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  • Published Books | My Site

    Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace. NOW AVAILABLE Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace. Our Published Books Cynthia Inniss’ powerful ministry in the written word has encouraged and transformed many Christians globally. Her readers gain a greater understanding of God’s word and are increasingly empowered to express their beliefs and to proclaim boldly, that Jesus is Lord. Cynthia is a graduate of Troy University and an ordained Evangelist with several books to her credit, such as Dancing With the Red Thread, From Poverty to Power, A Warrior’s Quest, and Cruising Through Life With Grace.

  • Christian Books | Marco And Cynthia's Place

    HELLO Passion Makes Perfect We started our Site to offer readers a glimpse into our thoughts, experiences, and the sharing of God's word as it was revealed to us. What started as weekly posts has evolved into a dynamic site packed with information about biblical topics near and dear to our hearts. Take some time to explore the blog and the various elements of the site. Read on and enjoy! This is Cynthia I am a member of the baby boomer Generation and was born in Rome, Georgia. After graduating from Main High, I attended nursing school at Berry College for about a year and a half. I later entered the U.S. Air Force. Where I served for 8 years. After leaving the Air Force in 1980, I remained a military wife and lived in Panama for three years. During this period, I completed a degree, earning a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Troy University, Troy, Alabama. My husband of 49 years and I serve as discipleship instructors for seniors and teachers of the gospel. As an ordained minister and evangelist since May 2001, I am the author of several published Christian-themed books. Writing, traveling, and learning new languages are my passions. This is Marco Born in the city of Colon in the Republic of Panama, he immigrated to the United States in 1960, at the age of 12 years old, to reunite with his mother who had immigrated to the United States two years before. He attended middle school in Brooklyn New York at John Marshall JHS 210 and later attended High School at Boy’s High School. Graduating from high school in 1966, he attended Howard University in Washington, D.C. where he graduated in 1970 with a BA in History and also was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Air Force. He later attended Ball State University, where he earned a master’s degree in Public Administration, with a course study in Executive Development for Public Service. He served in the United States Air Force as a commissioned officer in the intelligence career field, where he retired after 20 years of uniformed service. He later entered the civil service, serving at the Defense Intelligence Agency and the United States Special Operations Command in various capacities as an intelligence officer for an additional 19 years. After 39 years of federal service, he retired in Florida. An ordained minister and evangelist since May 2001, he now travels, studies, and teaches, works as a website manager, and publishes Christian books written by his wife, and himself. i284289739530789357._szw1280h1280_ 252252_472410379452033_2061293065_n marco and cynthia 1976_edited_edited_edited_edited_edited i284289739530789357._szw1280h1280_ 1/14 Book signing IMG_20240121_110252_624_edited 4972207507506883545 Book signing 1/25 Cynthia's interview 97.7 the Beat Natchez Ms. 00:00 / 19:12 New Book Coming Soon In a world filled with uncertainty and fear, God has provided us with powerful tools to live victoriously. This book delves into the transformative power of prayer, revealing it as a strategic method for connecting with the Father, overcoming challenges, and fueling a vibrant Kingdom life. Discover the privilege of instant access to God and learn how to use this gift to walk strong and without fear. What Is Love? The biblical picture of love can differ wildly from how the world defines it. Be set aright and encouraged by these verses and commentary... How to Pray and Hear Back from God God’s Response to Us I first heard Handel’s Messiah performed live in college. My knowledge of the oratorio went as far as this: it’s... How and Where the NT Authors Reaffirm the Ten Commandments (Except One) The New Testament Authors Reaffirm All of the Ten Commandments (except the Sabbath Commandment) The Ten Commandments are found in Exodus... Subscribe Form Join Thanks for subscribing! LET’S CONNECT Name Email Subject Message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Reading The Bible | My Site

    Infographic Reading the Bible.pdf

  • Bible Study Outline | My Site

    BIBLE STUDY OUTLINE Old Testament Outlines Outline of Genesis | PDF Outline of Exodus | PDF Outline of Leviticus | PDF Outline of Numbers | PDF Outline of Deuteronomy | PDF Outline of Joshua | PDF Outline of Judges | PDF Outline of Ruth | PDF Outline of 1 Samuel | PDF Outline of 2 Samuel | PDF Outline of 1 Kings | PDF Outline of 2 Kings | PDF Outline of 1 Chronicles | PDF Outline of 2 Chronicles | PDF Outline of 2 Chronicles (detailed) | PDF Outline of Ezra | PDF Outline of Nehemiah | PDF Outline of Esther | PDF Outline of Job | PDF Outline of Psalms | PDF Outline of Proverbs | PDF Outline of Ecclesiastes | PDF Song of Solomon Outline | PDF Outline of Isaiah | PDF Outline of Jeremiah | PDF Outline of Lamentations | PDF Outline of Ezekiel | PDF Outline of Daniel | PDF Outline of Hosea | PDF Outline of Joel | PDF Outline of Amos | PDF Outline of Obadiah | PDF Outline of Jonah | PDF Outline of Micah | PDF Outline of Nahum | PDF Outline of Habakkuk | PDF Outline of Zephaniah | PDF Outline of Haggai | PDF Outline of Zechariah | PDF Another Outline of Zechariah | PDF Outline of Malachi | PDF All Bible Book Outlines PDF New Testament Outlines Outline of Matthew | PDF Outline of Mark | PDF Outline of Luke | PDF Outline of John | PDF Outline of Acts | PDF Outline of Romans | PDF Outline of 1 Corinthians | PDF Outline of 2 Corinthians | PDF Outline of Galatians | PDF Outline of Ephesians | PDF Outline of Philippians | PDF Outline of Colossians | PDF Outline of 1 Thessalonians | PDF Outline of 2 Thessalonians | PDF Outline of 1 Timothy | PDF Outline of 2 Timothy | PDF Outline of Titus | PDF Outline of Philemon | PDF Outline of Hebrews | PDF Outline of James | PDF Outline of 1 Peter | PDF Outline of 2 Peter | PDF Outline of 1 John | PDF Outline of 2 John | PDF Outline of 3 John | PDF Outline of Jude | PDF Outline of Revelation | PDF All Bible Book Outlines PDF

  • Cynthia's Prayer Room | My Site

    WELCOME TO CYNTHIA'S PRAYER ROOM! We serve an awesome God who is always on our side! Because of His mercy and His grace, those in Christ Jesus are Most Blessed! Here in Cynthia's Prayer Room we delight in going before the throne of Grace to commune with Our Father, and to receive strength for the day ahead. Join me as we touch heaven! THE PRIVILEGE OF PRAYER My prayer is a weapon! Make no mistake about it; speaking with the Most, Most High God is a privilege that occupies great space in my heart and mind. Fill me up Father. Let Your glory become the air I breathe and the water I drink. Father, help me; make me a house of prayer. I receive today, the infilling of the Holy Spirit. Again and again, I collect Your wisdom as one who collects falling rain to drink. My soul longs to meet You in a private place. Your personal messages to me are priceless, they fill me up to the brim and prepare me to witness. Today, I must put aside all worldliness in exchange for moments of Grace in Your presence, for in Your presence is fullness of joy. And to think, this is not all You have for me. Someday, there will be a fulfillment of every promise. Life eternal with You. Moments that last for all eternity. Sometimes I think it’s too much Lord. This Grace is too much! But You assure me that I qualify; I do not have to jump through hoops to receive this great Salvation; it’s free to a receiving home! Father, thank You for making Your home in me. Although this Gift is more than I could ever ask, think or imagine, I receive it! Like the mother whose child presents them with a new car or their first home, free of charge, and the mother protests, “Son, this is too much for me.” I march into Grace, with my arms wide open, ready to drink it all in; to marinate in, to soak in, to immerse myself in Your astonishing, wonderful, life-giving word. Your word, Father, has changed my very existence from sadness to joy; from defeat to victory. Challenges everywhere abound in this labyrinth of human existence, but, You, Father have made me glad. I have emerged from the dung-heaps of life, to a place of trumpeting the Word of the Master of heaven and earth. All of Your children are trumpets, Father. We herald the Gospel message as the town crier did all those years ago. We proclaim Your word morning, noon and night. Over breakfast, we thank You for every blessing; at noon-day, we shout hallelujah over our lunch for all to hear; and then O Lord God, at dinner time we reflect over the blessings of the day, and they are always many. We began with Your breath in our lungs, and we ended the day with that same breath praising You for Your mighty acts and Your excellent greatness so evident throughout the day. And, finally, as we lay our heads on the pillow at night, we cannot help praying that final prayer of the day, the one that screams: Thank-you Lord God for every mountain You supernaturally transported us over; for every hard task that through adversityYou somehow engineered a victory for us; and special thanks Lord, for every person we met that received from us the spillover, from our time spent in Your presence. We spoke a word today to someone, that we heard whispered to us in that quiet place. We touched someone who was hungry; we prayed for someone who was lost or someone missing a loved one who transitioned. We were Your hands and feet today Father, and for that we are so grateful! Now, O Lord God, as I close my eyes to sleep, I am still available for sweet dreams, prophetic utterances that reveal Jesus more clearly; and dreams that prophesy my destiny. Lord, I am listening! So, Father, I give You all of the honor, all the glory; because all power and majesty belongs to You. Guide my steps today. Let Your anointing flow within me so that others will be blessed. My every prayer is to receive from You non-perishable gifts; treasures I lay up in heaven that are incorruptible. And, as I receive, like a distribution conduit, I will spread seed wherever You lead me, Blessed Holy Spirit. Use me in Your service Lord. Father, may the words of my mouth and these meditations of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, for You are my strength and my redeemer. I sing unto You a new song; and make a joyful noise unto You, the Rock of my salvation; and I pray that all the earth will join me and sing praises, amen. MY PRAYER IS A WEAPON!!! Quote of the day : "The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm." Today, I whispered back, "I am the storm!" (Powered by the Holy ghost!). The enemy is real; but God is realer! Satan cannot prevail when the power of God, resident within us, is unleashed through prayer and active faith in God's word. We are powered by the Holy Ghost, there is no power on earth greater! I believe Satan trembles when a praying saint rises in the morning and goes about his/her work. See, we operate by faith; we don't simply possess faith, we walk in it, and we receive victory through faith. This power, unique to followers of Christ, enables us to believe that God is with us everywhere we go, giving us the fortitude to press on through every obstacle, all the way to victory! Today; walk in that Power! Walk in the victory that overcomes the world which is our faith. Trust in God! Rely upon Him today. Show that you have full confidence in Him no matter what storm is raging. Speak peace to your storm today! Stand strong no matter what you're going through; God is with you! He promised not to leave you, not to forsake you. Storms of life blow through and often make us stronger in our prayer lives. One song-writer wrote: “The storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go, they meet me at a time, when I’m strong and doing fine. But, the captain of my soul, He’s always on board, He rocks me in His arms while riding through the storm! Can’t you hear Yolanda Adams belting out that beautiful tune? Well, sometimes in the aftermath of a storm whether internal or external, we are left with scars of fear; sometimes anger or bitterness; perhaps the misguided notion that God authored such destruction. Beloved, I’m here to shout out that God is with you! God said He only has thoughts that give you hope and a future; thoughts of good and not of evil towards you. God is with you; and, I pray that you are with Him. If you’re reading this today, you are alive with the breath of God within you. You are reading this because God has you on His mind right now. Keep uppermost in your mind the blessings you have already received; the prayers already answered; the witness you have given to others; then stay the course. Past answered prayers can be prologue to the future because they strengthen our resolve to trust God! Go ahead: Let go and let God ! Seek the Lord with your whole heart, and see that He is faithful to respond. Let’s pray: Father, we thank You for Your love lavished upon us. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, You are worthy of all our praise. Father, You are our wonderful, magnificent, benevolent God who sees us wherever we are. There is no-one like You Father. Today, we make you large in our hearts through this moment of praise and extreme worship of You. Father, You declared that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. We choose to dwell there now, in Jesus' name. Father, keep us in Your perfect care. Jehovah Jireh, provide for us today; Jehovah Rophe, manifest healing today; Jehovah Shalom, let Your “peace, peace” reign in our lives today that we might be a blessing to someone else. Father, thank You that Your love is unconditional; that You look beyond our faults and see our need. We praise You that through the blood of Jesus we can enter boldly before the throne of God to receive whatever we need. Thank You for the blood! Father, someone woke up this morning depressed, confused, or maybe even angry because of what they’ve been through. Please, Father, let them know that You are standing with them. Let them feel the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I intercede now for all those who are enduring the storm in this moment, and all who endured it, especially for those who lost a loved one; for those who had storm damage to homes, and for those who are just plain fed up with problems they face. I pray the blood of Jesus will sustain them; that they will turn to You and surrender their lives and every issue to You. I pray that every door of access is now closed to the enemy, in Jesus’ name. So, now Father, as we go through our day, this wonderful day that You have made and gifted us; I pray that joy will permeate the lives of Your people, and that every prayer will be answered, for You are the God that heals all manner of sickness and disease. