for years now, we have done the work of evangelists through our teachings, our website, and our published books. And, of course we are living the life that Christ Jesus ordained for us. Yesterday, in the middle of a noisy moment in my life, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me of the ordination by this wonderful woman of God, our mentor and friend, Pastor Gloria Cherry. This woman was a dynamo for God! Yesterday, as I communicated with her daughter, who is now Pastor of the church, she described her mother as a visionary; and for us that is definitely the truth! Our prayer is to continue to honor God's faith in us, as well as Pastor Cherry's faith in us, to do the work of ministry each day of our lives. And, to encourage others to walk in your calling. There is a wonderful phrase floating around, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." Let that sink in, and with holy boldness, walk in your calling. God also opens the doors. So, don't worry about the next opportunity, take care of the now! Run your race, keep the faith, and someday we'll see Jesus face to face. (2 Tim. 4:7; 1 Cor. 13:12). Today, we embrace all of what God designed for our lives. We receive the designation of Evangelists, as we continue to lift up the name of Jesus everywhere we go. To God be the glory for the great things He has done, and continues to do in all our lives! Have a wonderful day. God bless each one of you as you walk in your calling. Much love, Evangelists Marco and Cynthia Inniss. Grace is Extravagant; And So Are You! Life in the Kingdom of God is excessively awesome; magnificently crafted, beyond our ability to fully comprehend the mind of God! What an extravagant God we serve. The word extravagant means beyond reasonable expectation; more than is normally given; giving a gift that is uncharacteristically generous. Well, there will never be another gift that meets the above criteria like that of God giving His Son Jesus to save our souls!!! And, in order for us to receive this gift to the full, we must first accept it, truly accept it as our passport to freedom! There is a thing called sin that separates men and women from God. This sin thing was so insidious that God had to deal with it. I believe that in order to fully comprehend the benevolence and salvation of Grace, we must have an understanding of the horrific consequences of the sin that separated us from God. Sin is something that God hates. It corrupts the souls of men, and causes lives to often implode and even explode, rather than living lives of productivity. All of mankind suffered this same malady. Sin entered the Garden of Eden, and man was never the same again. Until, extravagance came in the person of Jesus. He was sent by God to live a life before men that exemplified the character of God Himself. The Bible tells us that Jesus was the "fullness of the Godhead bodily." But, we know that Jesus walked the dusty roads of earth as a man. He set aside deity to experience what we experience, temptations and all. Jesus was tempted in all points like us, yet He lived without sin! He demonstrated the power of Almighty God that flows through yielded men, by the power of the Holy Spirit! That same power is available today to all who accept the extravagant gift of Grace that broke the bonds of sin; and opened the door of access to God! Now, we read the precious words of Apostle Paul written in Romans 8, "What can separate us from the Love of God?" The answer he gives is an emphatic, nothing; nothing can separate us from the love of God, found in Christ Jesus! I hope you are dancing with joy, laughing with glee, singing songs of praise, because Grace has obliterated the heaviness of sin! Although sin still exists and still chases after the believer, Grace has given us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by a Loving God who calls us His own. The gift of Jesus keeps right on giving! Bless God, we are the recipients of this amazing love; this incredible power that surges throughout our minds and bodies, and of the hope of eternal life with God and Christ Jesus forever! Let's pray: Almighty, Creator God, who is our Father, thank You for the cross of Calvary. Thank You for Your plan of Salvation that is so extravagant. You gave the best that You had, Your precious Son, Jesus. We are so grateful for the obedience of Jesus, when He had the option to call legions of angels to rescue Him, He chose us; He chose the joy set before Him. We will not forget, as we go through our days and deal with trials and troubles, that You have made a way for us to tread on those issues and to tread on the adversary who is Satan. Thank You Jesus, that because of Your finished work, He is under our feet. So, we walk in the power of the resurrection today, maintaining the victory that Jesus won over 2,000 years ago: victory over sin; victory over principalities and powers, over rulers of darkness, and over spiritual wickedness in the high places! For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the plans and purposes of the enemy and his minions of evil. So, Father, today some will re-enlist in the army of the LORD; others will re-dedicate their lives to the cause of Christ, and I pray all of us will open the extravagant gift of Salvation every morning and exclaim: "Hello Jesus!" In the mighty, holy, almighty name of Jesus, the Anointed One, and in the power of His anointing I pray this prayer unto You, Lord God. Amen . Remember: "Grace is extravagant! Beautiful, talented, anointed men and women of God, there is tucked deep inside of you purpose and destiny. Never let go of your birthright, for He who has promised is faithful! Love always, Cki. Get out of the "Bondage" Zone!!! The Bible is full of wisdom. We are told that we can prosper and be in health the same as our souls prosper. So, what is the soul? The soul houses our mind, our will to do, and our emotions. As you can see, that's our "want-to," the seat of all your decision making. Why am I in this place, when I signed up for peace, joy, and prosperity in Jesus Christ? Well, there can be something called "inherent poverty" lurking just beneath the surface of your heart. In the past you always chalked up failures to other people. It's the government's fault; your parent's fault; a spouse. Somebody, somewhere put stumbling blocks in your way, hell-bent on keeping you from your inheritance in life. So, you came into the Kingdom searching for answers, but not exactly willing to surrender your mind, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit for cleansing. I am well aware of