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen . God loves us all so much; He sent Jesus, His only begotten Son to die for us on a cruel cross. Now, we have access to the fount of wisdom, God’s Holy Spirit, the great connector; a constant companion who provides comfort, wisdom, friendship and direction, and peace, when we yield to Him. Have a wonderful day, all day, knowing that the Word of God is truth; that God loves You with an everlasting love, and He wants to bless and keep you safe until the coming of the Lord. Blessings always; Cki. MY PRAYER IS A WEAPON!!! Quote of the day : "The devil whispered in my ear, "You're not strong enough to withstand the storm." Today, I whispered back, "I am the storm!" (Powered by the Holy ghost!). The enemy is real; but God is realer! Satan cannot prevail when the power of God, resident within us, is unleashed through prayer and active faith in God's word. We are powered by the Holy Ghost, there is no power on earth greater! I believe Satan trembles when a praying saint rises in the morning and goes about his/her work. See, we operate by faith; we don't simply possess faith, we walk in it, and we receive victory through faith. This power, unique to followers of Christ, enables us to believe that God is with us everywhere we go, giving us the fortitude to press on through every obstacle, all the way to victory! Today; walk in that Power! Walk in the victory that overcomes the world which is our faith. Trust in God! Rely upon Him today. Show that you have full confidence in Him no matter what storm is raging. Speak peace to your storm today! Stand strong no matter what you're going through; God is with you! He promised not to leave you, not to forsake you. Storms of life blow through and often make us stronger in our prayer lives. One song-writer wrote: “The storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go, they meet me at a time, when I’m strong and doing fine. But, the captain of my soul, He’s always on board, He rocks me in His arms while riding through the storm! Can’t you hear Yolanda Adams belting out that beautiful tune? Well, sometimes in the aftermath of a storm whether internal or external, we are left with scars of fear; sometimes anger or bitterness; perhaps the misguided notion that God authored such destruction. Beloved, I’m here to shout out that God is with you! God said He only has thoughts that give you hope and a future; thoughts of good and not of evil towards you. God is with you; and, I pray that you are with Him. If you’re reading this today, you are alive with the breath of God within you. You are reading this because God has you on His mind right now. Keep uppermost in your mind the blessings you have already received; the prayers already answered; the witness you have given to others; then stay the course. Past answered prayers can be prologue to the future because they strengthen our resolve to trust God! Go ahead: Let go and let God ! Seek the Lord with your whole heart, and see that He is faithful to respond. Let’s pray: Father, we thank You for Your love lavished upon us. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, You are worthy of all our praise. Father, You are our wonderful, magnificent, benevolent God who sees us wherever we are. There is no-one like You Father. Today, we make you large in our hearts through this moment of praise and extreme worship of You. Father, You declared that the Name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and are safe. We choose to dwell there now, in Jesus' name. Father, keep us in Your perfect care. Jehovah Jireh, provide for us today; Jehovah Rophe, manifest healing today; Jehovah Shalom, let Your “peace, peace” reign in our lives today that we might be a blessing to someone else. Father, thank You that Your love is unconditional; that You look beyond our faults and see our need. We praise You that through the blood of Jesus we can enter boldly before the throne of God to receive whatever we need. Thank You for the blood! Father, someone woke up this morning depressed, confused, or maybe even angry because of what they’ve been through. Please, Father, let them know that You are standing with them. Let them feel the presence and power of Your Holy Spirit, right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I intercede now for all those who are enduring the storm in this moment, and all who endured it, especially for those who lost a loved one; for those who had storm damage to homes, and for those who are just plain fed up with problems they face. I pray the blood of Jesus will sustain them; that they will turn to You and surrender their lives and every issue to You. I pray that every door of access is now closed to the enemy, in Jesus’ name. So, now Father, as we go through our day, this wonderful day that You have made and gifted us; I pray that joy will permeate the lives of Your people, and that every prayer will be answered, for You are the God that heals all manner of sickness and disease. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen . God loves us all so much; He sent Jesus, His only begotten Son to die for us on a cruel cross. Now, we have access to the fount of wisdom, God’s Holy Spirit, the great connector; a constant companion who provides comfort, wisdom, friendship and direction, and peace, when we yield to Him. Have a wonderful day, all day, knowing that the Word of God is truth; that God loves You with an everlasting love, and He wants to bless and keep you safe until the coming of the Lord. Blessings always; Cki. Promulgate the Gospel whenever and however you can! Praise the LORD this morning saints of God!!! What a glorious day in the kingdom! Oh yes, I'm talking to you, the one upfront; to you, in the back; to you, hiding out from fear and anxiety because of what you might face today; and, I'm talking to you who is joyful this morning. Come on everyone and praise our God Jehovah with me! As my eyes opened this morning there was a song on my heart. Anyone who knows me knows that I am not a singer, yet I love music with all my heart. So, the song of the day is: "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, sung most notably by the Brooklyn Tabernacle Choir. You see, my heart just wants to proclaim Him; to lift up Jesus and magnify Him, to tell the world that not only am I not ashamed, I am downright giddy about this Love that transcends the most glorious dream a man or woman can dream. Here are a few of the lyrics that might lighten your day: "We're an anchor for those who are hurting; and a harbor for those who are lost; Sometimes it's not always easy bearing Calvary's cross." You might need kleenex for this next part: "We've been ridiculed by those who don't know Him; and mocked by those who don't believe. Still, I love standing up for my Jesus, because of all He's done for me. That's why I am not ashamed of the gospel, the gospel of Jesus Christ. No, I am not afraid to be counted, but I'm willing to give my life." There is so much more to this song testimony, but she sings, "A simple thanks just doesn't say how I'm feeling; I get tears in my eyes. So, as for me I'm going to keep right on believing, in the One who's been so faithful to me. This next verse is so powerful: "I'm not out to please this whole world around me; I've got my eyes on eternity. That's why I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!" This song is a sermon that will preach for all our lives. She goes on to belt out: "See, I'm ready to be all God wants me to be, I'll give up the wrong for the right." Well, it was not my intention to write so many of the lyrics, but this last part is my testimony as well: "I've got too much behind me to let this world blind me. Maybe, to some He's just a name, but to me He's my everything! I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ!" Let those words marinate in your soul today. Keep the fire burning. Never let days pass when your gratitude is not front and center. Promulgate the gospel today; make it known; declare it in your heart and from your lips! We serve an awesome God; and His Son Jesus was the express image of Him as He walked the earth, lived, taught, was crucified and died for us on that old rugged cross. Any shame was carried by Jesus on our behalf. So, be bold and courageous as you share the greatest gift this world has ever known--Jesus, the Christ , Son of the Living God today. Just know that multitudes around the world stand with you. So, share, unabashedly; unashamedly; proudly; un- apologetically; humbly and with joy unspeakable and full of glory!!! I know, I will . God bless you today, as you go out with your soul soaring, because you are a child of the Most High God; and you get to call Him, Abba. God bless you, amen . Someone once said: "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." Keep on praying, keep on praising, God has a plan! YOU BELIEVED GOD FOR HEALING, BUT THEY DIED ANYWAY! Have you ever prayed fervently for a loved one who was sick in body or mind, only to watch them slip away? Is your faith shaken; or has anger at God seeped in? Sometimes, beloved, we who are born-again, dyed in the wool Christian believers, cannot understand why our prayers are not answered in the way we prayed. When the definitive answer of death becomes a reality; or when that person, if saved, is now with the Lord, all manner of thoughts and feelings can flood our souls. Not only death; but there are those who are afflicted even now with sickness, disease, a thorn in the side, or some malady that simply will not heal. No-one wants to talk about the frustration of praying and not seeing manifested healing because we're afraid of being called out as ones with little or dwindling faith. I wanted to say to all of us this morning, that God is Sovereign. He knows the plan for your loved one. And although He hears our prayers, the answer sometimes is: for whatever the reason, now is the time for that one to go to their eternal home. Acceptance can be hard, and the feelings of confusion or doubt need to be dealt with. See, the enemy of our souls would like to drive a wedge between us and God's unchanging love for us by making us doubt. The other thing the enemy has a PHD in is trying to convince us, through planting thoughts, ideas and suggestions in our heads, to believe that God does not hear our prayers. You see, the devil hates a praying saint, and loves a prayer-less one. He delights when we hesitate to pray. The truth is, God is sovereign. He sees the entire plan. The Bible says that His thoughts are not our thoughts; His ways not our ways! We need to be "modern day Job (s)"; to be just like the man who suffered loss that boggles the mind; loss that transcends imagination. And yet, he made the ultimate statement: "Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him." In other words, yet will I hope in Him. For me, I prayed for so many to live: my father, my sister, my brother, now, my mother as well (over many years), and they are all with Jesus. Yet, I must not forget the prayers for my own life, and prayers I've prayed for so many others throughout the years that were answered exceedingly. As a follower of Christ Jesus for over 45 years, I've had too many answered prayers to try to number them. God has fulfilled His promise time and time again to walk with me through the valley of the shadow of death. He has delivered me, and answered my prayers to deliver others, time and time again! Therefore, when the time comes that someone I love goes home to be with the Lord, I know that there is a blessing in it. For example: For one person I loved dearly, the sickness, I believe could have meant death long ago without the prayers of the righteous. But she lived to see her children grow up, and to see the birth and growth of her grand-children; God sustaining her through it all. And, in the recent example of my mother's transition, she was 95 years old, kept by God through incredible circumstances: widowed over 40 years ago; blessed to find love again and marry for another long time, and she was blessed to pray and praise Jesus for as long as I can remember. Yes, we prayed that she be healed for another sprint, but 95 years, serving God for most of it, represents a life overflowing with blessings! Today, my only thought is that mommy is with the Lord now: that she sees daddy; she sees her second husband, her children that went before her, and all the aunts and uncles that reached heaven through the years. What an awesome reunion of souls!!! So, as a wrap-up: I believe that when we pray, we're making the ultimate statement to God that we trust Him with our very lives. And, that we accept His decisions whether we hear them as yes, no, or wait. I truly believe many in the Body of Christ grapple with this sometimes perplexing subject; and there should be seminars taught in churches to unpack the command to pray; as well as our acceptance of answered prayer whether it be yes, no or wait. Although there are too many scriptures to count on this subject of faith and trust in the Lord's sovereignty, I leave you with Hebrews 10:23: "Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering (for He is faithful that promised)”. So, pray beloved, without ceasing, and know beyond doubt that God hears you and answers every prayer. His answers are always based in love; and He always has the best interest of that person we're praying for, foremost in His heart. But at the end of the day, He is God; and God alone! Have an awesome day in the Lord! Pray about everything today, and worry about nothing! And prayerfully, I'll see you again in "Cynthia's Prayer Room". Love you; Cki. Walk in Your Calling! When God calls you, don't worry about what you bring to the table in the natural. God is the architect of our lives. He has it all mapped out, we simply need to yield to it. About 23 years ago, Marco and I began a journey with the Lord. An amazing Pastor saw something in us that we were not sure how to navigate at the time. In 2001, we were both ordained as Ministers and Evangelists, and we fought hard against the title out of misguided dilemmas about our own gifts. However, for years now, we have done the work of evangelists through our teachings, our website, and our published books. And, of course we are living the life that Christ Jesus ordained for us. Yesterday, in the middle of a noisy moment in my life, I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit reminding me of the ordination by this wonderful woman of God, our mentor and friend, Pastor Gloria Cherry. This woman was a dynamo for God! Yesterday, as I communicated with her daughter, who is now Pastor of the church, she described her mother as a visionary; and for us that is definitely the truth! Our prayer is to continue to honor God's faith in us, as well as Pastor Cherry's faith in us, to do the work of ministry each day of our lives. And, to encourage others to walk in your calling. There is a wonderful phrase floating around, "God doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called." Let that sink in, and with holy boldness, walk in your calling. God also opens the doors. So, don't worry about the next opportunity, take care of the now! Run your race, keep the faith, and someday we'll see Jesus face to face. (2 Tim. 4:7; 1 Cor. 13:12). Today, we embrace all of what God designed for our lives. We receive the designation of Evangelists, as we continue to lift up the name of Jesus everywhere we go. To God be the glory for the great things He has done, and continues to do in all our lives! Have a wonderful day. God bless each one of you as you walk in your calling. Much love, Evangelists Marco and Cynthia Inniss. Grace is Extravagant; And So Are You! Life in the Kingdom of God is excessively awesome; magnificently crafted, beyond our ability to fully comprehend the mind of God! What an extravagant God we serve. The word extravagant means beyond reasonable expectation; more than is normally given; giving a gift that is uncharacteristically generous. Well, there will never be another gift that meets the above criteria like that of God giving His Son Jesus to save our souls!!! And, in order for us to receive this gift to the full, we must first accept it, truly accept it as our passport to freedom! There is a thing called sin that separates men and women from God. This sin thing was so insidious that God had to deal with it. I believe that in order to fully comprehend the benevolence and salvation of Grace, we must have an understanding of the horrific consequences of the sin that separated us from God. Sin is something that God hates. It corrupts the souls of men, and causes lives to often implode and even explode, rather than living lives of productivity. All of mankind suffered this same malady. Sin entered the Garden of Eden, and man was never the same again. Until, extravagance came in the person of Jesus. He was sent by God to live a life before men that exemplified the character of God Himself. The Bible tells us that Jesus was the "fullness of the Godhead bodily." But, we know that Jesus walked the dusty roads of earth as a man. He set aside deity to experience what we experience, temptations and all. Jesus was tempted in all points like us, yet He lived without sin! He demonstrated the power of Almighty God that flows through yielded men, by the power of the Holy Spirit! That same power is available today to all who accept the extravagant gift of Grace that broke the bonds of sin; and opened the door of access to God! Now, we read the precious words of Apostle Paul written in Romans 8, "What can separate us from the Love of God?" The answer he gives is an emphatic, nothing; nothing can separate us from the love of God, found in Christ Jesus! I hope you are dancing with joy, laughing with glee, singing songs of praise, because Grace has obliterated the heaviness of sin! Although sin still exists and still chases after the believer, Grace has given us the opportunity to repent and be cleansed by a Loving God who calls us His own. The gift of Jesus keeps right on giving! Bless God, we are the recipients of this amazing love; this incredible power that surges throughout our minds and bodies, and of the hope of eternal life with God and Christ Jesus forever! Let's pray: Almighty, Creator God, who is our Father, thank You for the cross of Calvary. Thank You for Your plan of Salvation that is so extravagant. You gave the best that You had, Your precious Son, Jesus. We are so grateful for the obedience of Jesus, when He had the option to call legions of angels to rescue Him, He chose us; He chose the joy set before Him. We will not forget, as we go through our days and deal with trials and troubles, that You have made a way for us to tread on those issues and to tread on the adversary who is Satan. Thank You Jesus, that because of Your finished work, He is under our feet. So, we walk in the power of the resurrection today, maintaining the victory that Jesus won over 2,000 years ago: victory over sin; victory over principalities and powers, over rulers of darkness, and over spiritual wickedness in the high places! For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against the plans and purposes of the enemy and his minions of evil. So, Father, today some will re-enlist in the army of the LORD; others will re-dedicate their lives to the cause of Christ, and I pray all of us will open the extravagant gift of Salvation every morning and exclaim: "Hello Jesus!" In the mighty, holy, almighty name of Jesus, the Anointed One, and in the power of His anointing I pray this prayer unto You, Lord God. Amen . Remember: "Grace is extravagant! Beautiful, talented, anointed men and women of God, there is tucked deep inside of you purpose and destiny. Never let go of your birthright, for He who has promised is faithful! Love always, Cki. Get out of the "Bondage" Zone!!! The Bible is full of wisdom. We are told that we can prosper and be in health the same as our souls prosper. So, what is the soul? The soul houses our mind, our will to do, and our emotions. As you can see, that's our "want-to," the seat of all your decision making. Why am I in this place, when I signed up for peace, joy, and prosperity in Jesus Christ? Well, there can be something called "inherent poverty" lurking just beneath the surface of your heart. In the past you always chalked up failures to other people. It's the government's fault; your parent's fault; a spouse. Somebody, somewhere put stumbling blocks in your way, hell-bent on keeping you from your inheritance in life. So, you came into the Kingdom searching for answers, but not exactly willing to surrender your mind, will and emotions to the Holy Spirit for cleansing. I am well aware of the struggle to let go, and let God! The struggle to give up the person-ality that I constructed, to allow God to show me who I am as He created me. We need a barometer for the soul! There are measuring tools for everything else: the weather; the stock market; for measuring the health of the financial world. So, if the Stock Market can measure the health of the financial markets, and a barometer for atmospheric pressure, then why not a measure for the soul? Well, 3rd John, 2 in the Holy Scriptures says: Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers." So, you hold the key! Only you can submit your soul to the tutelage of the Holy Spirit, so that the methods of the world can be changed to the methods of God! We hold our future in our hands. Someone made the famous statement that insanity is doing the same thing expecting a different result. If we rise up each day, ignore the promptings of the Holy Spirit to change and walk in the wisdom of God, we will go to bed each night the same, living life in futility. But God! God has laid out in His word all the wisdom we need to effect lasting change in our life. Just remember: You are right now prospering the same as your soul (mind, will and emotions) are prospering. So, if there is to be change, we must embrace the accounts of God leading His people out of different bondage situations (the most famous might be Egyptian bondage). Moses and the people began a journey from a poverty of spirit mentality to a reaping, expectant power of spirit mentality. And that is what God wants for all of us! There are some Moses (s) out here; there are some David (s) out here, and some Esther (s) out here, and numerous ministers-to-be out here. There are doctors-to be; sports players to-be, teachers to-be, out here. Persons who, from a yielded soul will impact the world for God. Persons whose lives can stretch, expand and grow to a place never before imagined. God is an awesome God! He created this day; He created us; He created everything good that exists, and He stands ready to develop His people into dynamic images of Christ Himself. It's all up to us. Will you surrender today and never turn back? Life out of the bondage zone, is what living is all about. It is God's heart-felt desire for me and for you! Allow this conversation to change how you view you, and how you view God's love for you. Let's pray: Father, we adore You this morning. We are grateful for Jesus and salvation. Thank You Father, that in this sometimes crazy world, we can fall back on Your love, knowing that You will catch us. Today, Father we comprehend the width, breadth, height, depth of Your love for us. Sending Your Son sealed it. Any reservations we might have had were resolved when we heard about the cross. We are persuaded, convinced that we can be more than we ever thought we could be because of the power of the cross. Father, today, I declare that I will never again settle for life in the bondage zone. I will submit my will to the Holy Spirit, and allow my mind to be transformed by the word of God. And, I will not look back, rehearsing old wounds, but I resolve to go forward to this new place of immediate riches, immediate favor, and immediate promotion , because access to You through salvation made all of this possible to me, right now, in Jesus' name. Amen . Remember, life outside the bondage zone does not mean we will never have another problem, but it does mean that we will view the problem in a different way. Our pastor for many years always said, "How you see the problem, is the problem." So, let's view the problems that come, through a new lens, colored by the power of the blood of Jesus! Let's walk in every promise from a God who cannot lie, and cannot fail! Let's show forth His praise in our lives, that He will be glorified. Let's keep the enemy under our feet where Jesus labored on the cross to put him. Let's walk in victory today, because Jesus the Christ prevailed so we can overcome every obstacle to happiness, joy and service in our lives. God bless you as you begin a new week. God loves you, and so do I. Love always, Cki. Inner Healing: Healing the Brokenhearted! As miraculous as it sounds, the inner man can be healed. The hurts that rule your life can exit your life in a holy instant. I feel some push-back at the thought that something you've carried in your heart for so many years can become a suddenly in the hands of God; but beloved, it can happen! My heart breaks for us when we carry hurts from childhood into adulthood, wearing them on our sleeves as some kind of trophy. We allow the past to control our now, when God stands ready to massage our hearts and get them going again. Many people (even Christians) today, turn to methods outside the church to find solace, not fully understanding the role of the Holy Spirit in their life. 10, 20 years on the couch can bring momentary relief, but why such a long time without a permanent solution for the pain? The answer is, the Holy Spirit. He is here for such a time as this in your life! The Holy Spirit works within you for free! And, His work is guaranteed. When you lay bare the pain or even open the door to allow the Holy Spirit to shine the light on the source of the pain, healing begins. We all accept that a broken bone can heal physically. But, have you ever noticed that the doctor doesn't just lay his hand on the bone to fuse it together or whatever is required? The doctor might show you the X-ray and explain the amount of time he believes it will take for the fracture or break to heal. But there is a super-natural component that he/she is just not capable of wielding, unless by and through the divine power of God. Well, there is a spiritual parallel here between physical and spiritual breaks: The same as there are physical fractures or breaks; there are spiritual or mental traumas that we experience along the way in life. We don't visit a doctor to find out how many years will pass before healing takes place in our souls. And even if we did, that person is only human, no matter how many degrees hang on the wall. That person is limited if they lack the Spirit of God moving within them or upon them to bring light and wisdom into the situation. The Holy Spirit can expose for you the source of your pain and touch it to make you whole. So, I submit to you this morning, that the only way to wholeness of the soul is through Jesus Christ's power. Jesus announced that the Spirit of God was upon Him, and one of the things He was charged with was healing the brokenhearted. This speaks of inner healing. Jesus depended on the power of the Holy Spirit (the power of God) to massage the heart to jump-start it and get it going again. What I'm saying this morning is that through us, through the ministers of God's salvation message, and through the dynamic and penetrating message of Grace that details God's depth of love for us all, we can be healed of past hurts! The hurts that define your life can be healed and made whole! This is vital because these hurts are a form of blockage that keep spiritual blood from flowing to the heart. God can provide a "holy by-pass" that will remove or flow in spite of scar tissue that's built up. Would you like to be free of old wounds? Would you like to experience new life without old pain? If so, let go and let God; stop hiding the pain, pushing it down, pretending it's not the driving force in your life. Give that thing to Jesus! Psalms 147:3: "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." And; there is no charge! The love of God, the heart massage, all of it is free of charge, compliments of Jesus' death and resurrection on the cross! When Jesus cried out, "It is finished," from the high place of the cross, healing and wholeness were complete in Him. So, if you have allowed condemnation to keep you from entering the presence of God, from engaging the Holy Spirit, or even from receiving God's love through His ministers, let today be the day you walk in boldly; that you ask for, and receive the healing balm of Jesus' love. Let's pray: "Lord, I lift up my friend to You, asking You to reveal the source of all pain. Lord, we know that You already know the events of our lives, those that brought lasting pain. Father, as you massage his/her heart, help them to understand that unforgiveness is bondage; carrying hatred bottled up inside is bondage. Bondage becomes a stronghold. Father, I pray in this moment that strongholds are coming down. Persons are being refreshed, renewed and revived by the revelations of peace that can only come through the Holy Spirit revealing Your truth. So, Father, I pray that each one will come to understand that no matter what they've done in the past, repentance will bring forgiveness from You; and Father, You have promised to cleanse them from all unrighteousness. Therefore condemnation that justifies destructive behaviors can leave their lives completely. Thank You, Father, for this moment of liberation; this moment where freedom can enter the heart of anyone who is willing to leave behind the pain, the hurts that have held them captive for so long now. I thank You Father, for every healing that takes place here today: for every demonic spirit chased out; for every kernel of bitterness removed; and for every good thing the enemy stole restored. In Jesus' mighty name I pray, amen. I pray you are rejoicing, and I am rejoicing with you that today is the beginning of something magnificent in your life. T Today, you begin to reach your full potential because forgiveness of others and of self now flood your heart, freeing you to function without condemnation or bitterness, opening the flood-gates to new life and victory in Jesus Christ! Blessings always, Cki. Morning Light: Eternity is Real! Last night for some was not a breeze. Perhaps you had something on your heart that kept you awake. Even though you know how to pray, the words were stuck in the back of your throat. Well, God has given you another day to rejoice in. Because you have breath in your body, you can also have pep in your step; glide in your stride; it's all about choice. My days are not without problems in this world; trials and tribulations come many times even through associations. Maybe your life is just fine, but when you love people, you hurt when they hurt. What happens when the sun goes down on the life of a loved one; when you realize that on this side of heaven you will not hear the sound of laughter so familiar from that voice? Or, what happens when a marriage ends and you realize that never again will you share matters of the heart together; family events will never be the same again? Sounds sad? Well, today. we want to acknowledge the fact that life is a precious gift that God has wrapped up in anointing oil and given to each of us through the blood of Jesus. We want to remember that life is fleeting, that you might not have another year to get it right with those you love. And what about getting it right with God Himself, by receiving His Son Jesus and becoming a conduit for the Gospel message? The Bible says, "It is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgment." In other words, a time will surely come in everyone's life when life as we know it, on this planet, will cease. Christians who love like Jesus ache at the thought that someone you love might not receive Jesus as Savior and Lord; that eternal life will not be their reality. You see, heaven is a real place, beloved. Here's what Jesus said about it: "I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also." Once upon a time, someone wrote the following poignant lyrics from the point of view of one who is in heaven looking around for loved ones: "When I finally make it home, and I stand before the throne, just be there. When I look around to see, if you're standing next to me, just be there." Those lyrics are powerful! The visual the song evokes is so strong that it lights a fire under all of us to spread the Gospel message; and to love as Jesus loves. Let’s pray: Abba, Father, we’ve gathered together on this 23rd day of April, 2024, hungry and thirsty for Your word. Father, Your word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Father, You said, and I believe it, that we can approach the throne of Grace with boldness. You said, and I believe it, that we can ask what we will and when we believe without doubt, we shall have it. So, today, we ask that this fellowship will yield healing, growth, and development in our thinking; that joy will arise and replace any sadness or depression. Father, You promised that as we stand firm on Your word, that Your word shall not return unto You vain or void, but it will produce in our lives precisely what You intended. Father, You are an ever-present help in time of trouble. We ask You to be the source of resurrected hope and encouragement; let us all see Your love in action as we turn to You. Let our lives experience renewal, and complete restoration in every area of our lives.. We pray that through the move of Your Holy Spirit, each precious soul on this line will exchange mourning for joy; the spirit of heaviness for praise. Father, I thank You for those who are here, ready to absorb new revelation. We pray that the words we speak will be a catalyst for change, for moving forward in Christ Jesus. Tonight, I pray for all those whose loved ones have transitioned. Please Father, wrap the families in Your arms of love and comfort. Let Your peace pervade their hearts and minds, reminding them that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning light." Father, we ask all in the name above every name, the name of Jesus, the Christ, who was, and is, and is to come. In His name we pray; glory to God; amen. If you prayed that prayer with me today, your day has just taken a turn for the victorious. Watch as problems become opportunity; and sadness turns to joy, because you know (deep inside) in whom you have believed. Make it a good day by speaking the Word only over every situation you encounter! Love you, Cki . Hold Your Position! Spiritual Warfare is a whole other Subject; but it's worth it! When we speak of warring in the Spirit, the devil's ears perk up, because he knows what's coming! The whole scheme of the devil is