the struggle to let go, and let God! The struggle to give up the person-ality that I constructed, to allow God to show me who I am as He created me. We need a barometer for the soul! There are measuring tools for everything else: the weather; the stock market; for measuring the health of the financial world. So, if the Stock Market can measure the health of the financial markets, and a barometer for atmospheric pressure, then why not a measure for the soul? Well, 3rd John, 2 in the Holy Scriptures says: Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." So, you hold the key! Only you can submit your soul to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, so that the methods of the world can be changed to the methods of God! We hold our future in our hands. Someone made the famous statement that insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result. If we rise up each day, ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit to change and walk in the wisdom of God, we will go to bed each night the same, living life in futility. But God! God has laid out in His word all the wisdom we need to effect lasting change in our life. Just remember: You are right now prospering the same as your soul (mind, will and emotions) are prospering. So, if there is to be change, we must embrace the accounts of God leading His people out of different bondage situations (the most famous might be Egyptian bondage). Moses and the people began a journey from a poverty of spirit mentality to a reaping, expectant power of spirit mentality. And that is what God wants for all of us! There are some Moses (s) out here; there are some David (s) out here, and some Esther (s) out here, and numerous ministers-to-be out here. There are doctors-to be; sports players to-be, teachers to-be, out here. Persons who, from a yielded soul will impact the world for God. Persons whose lives can stretch, expand and grow to a place never before imagined. God is an awesome God! He created this day; He created us; He created everything good that exists, and He stands ready to develop His people into dynamic images of Christ Himself. It's all up to us. Will you surrender today and never turn back? Life out of the bondage zone, is what living is all about. It is God's heart-felt desire for me and for you! Allow this conversation to change how you view you, and how you view God's love for you. Let's pray: Father, we adore You this morning. We are grateful for Jesus and salvation. Thank You Father, that in this sometimes crazy world, we can fall back on Your love, knowing that You will catch us. Today, Father we comprehend the width, breadth, height, depth of Your love for us. Sending Your Son sealed it. Any reservations we might have had were resolved when we heard about the cross. We are persuaded, convinced that we can be more than we ever thought we could be because of the power of the cross. Father, today, I declare that I will never again settle for life in the bondage zone. I will submit my will to the Holy Spirit, and allow my mind to be transformed by the word of God. And, I will not look back, rehearsing old wounds, but I resolve to go forward to this new place of immediate riches, immediate favor, and immediate promotion , because access to You through salvation made all of this possible to me, right now, in Jesus' name. Amen . Remember, life outside the bondage zone does not mean we will never have another problem, but it does mean that we will view the problem in a different way. Our pastor for many years always said, "How you see the problem, is the problem." So, let's view the problems that come, through a new lens, colored by the power of the blood of Jesus! Let's walk in every promise from a God who cannot lie, and cannot fail! Let's show forth His praise in our lives, that He will be glorified. Let's keep the enemy under our feet where Jesus labored on the cross to put him. Let's walk in victory today, because Jesus the Christ prevailed so we can overcome every obstacle to happiness, joy and service in our lives. God bless you as you begin a new week. God loves you, and so do I. Love always, Cki. Inner Healing: Healing the Brokenhearted! As miraculous as it sounds, the inner man can be healed. The hurts that rule your life can exit your life in a holy instant. I feel some push-back at the thought that something you've carried in your heart for so many years can become a suddenly in the hands of God; but beloved, it can happen! My heart breaks for us when we carry hurts from childhood into adulthood, wearing them on our sleeves as some kind of trophy. We allow the past to control our now, when God stands ready to massage our hearts and get them going again. Many people (even Christians) today, turn to methods outside the church to find solace, not fully understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in their life. 10, 20 years on the couch can bring momentary relief, but why such a long time without a permanent solution for the pain? The answer is, the Holy Spirit. He is here for such a time as this in your life! The Holy Spirit works within you for free! And, His work is guaranteed. When you lay bare the pain or even open the door to allow the Holy Spirit to shine the light on the source of the pain, healing begins. We all accept that a broken bone can heal physically. But, have you ever noticed that the doctor doesn't just lay his hand on the bone to fuse it together or whatever is required? The doctor might show you the X-ray and explain the amount of time he believes it will take for the fracture or break to heal. But there is a super-natural component that he/she is just not capable of wielding, unless by and through the divine power of God. Well, there is a spiritual parallel here between physical and spiritual breaks: The same as there are physical fractures or breaks; there are spiritual or mental traumas that we experience along the way in life. We don't visit a doctor to find out how many years will pass before healing takes place in our souls. And even if we did, that person is only human, no matter how many degrees hang on the wall. That person is limited if they lack the Spirit of God moving within them or upon them to bring light and wisdom into the situation. The Holy Spirit can expose for you the source of your pain and touch it to make you whole. So, I submit to you this morning, that the only way to wholeness of the soul is through Jesus Christ's power. Jesus announced that the Spirit of God was upon Him, and one of the things He was charged with was healing the brokenhearted. This speaks