to keep the mouth of God's children closed through whatever means necessary. Mind games, temptations, and ego manipulations, anything that will take our eyes off of God and His majestic character and holiness. See, this world is not anchored in the word of God. You can see by the mess man has created that he is looking at things through a different lens. There are things happening today on the political scene, and even in backyards where we shake our heads in wonderment that something so vile could ever be acceptable in our culture. Well, to those who read and believe the Bible is the word of God, the answer is clear, that man will never know peace, true love, or comfort until knees bow. So, today, we pray a prayer of warfare. We are bold and courageous as we declare and decree the promises of God! God's promises are the only "yes, and amen" in existence. God's word is more solid than Fort Knox where gold is stored! Let's pray: Father, we thank You for the privilege of prayer. To be able to cast our cares upon You is more precious than all the gold and silver, because You care for us. Father, we thank You for the power and the authority to war in the Spirit. We thank You that our fight is the good fight of faith. That we wrestle not against people, but against the wicked one and his battalion of evildoers. Thank You Father, that we have salvation on our tongues; death and life are in the power of our tongues, therefore we speak life to our life now, by speaking the powerful words of healing and deliverance that You have provided us. Today, O Lord God, we will not walk in darkness (make it personal), we will not stumble, and we will never fall without rebounding! Father, today, I decree and declare that I am the head and never the tail; that I will rise victoriously over every enemy and over those who will try to confound me. I declare and decree that when the wicked try to eat up my flesh, they will stumble and fall. I stand in the power of Your word, therefore I declare that it shall be well with me and my family. Father, I declare over my body and over all those in my sphere, that our bodies will line up with Your creative plan for every cell and every system, that they will line up with the intent of God, functioning in accordance with Your divine plan. Father, we go forth in holy boldness, declaring and decreeing that we are victorious, overcoming warriors, who face this day with peace in our hearts and joy on our lips, for You have made us glad. In the powerful and precious name of Jesus we pray, amen and amen. "Death and life are in the power of the tongue; and those who love it shall eat the fruit thereof." Love you, Cki. Let's Pray the Bible! I'm calling today, "Sanctified Sunday!" A day set aside for simplified prayer; prayers that emanate from the core of our hearts, and that line up with the promises of God. You know, there are many who struggle with prayer, thinking that the whole thing is just too hard for them. I am currently working on a new book called: "The Unsophistication of Prayer," which examines the reluctance of those who view prayer as a tedious task requiring a soliloquy full of pompous or pretentious thoughts and ideas, to pray. The truth of the matter is that God wants to hear from our hearts. He loves us enough that through Jesus, He gave us a pattern to use for our prayers. But there is also space there to be you, communing with God, speaking to Him and listening for His answers. In addition to what is referred to as "The Lord's Prayer, there are so many other scriptures that we can pray, that allow us to learn how to think like God, and to pray His promises back to Him. Yes, right there in Scripture are numerous prayers, such as Numbers 6:24-26. Imagine praying this often used benediction as a prayer: Father, I ask You to bless me and my family, and to keep us. Father, make Your face shine down upon us, continue to be gracious to us. Father, lift up Your countenance upon us, and grant us Your peace. In Jesus' precious name, I pray, Amen . We have asked God in earnest; and with simplicity, to fulfill His promises to us and our families (and you can broaden your scope as much as you desire in that moment: my church group, my co-workers, etc.). You have asked God to fill those you are praying for with peace that surpasses understanding; and for the presence of God to permeate their lives. Those are blessings from God that we, by faith, appropriate. And that's just one prayer; there are many! Here's one from Psalm 19 that is so powerful. You see, sin and repentance will never go away in this life; we must always ask God to help us deal with sin. The word of God tells us that sin has consequences, no matter who commits it. Therefore, we must be sober and vigilant, because we have an adversary who is roaming about; I say he is salivating, hoping to devour us! So, we pray: Father, I love You so much; I desire to live according to Your precepts. I recognize they were given to me to protect me and to keep me from harm. Father, I praise You in this moment, for You, O Lord, reveal Yourself to us constantly, through creation and through Your word. Your word, Father, is a lamp to my feet and a light to my pathway. Your word, Father, revives my soul; rejoices my heart, enlightens my eyes and is greater than gold and sweeter than honey. Father, keep me from willful sins. Do not let them have dominion over me. Help me, by Your Holy Spirit to walk blameless and upright. Let the words of my mouth, Father, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, for You are my rock, my strength, and my redeemer. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. There is what I call "night seasons" in our lives, times when we are confronting fear and we need relief. Psalm 91 is definitely the place to go to confirm God's promise and power of protection over His children. Let's pray: Jehovah Jireh (Provider); Jehovah Shalom (God of Peace); I worship You now. I thank You that though You created it all, You chose to bring me into the circle of love with You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and for that I am forever grateful. Father, even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me in this hour. You bring me comfort and guidance. So, today/tonight as I fight the good fight of faith against all the noises coming at me from the enemy, I shall not fear, but remember that You did not give me a spirit of fear, but Father, You gave me power, love and a sound mind. As I walk in the constant reinforcement of Your promise, I give this troubling situation to You, and I will not pick it up again. I count it as done because of the promises of the blood of Jesus. Thank You Lord, for Your loving sacrifice of Your Son to bring me life everlasting. I am walking in the power of the resurrection and I will not entertain renegade thoughts that do not line up with Your word. Father, tonight, I will enjoy sweet sleep, because Your promises are yes and amen to the believer. Lord, I believe! In Jesus' name I pray and ask all blessings, amen and amen. As pointed out above, there are numerous prayers in the Bible that can be a great help to us when we pray. Psalm 23 is legend. Let's look at one way to pray within that Psalm: YAHWEH, what a mighty God You are! No wonder the angels cry, holy, holy holy. You are my best friend and my Shepherd. You have given me a resting place inside Your luxurious love. You restore my soul Father, Your mercies are new every morning, Your faithfulness is great. Father, I desire to bring honor to Your name. Teach me Your precepts by the power of Your Holy Spirit. No matter where my path takes me, through a valley of the deepest darkness, fear will not overwhelm me. I walk in Your authority and truth. Father, You have become my delicious feast. When my enemies dare to fight, You anoint me with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit; You give me all I can drink of You until my cup runs over. Father, You have promised that goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life, and that I will dwell in Your house forever. Thank You Father, in the name of Jesus, Your Son, my Lord and Savior , I pray, amen . There are too many scriptures to count that we can pray. We personalize them, keeping them in line with God's word. And, we include our fears, our problems, and we never forget to praise and give thanks for the richness of the Word of God, and for our delight in having access to the throne-room of grace. In Jesus name we pray, and continue on this course of strengthening our relationship with our Father. May God bless each of you, and may prayer time become the best time. Love you, Cki. Praying against Cancer To God be the glory! This is early morning, prayer time; the best kind. When the enemy tries to interrupt our sleep; or, when God's Holy Spirit awakes us gently to pray; we make the most of it! We're praying against cancer this morning, all cancers. As the world seeks the cure for this deadly disease, we know that we have found the cure, it is found in the Name of Jesus. The cure was uncovered at the cross. Let us pray: Jehovah Rapha, our healer, we call upon You once again as we come against cancer. Glorious Father, You are our Healer and Your word declares healing is the children's bread; that by the stripes (wounds) of Jesus we were healed. So, Father, by the authority of the Name of Jesus, we decree that all forms and types of cancer within the bodies of Your people will no longer have dominion. We command cancers of every kind to wither and dry up, in the Name of Jesus. We declare these cancers (breast cancer; bladder cancer; cancer of the kidney; cancers considered terminal: pancreatic cancers; prostate cancers; cancers of the stomach or lymph nodes null and void. We curse every name named that would try to exalt itself against the knowledge of God. We declare all cancers to be interlopers; no longer on ground that will yield to them. We cancel the devil's assignment to destroy their bodies. We declare that all malignant and abnormal cells are dying, no longer dividing or spreading within the body In Jesus' name, Father, we place our trust in You who created worlds out of nothing. Therefore, Jehovah Rapha, we declare life and restoration into their bodies, now, in Jesus mighty name; the Name above all names. By faith, we declare complete and total healing of their immune system. We come against fear, declaring that You are their light and their salvation; therefore they will not be afraid. Let fear fail in the face of faith. Father, let sweet sleep descend upon those battling cancer as faith arises within their hearts. We look forward to testimony after testimony of the goodness of God as Your people are healed. To You, O Lord, be all the praise, all the honor, and all of the glory, amen. Let us Pray It's prayer time! So, let us join hands together spiritually, and enter boldly before the throne of God as children of the Most High God who are qualified by the blood of Jesus that covers us: Father, we bless Your holy name today. We praise You Father, for You are Elohim, creator of all things, judge of all men. You are the God who is all-sufficient; El Shaddai. You are our Jehovah God: the God of peace (Jehovah Shalom); the God of provision (Jehovah Jireh); our righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu); the God who heals us (Jehovah Rapha). We have come to receive every blessing today made possible through the blood of Jesus. Father, we pray that Your glory will fill the earth as the waters cover the sea. Let Your glory fill this place; fill these temples Lord with Your Spirit. Father, thank You for Jesus, for our Savior and LORD. Jesus died that we might have life and that more abundantly. Jesus arose that we might live. Jesus arose that we might arise. Father, by Your Spirit, help us to be strong and mighty through the strength of Jesus. Help us to open our eyes to our new estate as ambassadors of the Most High God. That we might be the eyes and ears of Jesus on earth; that we might be the hands of Jesus, touching those who are hurting, those who are sick and seeing healing manifest in each life. Father, we accept that we are the Body of Christ, and as we work in tandem, on one accord, Your purpose will be done on earth same as in heaven. Thank You Father, that You have fully equipped Your people to command our mornings, to set our agendas according to Your directions. As we go forth into our diverse workplaces and other pursuits, let us be ever mindful of Your grace, of Your mercy towards us, and of the mandate You've given us to go into all the world and preach the gospel. Hallelujah, Father! We expect to see blind eyes open; deaf ears unstopped, new hearts, new livers, new kidneys, cells cleansed and renewed. We fully expect to see Your Kingdom in operation throughout this world. So, Father, let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord You are our strength and our redeemer. In Jesus' name, we pray, thank You Lord God, amen . "Jesus, full of grace and truth; we want to be like Him." "God is interested in construction, not destruction! Glory to God! What an awesome privilege to join you in Cynthia's Prayer Room, where Jesus is LORD. I pray everyone is having a most blessed day as you encounter the King of Kings and Lord of Lords today. There's a song on my heart this morning, especially the CeCe Winans version of: "Goodness of God," where the lyrics speak of God's constant presence; His faithfulness; that He has been so, so good throughout life. That's a truth that cannot be disputed. Our God is benevolent; He is our sustenance; He is our provider, protector and our guide. And, with all that in mind, how can anything take place except restoration? There is a deconstruction that is necessary in the life of the believer. It is a deconstruction or breaking down and demolishing the "old man" or the old thought system we operated under while walking in sin. The mind of the Spirit operating in the soul is the goal. God wants to build us up into lively stones. 1st Peter, chapter 2, verse 5 tells us: "You also, as lively stones are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ." So, no matter what you've been through, God can restore, renew and rebuild. Yes, God knows everything; He knows the scars, the battle wounds, the broken places within us. He is the Omniscient One who knows how to put every broken piece back where it belongs. The end result is that beauty will arise from ashes, more beautiful than ever before. The oil of joy can replace mourning if we'll open our hands and let go of past hurts. But we must draw near to God in the midst of our pain; in the good times and in the not so good times. James 4:8: "Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." Remember the old song, "What a Fellowship"? The song-writer says, "I have peace of mind with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms." Lean on Him today, God is able to withstand every weight. Our Jesus died to empower us to walk without bondage. But it will take constantly abiding in His presence to see that peace manifested in your life. Let's pray: Heavenly Father, we love You this morning; we adore You; we magnify and honor Your holy name. Father, today I pray for restoration in the lives of everyone hearing this prayer. I pray that divine healing will take place whether physical, mental or spiritual. Father, restore joy to that one who is hurting as they draw nigh to You in faith. Let them know, Father, that You are the God that heals; help them to realize the power in the blood of Jesus to break every chain of bondage including sickness and disease. Let forgiveness reign supreme in our lives as we jettison every ounce of un-forgiveness from our minds and our hearts. We love You, Father, and our hearts are forever inclined towards You, to live life according to Your precepts to receive the blessings of the Lord right here in the land of the living. Father, we ask all blessings in the Name that is above every name, the precious Name of Jesus the Christ, Son of the living God. In His name we pray and agree together, amen and amen . Now, beloved, go and be exceedingly blessed. Allow this prayer to change your direction, to strengthen you and to deliver you from any bondage, any other thing not of God. Make it a great day! Cki. "Healing is the children's Bread" Good day everyone! I bless the name of the LORD today and every day. Some days are sweeter than others, but each day is the day created by God and we should rejoice and be glad in it. For anyone who is challenged to praise and rejoice today, I just wanted to remind you that you are blessed; you are healed (the healed of God protecting what Jesus died to bring you). You have the breath of God in your lungs; your heart is beating signifying life; therefore, no matter what is happening around you, God has chosen to let you see another day in this earth realm. There were so many who did not awaken to this new day. There are wars and rumors of wars; tragedy at Halloween parties, wars in the middle east; and there are a host of other things to worry about if you choose worry over joy. The Bible tells us that joy is important to the believer: that the joy of the LORD (not just any old artificial joy) is our strength. So, today, let's resolve to open our spiritual eyes and to see through that lens, rather than the physical eyes that see sadness and turmoil. It's a choice that every day we have to make. LORD, we see Your glory everywhere: in nature, in the waters and seas, in the eyes of those we encounter each day. Help us to always see through the proper lenses; to see the beauty and the value of creation. Thank You for the cross of Calvary Father, and for the obedience of Your Son who died for us. No love like that will we ever know from any other source. So, we bless You LORD; our souls cry out Hallelujah to the Lamb of God who cleansed us and removed our sin. This is a debt we can never repay Father, but we can surrender our lives to You, to do Your work. Father, we ask that Your Holy Spirit will lead and guide us into all truth. In gratitude and love, we ask all blessings in the name of Jesus, amen and amen . "AN OPEN DOOR IN 2024!" Prayer changes things. It is the key to the open door of blessings. God has lavishly poured out the ultimate blessing upon every person who will accept it. Jesus died for our sins, to redeem us, to set us free, and to reconcile us to God once again. Now, God has placed in our hands the key to bringing those things that we desire according to the will of God for our lives into manifestation. How? We pray and believe! We begin by praying for the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Today, I want to move away from philosophical discussions or debates and say simply that we need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit in order to walk in full manifestation of the power of ministry. Also, to walk in the power of stability in our own lives. Prayer: Lord, thank You for this empowerment, I will embrace the Holy Spirit as my power source. We have received power to witness now that the Holy Spirit has come upon us. All the healing power, the deliverance power we so desperately crave, it's all found in this holy baptism. Father, I pray for power to walk right, to talk right and to live lives that are pure and holy, tried and true before You in 2024. I pray that everyone agreeing with this prayer will decide that this year is the year of consecration. A year where everything You promised in Your word, Lord God, is made manifest in our lives. In Jesus' holy name I pray and believe that we, each one, shall receive Holy Ghost power. In Jesus' name I pray, amen and amen. I love each of you with all of my heart, and desire that we touch the heights of God's great salvation this year! "To God be the glory for the great things He has done!" All my Love, Cki. "Free to be healed" Glory, glory, glory to God! What an awesome God we serve! Our God sent His Son Jesus from heaven to earth to bring us back into fellowship with Him. And, not only fellowship, but through the blood of Jesus, shed for us at Calvary, the door was opened wide for us to become the Sons of God. Now, God calls us His children; He calls us friend. We are reconciled to Him! Jesus dying on the cross set us free from the sin and condemnation we faced as sinners. Today, that same blood that flowed from His body has washed us clean and brought healing to our hearts and to our bodies. So, let's pray and thank God for His healing power that flows through us even now, filling us with wholeness and divine health not available outside the Kingdom of God. Let's pray: Father, we thank You for Your word that informs us that by the stripes of Jesus we were healed. Those words are the sound of freedom. Man cannot guarantee wholeness, but You can Father. Man cannot through his own strength or reasoning promise to deliver us from an unbroken state to walking in divine health. only You can promise that and deliver Father. So, today, we lift Your name on high, for You have declared that You are the God that heals us. Father, we know that Your word is truth; that You are not a man that You should lie; we know Father, that if You promise, You will bring that thing to pass in our lives. So, we reach out our hands to receive all that Jesus died to secure for us. We employ faith to believe that every promise in the Bible is ours; and that every promise is yes and amen to the believer. We thank You Father that by Your power and by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, we are believers and not doubters, therefore able to see that thing You promised come to pass in our lives. Father, again we give thanks for all that You've done in our lives; for all that You are doing; and for all You will continue to do as we yield to Your sovereignty. It is in the name of Your precious Son Jesus, the One who came to earth, lived and demonstrated Your love and power; and then died to rise again, that we pray and ask all blessings. Amen "Women are a Unique Treasure" "But we know we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the excellency of the power may be of God , and not of us." 2 Cor. 4:7 I want to pray for the women of God this morning. I want you to know that you are precious to God, more so than the greatest, most expensive gold or silver. God has crowned you with loving-kindness and tender mercies; He has crowned you with favor which surrounds you like a shield. God desires to shine through your life so that His glory is seen throughout the earth. So, woman of God let your light shine bright before the world; don't doubt the gift God has tucked safely within you. The entire universe is standing on tiptoe, yearning to see the unveiling of God's glorious sons and daughters." Romans 8:19 Will you be one of them? Will you be the one to show forth God's praise; to unveil Jesus to the world through your life? I pray that the answer is a resounding yes! LORD, I will shine the light of Jesus into dark places where the Word has not yet been heard. Use me in Your service LORD, amen and amen. As we pray this prayer together in agreement, I believe heaven hears us and God's power to do is being poured out upon us as we speak. So, have an awesome day in the LORD, and I hope to see you soon, and to hear your testimonies. "God is moving, by His Spirit!; get in the flow!" Much love, Cki.

  • CKI Inspirations | My Site

    Hello, and welcome to Cki's Inspirations where we receive insights from the word of God to enhance and brighten our day! So, grab a cup of coffee or tea and relax awhile with me. I pray that each and every encounter will be a blessing to you. ~ Peace & Love~ Cki. Well, Praise the Lord Saints of God! What an awesome day to give praise and honor to God our Father, the Creator of all things, including us! Today is a beautiful Wednesday. Why? Because it is truly the day the Lord has made, it does my heart good to rejoice in it. Well, yesterday we ordered the first copies of my new book, "The Un-Sophistication of Prayer." This book is a revelation! The thing to note about this book is that I did not write it as an expert on prayer, quite the opposite. I am sharing my journey to fellowship with my Father in a more excellent way, without fear that I might not say it just right; and without guile, praying with one eye open. My desire is to talk with God with confident expectation that God hears Me and that He is not examining my prayer like a stern teacher holding a stick waiting for me to mess up a scripture so He can wack me one. The book has as a foundational scripture, Matthew 11: 24-25 (Message Bible): "Abruptly, Jesus broke into prayer: "Thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, You've concealed Your ways from sophisticates and know-it-alls but spelled them out clearly to ordinary people. Yes. Father, that's the way You like to work." That verse exploded within me! There were some in that day who were scholarly and self-important. Jesus declared that true discipleship belongs to those who come to Him with childlike faith. It will never be the brilliance of man that gives us access to God; it will never be the wisdom that comes from the flesh; but there is only one door of access to God, and that is through Jesus Christ! So, here is the wrap-up statement from the book's back cover: "God blessed us with many tools in our "Divine Toolbox" that enable us to walk strong and without fear in this troubled world. One such tool is prayer. Glory to God; we get to pray and talk to the Father whenever we desire to. We are the most privileged people on the face of this earth: Those who belong to Jesus. Because of Salvation, we can talk to God through a strategic method called prayer: Prayer fuels Kingdom Life! " So, I pray that many of you will take this journey with me to enhanced prayer and relationship with our Father. That our prayer lives will take off like a rocket: closer relationship with God; praying with the expectation of answered prayer; seeing the power of God manifested through you; and watching the anointing upon your life released so that the will of God for you and your ministry can bear fruit! God was so merciful and loving that He equipped us fully to walk in power and purpose. He put His Spirit within us! The Holy Spirit of God, the very same Spirit that raised up Jesus from the dead resides within us. He is available whenever we yield to prayer. He leads us and guides us to pray even when we don't know what to pray for. We are blessed beyond measure to be led, even in prayer by the Spirit of God! Come with me as we delve into His role in our prayer life, to include using our prayer language; and hearing perhaps for the first time that the Holy Spirit prays for us with "groanings that cannot be uttered!" Jesus, our High Priest also prays for us, so we are covered. We're not dependent on carnal knowledge or intellect. Come on and go with me on this journey! You know how I love coffee and/or tea; a quiet room; the Holy Spirit and me. Now, that's a prescription for meditation in the word of God. Someone once said: "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." The book is now available from Or, can be purchased through our website @ Be the first to order! God bless each family represented here; and I hope to see you often here in Cki's Inspirations, right here at ! Love always, Cki. Good morning everyone! What a privilege to arrive at this day with the breath of God still in our bodies! I pray your week was as satisfying as our week has been thus far. God is still in His holy temple, He is still ruler of all things, the All-mighty who has so generously given us salvation and grace. I'm so excited about my new book that explores a different genre of writing. It is a fictional short story, a cautionary tale to especially women and young ladies who are seeking a mate. Today, dating is different than in my day. People are meeting on social media, and so many other ways that seem to be less safe. Finding ways to connect is not that easy, especially for those who profess Jesus Christ. My heart is knit to especially women, and young girls who desire a mate, and no suitable mate has arrived. The over-arching theme that I wanted to put across is to always remember that God is still in control when we give our desires to Him. The engaging heroine of my short story is Veronica. She is sincere in her search for the man of her dreams. But as always, there is an adversary to her dreams, and he is busy! Veronica finally meets what she believes is the man of her dreams in aisle 7 of the grocery store, but the relationship, the dream takes an unexpected turn. What to do? Veronica has a choice to make, and I believe you will enjoy the twists and turns on the way to finding her true north. Synopsis of the Short Story, "The Prodigal Daughter: Home at Last:"This is a powerful journey of healing and redemption. Veronica's dreams of a new life were shattered by the person she trusted most. Betrayed and broken, she returns home to confront the darkness of her past and the secrets that haunted her. Will she find the strength to heal, forgive, and love again?" I invite you today to come with Veronica on her journey. I truly believe this is a story of hope for the future; a journey that is just beginning! This short story, "The Prodigal Daughter: Home at Last," will be available within the coming weeks. So, stay tuned for the release! Meanwhile, check out, "Woman Where is Your Crown," and all of C.K. Inniss' books @ . Many thanks to all my readers for your support and encouragement, it means so much to me! Have a glorious day! God bless you; see you soon. Love, Cki. Am I Boring? Good morning family! On this beautiful Friday morning that the Lord has made, I'm asking a profound question: "Am I boring?" Has that accusation ever been tossed your way? How did you respond? No one asked me per se, but there are times when the life I've chosen to live seems to pale in comparison to those outside God's Kingdom. And, no matter how much, or how often you tell yourself that life in the Kingdom is far superior, you know that using the scale for measuring fun and success that the world is using, causes your life to seem like it's standing still, while their lives are on steroids! I especially think about the children, falling prey to the idea that more money is the the panacea, the remedy to everything that ails them. Today, with social media so prevalent in their lives, how can you present Kingdom principles to them in a way that resonates? Many Christians are not rich or famous. They don't have "football player" money, or rapper money, or even drug dealer sized wallets. But, somehow, Christians are charged with presenting Jesus as that panacea: the solution to everything, including money. How can we convince today's young people who treasure Jordan sneakers and gold chains, that those things will not sustain them? We can't; but the Holy Spirit can! This is not a fleeting, random thought for me; my heart is heavy watching the news where every day precious young souls are sacrificed to the perils of dark suggestion. Dear Lord, I pray that somehow, Your peace will be revealed to this generation as priceless; a peace that surpasses understanding, for real. I pray that Your provision will be enough for this thirsty generation; that Your bread will nourish and replenish them as their minds are renewed. So, Father, I ask that You will send persons across the path of every young person who is searching for an identity. That Grace, Your unmerited, unearned favor, will, in an "aha" moment, open eyes that are unable in this present moment to see. Father, send persons across the path of the one seeking direction, someone who can articulate the Gospel message clearly (led by Your Spirit) and with compassion and agape love. Father, I pray that in this nation, and dare I say, around the world, young people will come in droves asking: "What must I do to be saved." That they will see that these things they seek will not satisfy (perhaps for a moment), but they bring sorrow soon enough. Father, help the church to see that souls are of paramount importance. Bring home those who left the church because of disappointment, to seek their fortunes elsewhere. Father, let Your power and glory be seen upon Your people, Your ministers, and all who profess the name of Your son, Jesus. It is in His name, the name above all names, Jesus the Christ, that I offer this prayer, and expect to see results manifest speedily. Amen. So, am I boring? Some would answer a profound yes to that statement concerning most Christians. But, there is a little known secret: Christians swing from chandeliers when they pray fervent prayers, and those prayers are answered! Christians dance and sing to the top of our lungs when we get caught up in outrageous worship of the Father. We have a joy that is truly unspeakable and full of glory! We also have successful businesses, fire-fueled ministries, and fulfilled lives. Proverbs 10:22: "The blessing of the LORD, it makes rich, and He adds no sorrow with it." God blesses us in ways that are supernatural and incredible; and they come without hangovers, and without overdoses. You can eat and drink to the full and it simply increases or enhances your joy quotient! So, no-one has asked me that question out loud yet, but, when they do, I will be ready to give an answer to everyone who asks me about this hope that I have. You see, people are watching you, even as they are chasing what the world offers. They