of inner healing. Jesus depended on the power of the Holy Spirit (the power of God) to massage the heart to jump-start it and get it going again. What I'm saying this morning is that through us, through the ministers of God's salvation message, and through the dynamic and penetrating message of Grace that details God's depth of love for us all, we can be healed of past hurts! The hurts that define your life can be healed and made whole! This is vital because these hurts are a form of blockage that keep spiritual blood from flowing to the heart. God can provide a "holy by-pass" that will remove or flow in spite of scar tissue that's built up. Would you like to be free of old wounds? Would you like to experience new life without old pain? If so, let go and let God; stop hiding the pain, pushing it down, pretending it's not the driving force in your life. Give that thing to Jesus! Psalms 147:3: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." And; there is no charge! The love of God, the heart massage, all of it is free of charge, compliments of Jesus' death and resurrection on the cross! When Jesus cried out, "It is finished," from the high place of the cross, healing and wholeness were complete in Him. So, if you have allowed condemnation to keep you from entering the presence of God, from engaging the Holy Spirit, or even from receiving God's love through His ministers, let today be the day you walk in boldly; that you ask for, and receive the healing balm of Jesus' love. Let's pray: "Lord, I lift up my friend to You, asking You to reveal the source of all pain. Lord, we know that You already know the events of our lives, those that brought lasting pain. Father, as you massage his/her heart, help them to understand that unforgiveness is bondage; carrying hatred bottled up inside is bondage. Bondage becomes a stronghold. Father, I pray in this moment that strongholds are coming down. Persons are being refreshed, renewed and revived by the revelations of peace that can only come through the Holy Spirit revealing Your truth. So, Father, I pray that each one will come to understand that no matter what they've done in the past, repentance will bring forgiveness from You; and Father, You have promised to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. Therefore condemnation that justifies destructive behaviors can leave their lives completely. Thank You, Father, for this moment of liberation; this moment where freedom can enter the heart of anyone who is willing to leave behind the pain, the hurts that have held them captive for so long now. I thank You Father, for every healing that takes place here today: for every demonic spirit chased out; for every kernel of bitterness removed; and for every good thing the enemy stole restored. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen. I pray you are rejoicing, and I am rejoicing with you that today is the beginning of something magnificent in your life. T Today, you begin to reach your full potential because forgiveness of others and of self now flood your heart, freeing you to function without condemnation or bitterness, opening the flood-gates to new life and victory in Jesus Christ! Blessings always, Cki. Morning Light: Eternity is Real! Last night for some was not a breeze. Perhaps you had something on your heart that kept you awake. Even though you know how to pray, the words were stuck in the back of your throat. Well, God has given you another day to rejoice in. Because you have breath in your body, you can also have pep in your step; glide in your stride; it's all about choice. My days are not without problems in this world; trials and tribulations come many times even through associations. Maybe your life is just fine, but when you love people, you hurt when they hurt. What happens when the sun goes down on the life of a loved one; when you realize that on this side of heaven you will not hear the sound of laughter so familiar from that voice? Or, what happens when a marriage ends and you realize that never again will you share matters of the heart together; family events will never be the same again? Sounds sad? Well, today. we want to acknowledge the fact that life is a precious gift that God has wrapped up in anointing oil and given to each of us through the blood of Jesus. We want to remember that life is fleeting, that you might not have another year to get it right with those you love. And what about getting it right with God Himself, by receiving His Son Jesus and becoming a conduit for the Gospel message? The Bible says, "It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment." In other words, a time will surely come in everyone's life when life as we know it, on this planet, will cease. Christians who love like Jesus ache at the thought that someone you love might not receive Jesus as Savior and Lord; that eternal life will not be their reality. You see, heaven is a real place, beloved. Here's what Jesus said about it: "I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also." Once upon a time, someone wrote the following poignant lyrics from the point of view of one who is in heaven looking around for loved ones: "When I finally make it home, and I stand before the throne, just be there. When I look around to see, if you're standing next to me, just be there." Those lyrics are powerful! The visual the song evokes is so strong that it lights a fire under all of us to spread the Gospel message; and to love as Jesus loves. Let’s pray: Abba, Father, we’ve gathered together on this 23rd day of April, 2024, hungry and thirsty for Your word. Father, Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Father, You said, and I believe it, that we can approach the throne of Grace with boldness. You said, and I believe it, that we can ask what we will and when we believe without doubt, we shall have it. So, today, we ask that this fellowship will yield healing, growth, and development in our thinking; that joy will arise and replace any sadness or depression. Father, You promised that as we stand firm on Your word, that Your word shall not return unto You vain or void, but it will produce in our lives precisely what You intended. Father, You are an ever-present help in time of trouble. We ask You to be the source of resurrected hope and encouragement; let us all see Your love in action as we turn to You. Let our lives experience renewal, and complete restoration in every area of our lives.. We pray that through the move of Your Holy Spirit, each precious soul on this line will exchange mourning for joy; the spirit of heaviness