see your peace, your joy, the absence of hangovers and suicidal murmurings; they seek lasting marriages like yours, and they long secretly for the saving Grace that you possess. Grace is not boring; rather, it is exhilarating, it is life-giving; spontaneously life-generating, and affirming! How can that lack excitement? And, at the end of it all is heaven, and eternity with the Lord. Heaven on earth, and heaven forever! Thank You Jesus for the cross. So, this is your never-boring friend, Cki., signing off. See you again real soon! *Love is the whole basis of the Gospel message: Love God, and love your neighbor as yourself. Love him/her enough to share this priceless Salvation!!! Now go out and have an exhilarating day in the LORD. Love you, Cki. There’s Light at the end of Your Tunnel! Have you ever felt like your life is an underground passage, and you’re doing everything in your power to tunnel through? Well, guess what? There is an end to your situation. When we barrel through tunnels in life, they are usually dark and a bit scary because they are covered passageways, subterranean galleries that eventually bring us back into the light of day or night. But, you have to go through the experience to come out on the other side! There’s a Christian song that says, “I’m so glad, yea, trouble don’t last always.” The songwriter had terrific insights as to how God works in our lives. He may not come when you expect or desire, but He’s always on time; sometimes there are lessons to learn. The Bible tells us not to dismay when trials and tribulations come (for they will come), because Jesus already took care of it; He overcame the world! The men on the boat with Jesus found a new friend called patience. They were undone, because Jesus, the Master of the Sea was sleeping in the boat as the storm raged. But Jesus demonstrated a powerful key before their eyes; He spoke to the storm! Yes, Jesus spoke to the wind and the rain, and they obeyed. What did He say? He spoke: “Peace, be still.” A woman of God who suffered unimaginable horrors, Corrie Ten Boom wrote: “When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” So, who is the engineer of your life? Who is at the controls? There will be times in your life when you feel like this is the end for me; that you have arrived at the end of the darkest tunnel ever, but guess what, at the end of that darkness is light! When Jesus is at the controls, He is the light of life, so how can we drown ourselves in worry, when we believe? When we “let go, and let God,” someone put it this way: “There will be the moment when a dazzling new day dawns on your horizon.” Yolanda Adams sings a song that quiets my nerves each time I hear it called, guess what, “Riding through the Storm.” She sings, “The storms of life will blow, they’re sure to come and go, they meet me at a time when I’m calm and doing fine; but the Captain of my soul {Jesus}, He’s always on board; He rocks me in His arms, while I’m riding through the storm.” So many other beautiful lyrics in that song, but the gist of it is that fear and anxiety can be foreign to the believer who rides with Jesus. We; like Him; can speak to the circumstances in our lives and command them to obey us! So, today, allow Jesus to command your boat, or to lead you through your tunnel, knowing that there is guaranteed success on the horizon. This Grace we have through Christ Jesus is awesome! God wants us to know that we are His children, and He is the Great Provider. He promised to help us in our times of need; to never leave, nor forsake us. Grab hold to that line any time you feel like you’re sinking; examine where you are and see if you somehow departed from the will of God for your life. Another songwriter wrote: “On Christ the solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.” That’s a good motto or mantra for today. Believe what another songwriter wrote: “There is no pain that Jesus can’t feel; no hurt He cannot heal. For all things work according to His perfect will. No matter what you’re going through, remember God is using you, for the battle is not yours, it’s the Lord’s." I guess I’m in a Yolanda Adam’s mood this morning, because I can almost hear the beautiful strains of that song, and her lovely voice belting it out! Trust God today, beloved, there really is no other way to the light but through Jesus Christ! ~ May God bless you always, Cki. ~ "Hold Your Position!" Warfare for the Spirit-filled believer is a serious matter. We must hold our position in the thick of the battle; don't give up any ground to the enemy! Christians often posture and fight a fake warfare where we act as if opposition is not real. We are in a day when appearance is the ideal, rather than the truth at the base of appearance. We're in a war whether we signed up for it or not. There is an active enemy coming against us and he is relentless. Sometimes when we think we are strong, the enemy is shooting arrows all around us, most of them missing, when we are alert. Friday is a positive day; the end of the work week. So, why is Cynthia sounding a pessimistic note this morning? Well, because the times are rough; there is trouble on every side; the wars are raging, not only in other countries, but here in the US of A, and even in our homes. Ignorance is not bliss! So, this morning I am sounding a warning cry to be alert at all times. Get dressed for battle every day; put on the complete armor of God that you may be able to stand, and having done all to stand, the word of God tells us to "stand therefore." We are indeed soldiers in the army of the Lord. The adversary hated Jesus and he hates us. Our fight is not against flesh and blood, but there are principalities and powers; rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in the high places to contend with. We, in this dispensation, need to learn to navigate beyond our five senses. The sense realm is just the beginning. God has given us weapons of warfare that rise above carnality; weapons that are mighty through Him to the pulling down of every stronghold. I believe its time to get serious about spiritual warfare. It's time to take back everything the enemy, Satan, is trying to steal or has stolen from us and from our families. As a grand-ma, I sense even stronger the need for intense prayer; for leaving "milk" and moving on to the "meat" of the Word. We do this through the pursuit of a "Holy Ghost" filled; fire-baptized ministry. He will teach us how to war a good warfare. He will teach us how to use our one offensive weapon and the other defensive ones. The word of God is our offensive weapon. Study, get in there and learn how to wield this weapon. The Bible tells us that death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof. So, learn to speak the Word. There is power, life-altering power in the word of God! Then allow the Holy Spirit to instruct you as to how to wear the rest of the armor. As an ex-military soldier, I know the value of using our armor properly. I never saw combat, in that sense of the word, but we prepared for it intensively. I was assigned at one point to Bomb Damage Repair (BDR). The idea was that an enemy could blow a hole in the run-way to impede the progress of our air response or attacks. We were to run out and repair the damage so that planes could land and take-off. I had a helmet on to protect my head, much like the armor laid out in Ephesians, chapter 6. Well, in this spiritual battle, the devil loves to wage war on the battlefield of the mind: the seat of control for the soul that controls our decision making. Satan's primary MO is to get us to hear his thoughts, ideas and suggestions that are enervating (a gradual or physical moral weakness); that sow seeds of divisiveness, discord, and disaffection. God has given us a girdle to under-gird and bind us up. We have a breastplate of righteousness (our original is as filthy rags, it cannot protect us; what we have through Jesus Christ is righteous). We walk with shoes of peace; we have a shield of faith that moves to combat the fiery darts of the enemy. And , we have the sword of the Spirit that I mentioned earlier, which is the word of God! Better than any GI issue, God has properly dressed us for guaranteed success against any and all advances. Allow the Holy Spirit to be your instructor in the proper use of this incredible armor. Just remember, the devil does not take a day off; he is always on the job seeking whom he may devour. God has equipped us to fight and win every-time. And, remember, this really is a fixed-fight; the enemy doesn't stand a chance against you or your family because you are diligent, vigilant, and on the job 24/7! Study how Jesus dealt with Satan in the wilderness. He was victorious as He wielded the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God! Jesus said, "It is written." Now, it's our turn to say, "It is written." But, we must first know what is written. Declare the Word over your life and your families' life. Place the blood of Jesus over the door-post of your life through prayer. Plead the blood; declare the promises of God as a decree and always receive them as amen. I could go on and on about the weapons God has given us and the secret to using those weapons, who is the Holy Spirit. But let me just say: Praise God for loving us so thoroughly; for sending Jesus to die for us, to put the enemy under our feet. Jesus won the victory, now it is our turn to maintain it. The word of God tells us that we overcome (are victorious), by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of our testimony. And what else does that verse say? "And not loving our lives unto death." Well, that's a lot for one talk, but we need to declare and decree that all offerings from the enemy are refused! I have authority given to me by Jesus, and I can dismantle the schemes of the devil by my words. I choose to stand my ground through the power of the anointing! Thank You Jesus for Your great sacrifice; in my life, it will never be in vain. See you next time when we'll continue to explore "Active Warfare," through the 3 R's of Active Warfare." Until then, blessings for a powerful week in the Lord!. Love you, Cki. "Fight the good fight of faith; lay hold to eternal life!" 1 Tim. 6:12 Chasing darkness, or the Light? (The Eclipse) The "great chase" continues on this Monday morning! Especially today, because thousands are chasing a total solar eclipse. There will not be another for the next 20 years, they say! There is a strong "so what" factor here. To those who do not chase such phenomenons, there is wonder that persons will gas up and drive for hours to see darkness. But here's an existential question: "Why chase darkness, when darkness is all around us?" Yes, the Bible speaks of darkness, and gross darkness concerning the people. I am intrigued by scripture in Isaiah 60 that speaks of a dichotomy between darkness and light that should be our focus. Let's take a look: Isaiah 60: 1-2: "Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee (2) For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee." Down through the years, that darkness has manifested, from the darkness that shrouded Zion in that day, to the darkness that brings poverty, wars, racism, and political unrest to nations of the world today. So, it seems strange to chase darkness, unless you look into it to reject its gifts as you see the beauty of light which brings order to chaos. To those who are citizens of the Kingdom of God, you know what I mean. God is light, and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). He is the light of the world; and He is our light and our salvation which takes away all fear (Psalm 27:). The power of God's light expels darkness and all the powers of evil, so why wouldn't we prefer light over darkness? The answers to life are in the light! There is one scripture that blows the mind of God's children, because the possibilities within it speak to the limitless power of God to transcend anything, especially darkness: "Light shines in darkness, and the darkness cannot understand nor overpower, nor extinguish it!" Light in scripture symbolizes God's all-encompassing knowledge, wisdom and creative power. It symbolizes God's holiness (in Him is no darkness at all). It symbolizes God's intrinsic goodness; His gracious nature; and His revelations to His people. We, as His children are to be light in this world. Matthew 5: 14-16 tells us that we are the light of the world - like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. We are to shine into dark places (like putting a light on a stand rather than under a bushel basket). So that I don't make this long and drawn out, let me just say that the first words God uttered in creation were: "Let there be light." The first thing in that moment of creation was light. What I'm trying to put forth here is that darkness is the opposite of that light, and it represents chaos. When God uttered those words, the earth was void and in a chaotic state. Darkness covered the face of the deep. God was restoring order; and bless God, light illuminated that gross darkness. Praise God, we get to live in this day when the light of God is so available through the Holy Spirit, our wisdom guide. We don't have to chase after it. When you're in Christ, the Holy Spirit takes up residence within You; He walks alongside You; He sticks to you closer than a brother; and He always brings light! So, today, I pray that all those who are hitting the highways chasing darkness, (especially those seeking some deep spiritual experience), will instead look up: not into the sun's eclipse, but to the SON, sent by God to bring new life! Every bit of knowledge one seeks, can be found through relationship with the resurrected Christ. It's ironic that this eclipse is occurring so close to the celebration of the death of Christ, where at the site of the crucifixion, about noon, darkness came over the whole land until three in the afternoon. Someone said it was an "oppressive gloom." I believe that gloom still hovers over the earth today, not as a scientific phenomenon, but because of sin and despair. But, the resurrection happened! New life, new opportunities, deliverance and hope! This hope is a confident expectation of good that is available to everyone who will receive it. This hope is in JESUS! So, I pray this will save someone money, time and heartbreak chasing darkness. But, rather attention will shift to the Author of Life and light who can bless your life and make it count! God bless you as you walk through April 8th, 2024, a day of decision! Love you, Cki. The Afterglow: Carpe Diem Carpe Diem, often translated as "Seize the Day," has been debated as to its original meaning. But, this morning I submit to you that "seize the day" is just fine with me. It's the same, to those who love Jesus, as saying, "Command your morning," or your day. " We want to take charge of our days from morning to night. Time is of the essence! Time, though some live to be 90, 100 years today, even that is a vapor. I saw one translation of carpe diem which said, enjoy yourself, savor the uniqueness and value of every moment. For those in Christ Jesus, living in the Kingdom of God, that is truth! We live a unique existence which emanates from the Throne-room of Grace. Those are not just fancy words without meaning, the Kingdom of God is amazing! There is a power that we have access to as Christians that the world cannot know or understand. We have been plucked up out of darkness, into the marvelous light of God through Jesus Christ. Yesterday on the Christian calendar was Resurrection Sunday or Easter as it is often called. There was a bit of euphoria attached to the day, some people came into the church house for a once a year visit because of a seed sown probably when they were children. I pray that every one of those seeds was watered on yesterday, and those precious souls yearn for that special touch of the Holy Spirit to be a permanent part of their lives. I simply cannot imagine the number of souls saved on yesterday! That is the true meaning of carpe diem to me, seize the day to win souls, souls, and more souls; to bring them into the Kingdom!!! So, as we bask in the afterglow of Easter celebrations, let those of us in Christ Jesus always remember that we are on a mission for the One who shed His precious blood and died for our salvation, to expand the Kingdom of God. We are happy only when His purposes are manifesting rapidly throughout the whole earth. So, whatever your particular talent; give it over to Jesus, and allow the blessed Holy Spirit to lead and guide you in the proper use of that gift. May the Lord add a blessing to this inspiration. And I look forward to Resurrection Day or Easter Sunday, 2025!!! Amen . Scriptures: Ephesians 5:15-17: "So be very careful how you live, not being like those with no understanding, but live honorably with true wisdom, for we are living in evil times. Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for His purposes. And don't live foolishly for then you will have discernment to fully understand God's will. And, don't get drunk with with wine, which is rebellion, instead be filled continually with the Holy Spirit." (TPT). Finally, Psalm 90:12 reminds us to number our days that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom." Life here on earth is finite, we want to be good stewards of this precious gift of minutes and hours. Our greatest desire should be to please God, and to bless our fellow sojourners. Jesus commanded us to "Love one another as He has loved us." (John 13:34). That's one commandment we can all embrace by the power of the Holy Spirit: setting aside differences and seeing the face of God in every man and woman created by Him as precious and worthy of agape love. So, on the Monday after; we can continue to bask in the afterglow; but we must keep stoking the fire through time spent building a strong, firm relationship with the Father, and through doing His will, not ours. Have a wonderful day in the Lord. God bless you, Cki. "May the fire on my altar never burn out; make me a house of prayer!" From Poverty to Power, in our Souls! Glory to God! Today's a new day; a thrilling opportunity to learn and grow through revelation knowledge! It is such an awesome pleasure to lift up the name of Jesus on this Friday morning; one more time in the earth realm. The God we serve is beyond what we call awesome in this world. He loved us beyond measure, sending His Son to die for our sins and to return us to Him. Many years ago, I wrote a book called: "From Poverty to Power; Enriching the Soul." As I look back on it, there is a profound yearning to carry out the "Great Commission;" to tell everyone about Jesus, the One who was crucified, died and was buried. There was a great stone rolled against the tomb to assure He could not escape death, but when the women arrived at the tomb, Jesus was not in it! He was very much alive! So, the bottom line is that we serve a risen King; King of Kings; Lord of Lords. One who enabled us to live a different kind of life, free of every entanglement that would threaten to devour us. My heart was poured out in that book in child-like fashion. I was somewhat new to expressing my feelings about Jesus and the Christian faith in writing for all to see, and my passion was palpable. Here's an excerpt: "God's Spirit placed upon my heart, a burden for men, women, boys and girls who have come to Christ Jesus through salvation, but who continue to reach for all the wrong things in life: searching for love in all the wrong places, and living like the devil daily while professing Christ Jesus on Sunday morning! God taught me the dangerous power of a soul that is not renewed by the word of God according to Romans 12:2. Another verse continues the plea to allow righteousness and holiness to become themes in our lives rather than "back-burner" issues: "The errant soul can carry the believer into dark and dank places where he does not belong! Although salvation has taken place in the spirit, and that one is saved to eternal life, he or she has not tapped into the power of God that makes it possible to live a Kingdom of God lifestyle right here on earth. God gave us a powerful key to this style of life in Romans 14:17: "For the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but it is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost . So, all of our worldly preoccupations are designed to deter us from what is real and vastly important, which is, living a Christ-like life before God and man. The Holy Scriptures clearly tell us that only what we do for Christ will remain." A writer wrote that we have "One life, two little lines." What will you put between those lines? At first, we did not know any better; but now, we do know. Life is not about graft and greed; life is not about petty jealousies. Life is not about differences separating us, like color of skin; ethnicity; or creative thought; things that were meant by God to enhance our lives, not to divide us! God created a beautiful tapestry for us to enjoy, that when perverted in our thoughts, causes us to look upon our brother or sister with a jaundiced eye. God has so much more than that laid up for His children. Jesus said in John 10:10: "The thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." So, if you're a Christian who is living underneath your privileged and authorized inheritance as outlined in the precious Last Will and Testament of Jesus Christ to you (the Bible); If you're broke and ashamed of your lifestyle. If you are interested in grabbing hold of the principles of "Soul Prosperity" (prosperity of the mind, the will and the emotions) that will catapult you from the cellar of blessings - to eating from the Master's table, then stay tuned this week as we explore further the Gift of Life God has already given you. It's yours for the receiving! I invite you to join me at to enjoy this article and many others. I look forward to an amazing weekend and week to follow, in Christ Jesus. Blessings, Cki. Resurrection Sunday is Here!!! (Holy Week 2024) Hallelujah! Our anthem for today is the song: "Up From the Grave He Arose!!! The song-writer captured the essence of the resurrection beautifully with these lyrics: "Up from the grave He arose, with a mighty triumph o'er His foes. He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose; He arose; Hallelujah, Christ arose!" Today, we celebrate the message of Holy Week; the culmination of an 8-day journey with Jesus. The excitement is palpable as families prepare for what is widely known as Easter Sunday. Churches all over the globe are filled with worshipers; tables are prepared for family dinners. But the most important part of Resurrection Sunday is coming face to face with the reality that we serve a risen Savior! Scriptures come to life in our hearts once again. Matthew 28:6: "He is not here; He has risen, just as He said. Come and see the place where He lay." Glory to God! That was indeed a hallelujah moment. So, how does the resurrection bring you hope and joy? Let's remember a scripture from 1st Corinthians, chapter 6, verse 14: "And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by His power." So, as we celebrate the triumph of our Lord, and His resurrection; how He was raised from the dead; don't forget to celebrate your own translation from death to life. Jesus completed His work which remitted our sin, and brought us back into relationship with God the Father and eternal life. Another delicious scripture, this time from Romans 6:4-5 brings us into Jesus' triumph: "We were buried therefore with Him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life. For if we have been united with Him in a death like His; we shall certainly be united with Him in a resurrection like His." 1st Peter 1:3: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to His great mercy, He has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." We could go on and on with glorious scriptures that link our fortunes to Christ's. We have new life in Him, our sins are forgiven, and now we are positionally seated together with Christ Jesus in the heavenly places. Scripture tells us that we are joint heirs with Christ! We are Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. So, not only did we go from death to life, we are now heirs and heiresses according to the scriptures. We are ambassadors carrying the gospel message to the poor and spiritually disenfranchised. We are part now of a new nation called the Kingdom of God; a holy nation! So, let us arise to our new station in life. I pray now that the Holy Spirit will help us to see the golden status we now have in this new life: That all who profess Jesus will live as He lived, warriors for the truth; warriors who spread the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth. I pray that all who receive Jesus will also receive the call on your life to labor in the vineyard; to tell a dying world that Jesus Christ lives; to be a vessel God can use to bring souls into the Kingdom, and to disciple them as led by the Holy Spirit. One last scripture from Mark 16:15-17: "He (Jesus) said to them: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe. In My name they will drive out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands, and if they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will place their hands on sick people and they will get well." So, you see, the same as Jesus walked in power, so shall we who believe on Him. The Bible emphatically states that the same power that raised up Jesus from the dead now dwells in us (Rom. 8-11). Praise His Holy name. We have the Holy Spirit of the living God within us to lead and guide us into all truth. He is the power of God resident within us. Therefore, we are a blessed people empowered to prosper and to do good works for God. And this is a great time to remember that only what we do for Christ will remain. Glory to God! Let's pray: Father, we thank You for opening our eyes to the glory of the 8-day journey of Jesus from His triumphal entry into Jerusalem where the people cried out "Hosanna in the highest", to the crucifixion and resurrection. We thank You, Father, for clarity of purpose. We thank You Jesus, for Your great sacrifice on the cross. We are so grateful for the resurrection where our triumph comes from. Father, I pray that these truths become rhema in the lives of all who read these words and agree that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God! It is in the name above every name that I pray, the precious name of Jesus, the Christ, Son of the living God, amen and amen. Jesus overcame death, hell and the grave. Now, death no longer has any victory, neither the grave any sting. May the glory of Jesus' resurrection remind us that in Christ, nothing is impossible to us; hope springs eternal! Please enjoy Resurrection Sunday celebrations with family and friends in remembrance of Jesus and His substitutionary atonement and propitiation for our sin. "Death, where is thy sting? Grave, where is thy victory?" God loves you, and so do I. Forever, Cki. Maundy Thursday and Good Friday (Holy Week 2024) Praise God! This 2024 Holy Week Celebration marches on! We are privileged to be able to experience each day of Jesus' journey, from Palm Sunday, to Resurrection Sunday. Within those days there is triumphant celebration of Jesus by the people of that day; and then just as suddenly, they called for the release of Barrabas over Jesus, calling for the crucifixion of our Lord. Maundy Thursday gives us the institution of the "Last Supper." What a gift to the body of Christ this would become. Jesus institutes Communion which we observe to this day! Jesus also washed the feet of His disciples on Maundy Thursday, demonstrating servant-hood; how we all are to love one another from the seeming "high place of titles and position, to the place of the person in need." Jesus said, "You call Me teacher and Lord, and you are right, for so I Am. If I then, your Lord and teacher have washed your feet; you ought to wash one another's feet. I have given you an example that you also should do as I have done to you." (John 13: 12-15). Maundy means commandment in Latin. That is why English speaking countries call Thursday of Holy Week, Maundy Thursday where Jesus gives the great command to love one another as He has loved us. The following day is Good Friday, which is to me as important and significant as Sunday. On Sunday we celebrate the risen Savior, but how can one arise from the dead, if He has not died? On "Good Friday" there was crucifixion, and death. Jesus is condemned to die. This Jesus is the same Jesus who on day one, Palm Sunday, was heralded with palm branches and cries of hosanna; now, he is crucified and dies. Many believe this day is called "Good Friday" because it is the dramatic culmination of God's plan to forgive our sins. Without the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus, without the excruciatingly painful death, without the stripes He took to secure our healing, Sunday would not be possible. In our session on Zoom yesterday, so many nuggets were uncovered. Someone said, if they had chosen Jesus over Barabbas, where would we be? God had a plan, and Judas Iscariot set the plan in motion. The rest followed the prophecies that foretold Jesus' death and resurrection, and we are the recipients of the golden nuggets of Salvation! Just remember; Thursday and Friday were necessary for Jesus to complete His work. But, there is light, an inexpressible bright light at the end of this tunnel. Saturday is coming; a day of waiting, followed by Sunday's power-full resurrection! Spoiler alert: "He got up, with all power in His hands; glory to God!" Scripture readings: John 13: 1-17; and Matthew 27: 1-66. Song: "We Remember You, by Morris Chapman Enjoy Holy Week, delving deeply into the journey of our Lord. This is the most important week of the Christian experience. You will be blessed. Love you, Cki. "We're Approaching the Season!" (Palm Sunday 2024) The songwriter wrote: "Hallelujah! Jesus is alive; death lost it's victory, and the grave has been denied. The Lamb of God is risen, He's alive! Hallelujah, Jesus is alive!" We begin today what is referred to as "Holy Week." What an awesome time of remembrance. We will remember the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. Jesus was hailed as king by the crowds. Well, just a few days later, it was the crowd that screamed: Give us Barrabas!" They screamed: "Crucify Him! We will never know the depth of what led the crowd to change so dramatically; or even the depth of Jesus' agony as He was scourged, and crucified. Why would He endure such condemnation and pain when He was the Son of God who could call legions of angels to rescue Him? The crux of the matter is that Jesus was on a mission to do the work and the will of the Father. Jesus was on a mission to set us free! The mission was not one of pleasure for Jesus, or desire. We remember Gethsemane: the garden where Jesus prayed and asked that the cup pass from Him. But, Jesus ultimately prayed: "Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine be done." Those words spoke volumes; and they continue to speak to us today, challenging us to give up our feelings and fears, and our desires, to take up our cross and follow Him. He is worthy of all the praise, the honor and the glory; for without His shed blood, we would be forever in sin and separated from God! But, praise the Lord, we are no longer separated; but, we who were once afar off have been brought nigh by the blood of the Lamb! We, who were bankrupt, lost for all eternity, have been translated from darkness to light; from death to life! So, this week, put the Cross of Calvary in remembrance; not the physical cross, but the holy, power filled day of surrender, where the whole destiny of creation was divinely shifted! Think about His great love shown to us on that fateful day; of His goodness. Think about the blood shed when they pierced His side; and the water. Think about how drastically your life, and my life has changed because Jesus surrendered His life. Now, during this holy week, think about your part in the story. What does God require of you? Will you be faithful to your charge? Let's ponder these things together, and when we arrive at Resurrection Sunday, next week, we will be stronger; our minds refreshed; our gratitude even greater than today. May God bless and keep each of you; may He make His face to shine upon you, and may He continue to grant you peace. Love you always, Cki. "Holy Wednesday: Sunday is Coming!" (Holy Week 2024) Sometimes Holy Wednesday is called "Spy Wednesday." What? Is there some kind of cloak and dagger going on? Yes, the Bible is filled with intrigue. And nothing is more undercover than the work of Judas behind the scenes, a clandestine spy who orchestrated the "ambush" of Jesus. Judas was to collect information like an informant, give it to the Sanhedrin, and lead them to Jesus, even to point him out with a kiss. Matthew 26: 14-16: "Then one of the twelve - the one called Judas Iscariot - went to the chief priests and asked, "What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?" The answer was 30 pieces of silver. We're never sure why a person goes from patriot to spy, but some speculate that Judas was frustrated. He thought Jesus would topple Rome. Some think he wanted to give Jesus a push that would invoke insurrection. Whatever the reason, Judas betrayed Jesus for personal reasons. My prayer today is that not one of us will ever follow in Judas' footsteps, That we will hold fast to our profession of faith; that we will forever confess that Jesus is Lord, to the glory of God! Denial is normally the product of process. Persons don't just wake up one day, stop assembling with other saints, stop professing the promises of God, or even stop praying, there is a stealthy process that begins (usually stemming from a hurtful event). In the case of Judas, he was called a thief, stealing from the money box. In the gospel of John, we get a little insight into a flaw in Judas' character. Remember when Mary took a costly oil of spikenard, opened it and poured it out upon Jesus, and wiped His feet with her hair? What an awesome display of her love for Him. Judas asked, why didn't we sell that oil and give the money to the poor? It could have garnered three hundred denari! John gives us the hidden motivation here: more money! He was disgruntled, and he had personal desires that led him down a path all the way to betrayal! Ultimately, he led a detachment of troops, and officers from the chief priests and pharisees to the Garden where Jesus would go after their meal. And, how did Judas betray him? He betrayed him with a kiss. The kiss seemed to highlight the fact that he had a personal relationship with Jesus that he used for ill-gotten gains. Guess what came later? As Judas listened to the Jewish religious leaders and their unjust deliberations that would lead to Jesus' conviction and death, Judas seemed to become remorseful. He "threw down the pieces of silver in the temple and departed, and went and hanged himself." 