for praise. Father, I thank You for those who are here, ready to absorb new revelation. We pray that the words we speak will be a catalyst for change, for moving forward in Christ Jesus. Tonight, I pray for all those whose loved ones have transitioned. Please Father, wrap the families in Your arms of love and comfort. Let Your peace pervade their hearts and minds, reminding them that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning light." Father, we ask all in the name above every name, the name of Jesus, the Christ, who was, and is, and is to come. In His name we pray; glory to God; amen. If you prayed that prayer with me today, your day has just taken a turn for the victorious. Watch as problems become opportunity; and sadness turns to joy, because you know (deep inside) in whom you have believed. Make it a good day by speaking the Word only over every situation you encounter! Love you, Cki . Hold Your Position! Spiritual Warfare is a whole other Subject; but it's worth it! When we speak of warring in the Spirit, the devil's ears perk up, because he knows what's coming! The whole scheme of the devil is to keep the mouth of God's children closed through whatever means necessary. Mind games, temptations, and ego manipulations, anything that will take our eyes off of God and His majestic character and holiness. See, this world is not anchored in the word of God. You can see by the mess man has created that he is looking at things through a different lens. There are things happening today on the political scene, and even in backyards where we shake our heads in wonderment that something so vile could ever be acceptable in our culture. Well, to those who read and believe the Bible is the word of God, the answer is clear, that man will never know peace, true love, or comfort until knees bow. So, today, we pray a prayer of warfare. We are bold and courageous as we declare and decree the promises of God! God's promises are the only "yes, and amen" in existence. God's word is more solid than Fort Knox where gold is stored! Let's pray: Father, we thank You for the privilege of prayer. To be able to cast our cares upon You is more precious than all the gold and silver, because You care for us. Father, we thank You for the power and the authority to war in the Spirit. We thank You that our fight is the good fight of faith. That we wrestle not against people, but against the wicked one and his battalion of evildoers. Thank You Father, that we have salvation on our tongues; death and life are in the power of our tongues, therefore we speak life to our life now, by speaking the powerful words of healing and deliverance that You have provided us. Today, O Lord God, we will not walk in darkness (make it personal), we will not stumble, and we will never fall without rebounding! Father, today, I decree and declare that I am the head and never the tail; that I will rise victoriously over every enemy and over those who will try to confound me. I declare and decree that when the wicked try to eat up my flesh, they will stumble and fall. I stand in the power of Your word, therefore I declare that it shall be well with me and my family. Father, I declare over my body and over all those in my sphere, that our bodies will line up with Your creative plan for every cell and every system, that they will line up with the intent of God, functioning in accordance with Your divine plan. Father, we go forth in holy boldness, declaring and decreeing that we are victorious, overcoming warriors, who face this day with peace in our hearts and joy on our lips, for You have made us glad. In the powerful and precious name of Jesus we pray, amen and amen. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Love you, Cki. Let's Pray the Bible! I'm calling today, "Sanctified Sunday!" A day set aside for simplified prayer; prayers that emanate from the core of our hearts, and that line up with the promises of God. You know, there are many who struggle with prayer, thinking that the whole thing is just too hard for them. I am currently working on a new book called: "The Unsophistication of Prayer," which examines the reluctance of those who view prayer as a tedious task requiring a soliloquy full of pompous or pretentious thoughts and ideas, to pray. The truth of the matter is that God wants to hear from our hearts. He loves us enough that through Jesus, He gave us a pattern to use for our prayers. But there is also space there to be you, communing with God, speaking to Him and listening for His answers. In addition to what is referred to as "The Lord's Prayer, there are so many other scriptures that we can pray, that allow us to learn how to think like God, and to pray His promises back to Him. Yes, right there in Scripture are numerous prayers, such as Numbers 6:24-26. Imagine praying this often used benediction as a prayer: Father, I ask You to bless me and my family, and to keep us. Father, make Your face shine down upon us, continue to be gracious to us. Father, lift up Your countenance upon us, and grant us Your peace. In Jesus' precious name, I pray, Amen . We have asked God in earnest; and with simplicity, to fulfill His promises to us and our families (and you can broaden your scope as much as you desire in that moment: my church group, my co-workers, etc.). You have asked God to fill those you are praying for with peace that surpasses understanding; and for the presence of God to permeate their lives. Those are blessings from God that we, by faith, appropriate. And that's just one prayer; there are many! Here's one from Psalm 19 that is so powerful. You see, sin and repentance will never go away in this life; we must always ask God to help us deal with sin. The word of God tells us that sin has consequences, no matter who commits it. Therefore, we must be sober and vigilant, because we have an adversary who is roaming about; I say he is salivating, hoping to devour us! So, we pray: Father, I love You so much; I desire to live according to Your precepts. I recognize they were given to me to protect me and to keep me from harm. Father, I praise You in this moment, for You, O Lord, reveal Yourself to us constantly, through creation and through Your word. Your word, Father, is a lamp to my feet and a light to my pathway. Your word, Father, revives my soul; rejoices my heart, enlightens my eyes and is greater than gold and sweeter than honey. Father, keep me from willful sins. Do not let them have dominion over me. Help me, by Your Holy Spirit to walk blameless and upright. Let the words of my mouth, Father, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, for You are my rock, my strength, and my redeemer. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. There is what I call "night seasons" in our lives, times when we are confronting fear and we need relief. Psalm 91 is definitely the place to go to confirm God's promise and power of protection over His children. Let's pray: Jehovah Jireh (Provider); Jehovah Shalom (God of Peace); I worship You now. I thank You that though You created it all, You chose to bring me into the circle of love with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and for that I am forever grateful. Father, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me in this hour. You bring me comfort and guidance. So, today/tonight as I fight the good fight of faith against all the noises coming at me from the enemy, I shall not fear, but remember that You did not give me a spirit of fear, but Father, You gave me power, love and a sound mind. As I walk in the constant reinforcement of Your promise, I give this troubling situation to You, and I will not pick it up again. I count it as done because of the promises of the blood of Jesus. Thank You Lord, for Your loving sacrifice of Your Son to bring me life everlasting. I am walking in the power of the resurrection and I will not entertain renegade thoughts that do not line up with Your word. Father, tonight, I will enjoy sweet sleep, because Your promises are yes and amen to the believer. Lord, I believe! In Jesus' name I pray and ask all blessings, amen and amen. As pointed out above, there are numerous prayers in the Bible that can be a great help to us when we pray. Psalm 23 is legend. Let's look at one way to pray within that Psalm: YAHWEH, what a mighty God You are! No wonder the angels cry, holy, holy holy. You are my best friend and my Shepherd. You have given me a resting place inside Your luxurious love. You restore my soul Father, Your mercies are new every morning, Your faithfulness is great. Father, I desire to bring honor to Your name. Teach me Your precepts by the power of Your Holy Spirit. No matter where my path takes me, through a valley of the deepest darkness, fear will not overwhelm me. I walk in Your authority and truth. Father, You have become my delicious feast. When my enemies dare to fight, You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of You until my cup runs over. Father, You have promised that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and that I will dwell in Your house forever. Thank You Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Son, my Lord and Savior , I pray, amen . There are too many scriptures to count that we can pray. We personalize them, keeping them in line with God's word. And, we include our fears, our problems, and we never forget to praise and give thanks for the richness of the Word of God, and for our delight in having access to the throne-room of grace. In Jesus name we pray, and continue on this course of strengthening our relationship with our Father. May God bless each of you, and may prayer time become the best time. Love you, Cki. Praying against Cancer To God be the glory! This is early morning, prayer time; the best kind. When the enemy tries to interrupt our sleep; or, when God's Holy Spirit awakes us gently to pray; we make the most of it! We're praying against cancer this morning, all cancers. As the world seeks the cure for this deadly disease, we know that we have found the cure, it is found in the Name of Jesus. The cure was uncovered at the cross. Let us pray: Jehovah Rapha, our healer, we call upon You once again as we come against cancer. Glorious Father, You are our Healer and Your word declares healing is the children's bread; that by the stripes (wounds) of Jesus we were healed. So, Father, by the authority of the Name of Jesus, we decree that all forms and types of cancer within the bodies of Your people will no longer have dominion. We command cancers of every kind to wither and dry up, in the Name of Jesus. We declare these cancers (breast cancer; bladder cancer; cancer of the kidney; cancers considered terminal: pancreatic cancers; prostate cancers; cancers of the stomach or lymph nodes null and void. We curse every name named that would try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. We declare all cancers to be interlopers; no longer on ground that will yield to them. We cancel the devil's assignment to destroy their bodies. We declare that all malignant and abnormal cells are dying, no longer dividing or spreading within the body In Jesus' name, Father, we place our trust in You who created worlds out of nothing. Therefore, Jehovah Rapha, we declare life and restoration into their bodies, now, in Jesus mighty name; the Name above all names. By faith, we declare complete and total healing of their immune system. We come against fear, declaring that You are their light and their salvation; therefore they will not be afraid. Let fear fail in the face of faith. Father, let sweet sleep descend upon those battling cancer as faith arises within their hearts. We look forward to testimony after testimony of the goodness of God as Your people are healed. To You, O Lord, be all the praise, all the honor, and all of the glory, amen. Let us Pray It's prayer time! So, let us join hands together spiritually, and enter boldly before the throne of God as children of the Most High God who are qualified by the blood of Jesus that covers us: Father, we bless Your holy name today. We praise You Father, for You are Elohim, creator of all things, judge of all men. You are the God who is all-sufficient; El Shaddai. You are our Jehovah God: the God of peace (Jehovah Shalom); the God of provision (Jehovah Jireh); our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu); the God who heals us (Jehovah Rapha). We have come to receive every blessing today made possible through the blood of Jesus. Father, we pray that Your glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Let Your glory fill this place; fill these temples Lord with Your Spirit. Father, thank You for Jesus, for our Savior and LORD. Jesus died that we might have life and that more abundantly. Jesus arose that we might live. Jesus arose that we might arise. Father, by Your Spirit, help us to be strong and mighty through the strength of Jesus. Help us to open our eyes to our new estate as ambassadors of the Most High God. That we might be the eyes and ears of Jesus on earth; that we might be the hands of Jesus, touching those who are hurting, those who are sick and seeing healing manifest in each life. Father, we accept that we are the Body of Christ, and as we work in tandem, on one accord, Your purpose will be done on earth same as in heaven. Thank You Father, that You have fully equipped Your people to command our mornings, to set our agendas according to Your directions. As we go forth into our diverse workplaces and other pursuits, let us be ever mindful of Your grace, of Your mercy towards us, and of the mandate You've given us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Hallelujah, Father! We expect to see blind eyes open; deaf ears unstopped, new hearts, new livers, new kidneys, cells cleansed and renewed. We fully expect to see Your Kingdom in operation throughout this world. So, Father, let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord You are our strength and our redeemer. In Jesus' name, we pray, thank You Lord God, amen . "Jesus, full of grace and truth; we want to be like Him." "God is interested in construction, not destruction! Glory to God! What an awesome privilege to join you in Cynthia's Prayer Room, where Jesus is LORD. I pray everyone is having a most blessed day as you encounter the King of Kings and Lord of Lords today. There's a song on my heart this morning, especially the CeCe Winans version of: "Goodness of God," where the lyrics speak of God's constant presence; His faithfulness; that He has been so, so good throughout life. That's a truth that cannot be disputed. Our God is benevolent; He is our sustenance; He is our provider, protector and our guide. And, with all that in mind, how can anything take place except restoration? There is a deconstruction that is necessary in the life of the believer. It is a deconstruction or breaking down and demolishing the "old man" or the old thought system we operated under while walking in sin. The mind of the Spirit operating in the soul is the goal. God wants to build us up into lively stones. 1st Peter, chapter 2, verse 5 tells us: "You also, as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." So, no matter what you've been through, God can restore, renew and rebuild. Yes, God knows everything; He knows the scars, the battle wounds, the broken places within us. He is the Omniscient One who knows how to put every broken piece back where it belongs. The end result is that beauty will arise from ashes, more beautiful than ever before. The oil of joy can replace mourning if we'll open our hands and let go of past hurts. But we must draw near to God in the midst of our pain; in the good times and in the not so good times. James 4:8: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." Remember the old song, "What a Fellowship"? The song-writer says, "I have peace of mind with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms." Lean on Him today, God is able to withstand every weight. Our Jesus died to empower us to walk without bondage. But it will take constantly abiding in His presence to see that peace manifested in your life. Let's pray: Heavenly Father, we love You this morning; we adore You; we magnify and honor Your holy name. Father, today I pray for restoration in the lives of everyone hearing this prayer. I pray that divine healing will take place whether physical, mental or spiritual. Father, restore joy to that one who is hurting as they draw nigh to You in faith. Let them know, Father, that You are the God that heals; help them to realize the power in the blood of Jesus to break every chain of bondage including sickness and disease. Let forgiveness reign supreme in our lives as we jettison every ounce of un-forgiveness from our minds and our hearts. We love You, Father, and our hearts are forever inclined towards You, to live life according to Your precepts to receive the blessings of the Lord right here in the land of the living. Father, we ask all blessings in the Name that is above every name, the precious Name of Jesus the Christ, Son of the living God. In His name we pray and agree together, amen and amen . Now, beloved, go and be exceedingly blessed. Allow this prayer to change your direction, to strengthen you and to deliver you from any bondage, any other thing not of God. Make it a great day! Cki. "Healing is the children's Bread" Good day everyone! I bless the name of the LORD today and every day. Some days are sweeter than others, but each day is the day created by God and we should rejoice and be glad in it. For anyone who is challenged to praise and rejoice today, I just wanted to remind you that you are blessed; you are healed (the healed of God protecting what Jesus died to bring you). You have the breath of God in your lungs; your heart is beating signifying life; therefore, no matter what is happening around you, God has chosen to let you see another day in this earth realm. There were so many who did not awaken to this new day. There are wars and rumors of wars; tragedy at Halloween parties, wars in the middle east; and there are a host of other things to worry about if you choose worry over joy. The Bible tells us that joy is important to the believer: that the joy of the LORD (not just any old artificial joy) is our strength. So, today, let's resolve to open our spiritual eyes and to see through that lens, rather than the physical eyes that see sadness and turmoil. It's a choice that every day we have to make. LORD, we see Your glory everywhere: in nature, in the waters and seas, in the eyes of those we encounter each day. Help us to always see through the proper lenses; to see the beauty and the value of creation. Thank You for the cross of Calvary Father, and for the obedience of Your Son who died for us. No love like that will we ever know from any other source. So, we bless You LORD; our souls cry out Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who cleansed us and removed our sin. This is a debt we can never repay Father, but we can surrender our lives to You, to do Your work. Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth. In gratitude and love, we ask all blessings in the name of Jesus, amen and amen . "AN OPEN DOOR IN 2024!" Prayer changes things. It is the key to the open door of blessings. God has lavishly poured out the ultimate blessing upon every person who will accept it. Jesus died for our sins, to redeem us, to set us free, and to reconcile us to God once again. Now, God has placed in our hands the key to bringing those things that we desire according to the will of God for our lives into manifestation. How? We pray and believe! We begin by praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Today, I want to move away from philosophical discussions or debates and say simply that we need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit in order to walk in full manifestation of the power of ministry. Also, to walk in the power of stability in our own lives. Prayer: Lord, thank You for this empowerment, I will embrace the Holy Spirit as my power source. We have received power to witness now that the Holy Spirit has come upon us. All the healing power, the deliverance power we so desperately crave, it's all found in this holy baptism. Father, I pray for power to walk right, to talk right and to live lives that are pure and holy, tried and true before You in 2024. I pray that everyone agreeing with this prayer will decide that this year is the year of consecration. A year where everything You promised in Your word, Lord God, is made manifest in our lives. In Jesus' holy name I pray and believe that we, each one, shall receive Holy Ghost power. In Jesus' name I pray, amen and amen. I love each of you with all of my heart, and desire that we touch the heights of God's great salvation this year! "To God be the glory for the great things He has done!" All my Love, Cki. "Free to be healed" Glory, glory, glory to God! What an awesome God we serve! Our God sent His Son Jesus from heaven to earth to bring us back into fellowship with Him. And, not only fellowship, but through the blood of Jesus, shed for us at Calvary, the door was opened wide for us to become the Sons of God. Now, God calls us His children; He calls us friend. We are reconciled to Him! Jesus dying on the cross set us free from the sin and condemnation we faced as sinners. Today, that same blood that flowed from His body has washed us clean and brought healing to our hearts and to our bodies. So, let's pray and thank God for His healing power that flows through us even now, filling us with wholeness and divine health not available outside the Kingdom of God. Let's pray: Father, we thank You for Your word that informs us that by the stripes of Jesus we were healed. Those words are the sound of freedom. Man cannot guarantee wholeness, but You can Father. Man cannot through his own strength or reasoning promise to deliver us from an unbroken state to walking in divine health. only You can promise that and deliver Father. So, today, we lift Your name on high, for You have declared that You are the God that heals us. Father, we know that Your word is truth; that You are not a man that You should lie; we know Father, that if You promise, You will bring that thing to pass in our lives. So, we reach out our hands to receive all that Jesus died to secure for us. We employ faith to believe that every promise in the Bible is ours; and that every promise is yes and amen to the believer. We thank You Father that by Your power and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, we are believers and not doubters, therefore able to see that thing You promised come to pass in our lives. Father, again we give thanks for all that You've done in our lives; for all that You are doing; and for all You will continue to do as we yield to Your sovereignty. It is in the name of Your precious Son Jesus, the One who came to earth, lived and demonstrated Your love and power; and then died to rise again, that we pray and ask all blessings. Amen "Women are a Unique Treasure" "But we know we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God , and not of us." 2 Cor. 4:7 I want to pray for the women of God this morning. I want you to know that you are precious to God, more so than the greatest, most expensive gold or silver. God has crowned you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; He has crowned you with favor which surrounds you like a shield. God desires to shine through your life so that His glory is seen throughout the earth. So, woman of God let your light shine bright before the world; don't doubt the gift God has tucked safely within you. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and daughters." Romans 8:19 Will you be one of them? Will you be the one to show forth God's praise; to unveil Jesus to the world through your life? I pray that the answer is a resounding yes! LORD, I will shine the light of Jesus into dark places where the Word has not yet been heard. Use me in Your service LORD, amen and amen. As we pray this prayer together in agreement, I believe heaven hears us and God's power to do is being poured out upon us as we speak. So, have an awesome day in the LORD, and I hope to see you soon, and to hear your testimonies. "God is moving, by His Spirit!; get in the flow!" Much love, Cki.

  • 101 Healing Scriptures | My Site

    101 Healing Scriptures These scriptures in the Bible are promises for the healing of our soul and body. They provide great benefits when we speak them forth daily. It's like taking your medicine (Gos-pills) every day, even three times a day! Try beginning each promise with, “God said.” I pray they bless you, mightily! Old Testament God said… 1) I am the Lord that healeth thee (Ex. 15:26). 2) Your days shall be one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3). 3) You shall be buried in a good old age (Gen. 15:15). 4) You shall come to your grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season (Job 5:26). 5) When I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you (Ex. 12:13). 6) I will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill (Ex. 23: 25, 26). 7) I will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you, but I will take all sickness away from you (Deut. 7:15). 8) It will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth (Deut. 11:9,21). 9) I turned the curse into a blessing unto you, because I loved you (Deut. 23:5 and Neh. 13:2). 10) I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague (Deut. 28:61 and Gal. 3:13). 11) As your days, so shall your strength be (Deut. 33:25). 12) I have found a ransom for you, your flesh shall be fresher than a child’s and you shall return to the days of your youth (Job 33:24, 25). 13) I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave; I have kept you alive from going down into the pit (Ps. 30:1, 2). 14) I will give you strength and bless you with peace (Ps. 29:11). 15) I will preserve you and keep you alive (Ps. 41:2). 16) I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing; I will turn all your bed in your sickness (Ps. 41:3). 17) I am the health of your countenance and your God (Ps.43: 5). 18) No plague shall come near your dwelling (Ps. 91:10). 19) I will satisfy you with long life (Ps. 91:16). 20) I heal all your diseases (Ps. 103:3). 21) I sent My word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions (Ps. 107:20). 22) You shall not die, but live, and declare My works (Ps. 118:17). 23) I heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds (Ps. 147:3). 24) The years of your life shall be many (Pr. 4:10). 25) Trusting Me brings health to your navel and marrow to your bones (Pr. 3:8). 26) My words are life to you, and health/medicine to all your flesh (Pr. 4:22). 27) (My) good report makes your bones fat (Pr. 15:30). 28) (My) pleasant words are sweet to your soul and health to your bones (Pr. 16:24). 29) My joy is your strength. A merry heart does good like a medicine (Neh. 8:10; Pr. 17:22). 30) The eyes of the blind shall be opened. The eyes of them that see shall not be dim (Isa. 32:3; 35:5). 31) The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The ears of them that hear shall hearken (Isa. 32:3; 35:5). 32) The tongue of the dumb shall sing. The tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly (Isa. 35:6; 32:4). 33) The lame man shall leap as a hart (Isa. 35:6). 34) I will recover you and make you to live. I am ready to save you (Isa. 38:16, 20). 35) I give power to the faint. I increase strength to them that have no might (Isa. 40:29). 36) I will renew your strength. I will strengthen and help you (Isa. 40:31; 41:10). 37) To your old age and gray hairs I will carry you and I will deliver you (Isa. 46:4). 38) I bore your sickness (Isa. 53:4). 39) I carried your pains (Isa. 53:4). 40) I took sickness for you (Isa. 53:10). 41) With My stripes you are healed (Isa. 53:5). 42) I will heal you (Isa. 57:19). 43) Your light shall break forth as the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily (Isa. 58:8). 44) I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds saith the Lord (Jer. 30:17). 45) Behold I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure you, and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth (Jer. 33:6). 46) I will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick (Eze.34:16). 47) Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live. And I shall put My Spirit in you and you shall live (Eze. 37:5,14). 48) Whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live. They shall be healed and every thing shall live where the river comes (Eze. 47:9). 49) Seek Me and you shall live (Amos 5:4, 6). 50) I have arisen with healing in My wings (beams) (Mal. 4:2). New Testament 51) I will, be thou clean (Mt. 8:3). 52) I took your infirmities (Mt. 8:17). 53) I bore your sicknesses (Mt. 8:17). 54) If you’re sick you need a physician. (I am the Lord your physician) (Mt. 9:12 & Ex.15:26). 55) I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I heal them (Mt. 14:14). 56) I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 4:23). 57) According to your faith, be it unto you (Mt. 9:29). 58) I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 10:1 & Lk. 9:1). 59) I heal them all (Mt. 12:15 & Heb. 13:8). 60) As many as touch Me are made perfectly whole (Mt. 14:36). 61) Healing is the children’s bread (Mt. 15:26). 62) I do all things well. I make the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak (Mk. 7:37). 63) If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mk. 9:23; 11:23, 24). 64) When hands are laid on you, you shall recover (Mk. 16:18). 65) My anointing heals the brokenhearted, and delivers the captives, recovers sight to the blind, and sets at liberty those that are bruised (Lk. 4:18; Isa. 10:27; 61:1). 66) I heal all those who have need of healing (Lk. 9:11). 67) I am not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them (Lk. 9:56). 68) Behold, I give you authority over all the enemy’s power and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Lk. 10:19). 69) Sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today (Lk. 13:16 & II Cor. 6:2). 70) In Me is life (Jn. 1:4). 71) I am the bread of life. I give you life (Jn. 6:33, 35). 72) The words I speak unto you are spirit and life (Jn. 6:63). 73) I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly (Jn. 10:10). 74) I am the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25). 75) If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn. 14:14). 76) Faith in My name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness (Acts 3:16). 77) I stretch forth My hand to heal (Acts 4:30). 78) I, Jesus Christ, make you whole (Acts 9:34). 79) I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). 80) My power causes diseases to depart from you (Acts 19:12). 81) The law of the Spirit of life in Me has made you free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). 82) The same Spirit that raised Me from the dead now lives in you and that Spirit will quicken your mortal body (Rom. 8:11). 83) Your body is a member of Me (I Cor. 6:15). 84) Your body is the temple of My Spirit and you’re to glorify Me in your body (I Cor. 6:19, 20). 85) If you’ll rightly discern My body which was broken for you, and judge yourself, you’ll not be judged and you’ll not be weak, sickly or die prematurely (I Cor. 11:29-31). 86) I have set gifts of healing in My body (I Cor. 12:9). 87) My life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh (II Cor. 4:10, 11). 88) I have delivered you from death, I do deliver you, and if you trust Me I will yet deliver you (II Cor. 1:10). 89) I have given you My name and have put all things under your feet (Eph. 1:21, 22). 90) I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth. (Eph. 6:3). 91) I have delivered you from the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13). 92) I will deliver you from every evil work (II Tim. 4:18). 93) I tasted death for you. I destroyed the devil who had the power of death. I’ve delivered you from the fear of death and bondage (Heb. 2:9, 14, 15). 94) I wash your body with pure water (Heb. 10:22; Eph. 5:26). 95) Lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees. Don’t let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let Me heal it (Heb. 12:12, 13). 96) Let the elders anoint you and pray for you in My name and I will raise you up (Jas. 5:14, 15). 97) Pray for one another and I will heal you (Jas. 5:16). 98) By My stripes you were healed (I Pet. 2:24). 99) My Divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Me (II Pet. 1:3). 100) Whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely (Rev. 22:17). 101) Beloved, I wish above all things that you may…be in health (III Jn. 2). READ & RE-READ UNTIL YOU BELIEVE THAT IT IS GOD'S WILL TO HEAL

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