2 Cor. 7:10: "For godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation, not to be regretted; but the sorrow of the world produces death." So, today, on this Wednesday morning of Holy Week, let's examine ourselves, asking the Holy Spirit to help us see our motivations; making sure that we will never receive outside information that turns us away from God's pronouncements. No matter our sin, Jesus died to remit it; we can repent and turn back to God at any moment. We can confess our sins, and God has promised to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness! Holy Wednesday always leads to resurrection Sunday! Repentance brings transformation; joy; revival; forgiveness; and an eternal refreshing! God bless you all! Maundy Thursday is coming! Love you, Cki. "I Will Always Love You" (The Struggle to Forgive) Well, Praise the Lord once again saints. What a privilege to open our eyes to another bright new day full of possibilities. How many of you remember Whitney Houston's rendition of the song: "I Will Always Love You?" Her voice was enigmatic, and soulful. But, the song pledges something that is rare in this world. Will you always love the person you're gaga about in this moment? Can you promise never to leave or forsake them? Well, today I want to talk about someone who really will keep that promise; Jehovah God! This is the all-powerful One who has promised never to leave us, nor forsake us. He has promised never to abandon us. I believe I'm speaking to someone right now; someone who is suffering abandonment: through a break-up of a relationship; a rift between family members; separation from your church through a misunderstanding; or even suffering abandonment because of a divorce. No matter the reason for that person to leave your life; that special someone you loved with all your heart who is now on the verge of walking out; the pain is palpable. God never told us we would not suffer loss; that trials would not come to us; but He did promise that Jesus overcame the world, so we can be of good cheer. What kind of advice is that in the midst of my storm? How can you tell me to smile and move on when my whole world is shattered? The answer is, I can't tell you that in good conscience. There have been too many times in my life when I've had to swallow deep disappointment and hear the word of the Lord. Times when people hurt me, or left me, pledging friendship forever. It's so hard to understand how a bond can be so easily broken. Sometimes I don't even know what I've done to have the relationship come to such an abrupt and sad end. But, no matter what I feel; no matter how deep the wound; God says that I must forgive the one who broke his/her promise. I must forgive them for my sake! At first, I thought this impossible; but now, because the Holy Spirit has taught me that forgiveness is as necessary as breathing, that God forgave us through Jesus Christ and changed our lives forever; I can now more quickly forgive. Heavenly Father, I pray now for my sister, my brother who is struggling to forgive the one who wounded them; the one who abandoned them; the one who broke trust. Father, Your word which governs the life of your children teaches us to forgive as we have so graciously been forgiven. Father, please forgive me for harboring unforgiveness when you have shown us the benefit of forgiving all who trespass against us. Anger and bitterness become my portion when I hold onto offense. Teach me how to give up my "right" to be angry, and to live as You have demonstrated to us. Father, I vow right now, to forgive anyone who has wronged me in any way. I give it to You Father, and I leave it with You. Today, is my freedom moment. The enemy of our souls will have no part in me. Father, I forgive everyone who hurt me; I will not harbor the poison of unforgiveness any longer. Thank You Lord for the power to forgive. In Jesus' name I pray, amen and amen. Before today, you thought it impossible to let go and let God handle the pain deep inside. But, bless God, now you are ready to close your hand like a fist; then open it slowly, and visualize letting go. This works by faith, and faith works by love. Now that you have forgiven all; give God a praise for this unexpected shift in your whole way of seeing things, and arise to your new life of peace and tranquility in Christ Jesus. I love you so much, and Jesus loves you even more; and, more perfectly. Blessings always, Cki. Cruising Through Life With Grace! Praise the Lord! It's Monday morning again, and God is still in His holy temple! And what are we doing? We are still cruising through life with grace, I hope. In the book, "Cruising Through LIfe With Grace," I wrote: "Father, I awake to Your glory; I lay me down to sleep in Your presence, and then morning comes again, and I see the glory of the Lord shining bright all over again." God's glory is evident everywhere if we'll see with the eyes of the Spirit. When you think about God's goodness to you over the years, gratitude will flood your soul and things will become more than tolerable, all the way to something good is on the way through Christ Jesus. Our prayer this morning is: Father, I thank You for life, health, strength, cognizance, memory, and balance. For You are the lifter of my head. You are the buoyancy that keeps me afloat, high above principalities and powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in the high places. With You, O Lord, I am never, ever alone. Your promises are steadfast and forever settled in heaven. With You Jesus, I am forever cruising down the highways of life; blessed to be a blessing. In the Name of Jesus I pray this prayer of thanksgiving, amen . Smokey Robinson of Motown had a song called Cruising, which said release and you will find, you're going to fly away. I don't normally quote secular songs, but I believe that if we release everything in our lives to Jesus, we will fly! Life as we know it will cease to exist, and victory wiill show up in our lives. But, we must do it His way, not my way or our way. It has to be according to scripture. It's called "K ingdom life," and it is marvelous in the sight of God! So, today I submit to you that living this life changes your station in life immediately. Bills will still be bills, but now you have an advocate with you; you have the God who has supernatural power on Your side. Open the door to real life; open your heart fully to Jesus!!! * The book, Cruising Through Life With Grace is available through this website and through all the online bookstores. Just look for C. K. Inniss books. Still Cruising with Grace! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!!! For He has done great things. I have come today to stimulate our desire for more: more of Jesus and His great love and power. I believe visualization is one of the keys to manifestation. Cruising through life with grace requires that we see things through our spirit eyes. oh yes, we have eyes of flesh that tell us lies, and then we have the ability through Jesus Christ to see things the way God intended. We can see ourselves in a whole new light, far from the dusty old lamp used by this world to categorize us and minimize us. We are so different than man's assessment of us. Let's take a look: God calls us His children; children of the Most High God who created everything! We come from the ultimate DNA, that of Jesus Christ. All the sickle cells; the abnormal heart beats, the kidneys that refuse to flush properly, eyes that refuse to see clearly blocked by cataracts and other malfunctions must bow to our new DNA. We belong to Christ Jesus and are inheritors of everything He bequeathed. And beloved, our inheritance is great and powerful. We can bind and loose; we can call those things that be not as though they were! Let's do it! Let's take Him at His word. Bless His holy name. Our God is truly awesome, He provides; He comforts; He restores; He is the repairer of the breach; restorer of paths to dwell in. So, today, resolve to forget about yesterday and come on over into today. Let's live in the "faith zone" and let God be God in our lives. The result will be that you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living; and multitudes will see and believe! At the end of the day, our names are written down in the Lamb's book of Life, we can rejoice; but there are still too many outside the Covenant who are unaware of Salvation and eternal life. When God showers down His goodness and His favor upon you and me, the world will take notice, because we will not receive it by the sweat of our brow as they are striving, but we have the favor of Almighty God working on our behalf all day, every day! Would you agree with me that we are a "Most Blessed" people, who serve the ultimate "Blessor?" God Almighty; Jehovah God; Adonai; Our Father, is the One true and living God! His power is unsurpassed; His wisdom is unparalleled; and His grace is sufficient for us all! Glory to God. So, I pray you have been excited to visualization: see this new Kingdom in operation right here on earth. Walk in it: see your path as ambassador of the Most High God; see your place as the head of it, and not the tail end as you might have been previously; and don't forget to see yourself as the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus as you comport yourself accordingly in the workplace, the home, and in the church-house. I know, this is so exciting, new life, new ideals, new direction, a brand new love who has promised never to leave nor forsake you. Receive it all today, in Jesus' name, amen . Go, be great because your Father is God, Your Savior is Jesus, and Your constant companion is the Holy Spirit of the Living God! My soul cries out, "Hallelujah, thank God for saving me!" See you again soon. Love you, Cki. Like the Dew in the Morning! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The songwriter sang: "Like the dew in the morning, Lord I hunger for Your touch. And so do I! Not sure why the word dew is so prevalent in my brain this morning, but for several days now the idea of the power in the dew has captured me. One article shed light on the subject. Dew is a symbol of resurrection (Isaiah 26:19). "Just as the earth brings forth its dew, so also it shall bring forth the dead to new life. Dew is a symbol of the redeemed and resurrected people of God." Moses taught that God's word shall distill as the dew, found in Deuteronomy 32:2. The manna that fed the children of Israel in the wilderness came with the dew (Numbers 11:19). Our souls are sometimes flooded with revelation all at once; but for the most part we receive ongoing revelation, like the mist of falling dew. When we receive the refreshing dew, our souls thrive and revitalize around the word of God. And with all the chatter around us, we need to stop and acknowledge the presence of God which transcends every other thing. Psalm 133: 3 : "It is like the dew of Hermon falling on the mountains of Zion. For there the Lord has appointed the blessing - life forevermore." I pray that the word of God is your "go to," now and for always, so that God, by His Spirit can bring a refreshing mist into your life daily. Love you, Cki. Whose Report will You Believe? ~~~~~~~~ Praise the Lord this morning saints of God! What an awesome day to come before His presence with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise! Think about your day. What mountains do you have before you? What is there that might cause you to pause and reflect? Remember today, that the past is the past and it belongs in the past. Moments that hurt, that caused pain, moments that brought shame; all of that can be put under the blood of Jesus and left there. Jesus gave His life on Calvary so that you and I might live. Such pain and torment He suffered; therefore, we must not let His suffering be in vain in our lives. I am so grateful for what Jesus did that I will walk in healing and health, in wholeness because I want to see Him glorified in the earth. I will walk in peace with my neighbor because I want to see Jesus glorified in the earth. I will walk upright because I respect so profoundly the power of the cross: the shed blood of Jesus that gave us renewed access to God. We are no longer lost in sin and trespasses, but glory to God, we are children of the Most High God, able to approach the throne of grace boldly. Never forget the price He paid. We hear it said that if you had been the only lost soul, Jesus would have died on the cross. The Bible tells us that Jesus, the Great Shepherd of the Sheep will leave the 99, to go after the one lost sheep. See yourself as that beloved sheep, once lost, but now found; once dead in sin and trespasses, but now plucked up out of that dark, dismal, deadly kingdom, and brought over into the marvelous light; God truly loves you! So, whose report will you believe? "We shall believe the report of the LORD." We are a most blessed people. So, go out today with your head held high (let your soul make her boast in the Lord). Walk like the ambassador of the Most High God that you are. Walk like a member of a royal priesthood, a holy nation. And, don't forget to embrace different. The saint who used to be a sinner (all of us) walks in humility and strength at the same time. How is that possible? We are forever humbled by the knowledge of our predicament before Jesus' death and resurrection. yet we are well aware of the power that now dwells inside us, the power of the Holy Ghost! The Bible calls this power: "that same power that raised Jesus from the dead;" that now dwells in you and me." This is a hallelujah moment! Embrace it as you go through your day! Love you, Cki. Hallelujah to our God who set in motion a plan revealed way back in Genesis 3:15 to redeem mankind after the fall! We are privileged to live in this day, after the death of Jesus, where our sins were remitted, and the Salvation plan is in full effect. I pray for you today, that the love of God, the knowledge of the freedom of Grace, and the power of attorney Jesus left us both, will permeate your mind, your entire soul, and that your life will shift in the direction of fulfillment of the precious promises of God. So, go, and be a blessing in every place, and every situation; as you make it a good day! Love you; Cki. You Still Have a Future! Good morning everyone and welcome to this Inspiration Page, a place where Jesus is LORD. As always, I pray that this moment finds you prosperous, happy, and exceedingly blessed. On my heart this morning is our continuous and everlasting place in the Kingdom of God! The knowledge that as long as we're on earth, we can be useful to God. We were listening to a song yesterday called, "I Still Have a Future," by Becky Fender. This song ministers to all of us who are of a certain age, and to some of whom are doubting that you can still make a difference in the Kingdom of God. She writes that God spoke to her spirit, not to quit, not to give up to those negative whisperings. She said, "I still have a future, just you wait and see. I still have tomorrow, God's not through with me. I pray that those words will bless someone who might be wavering, who might be overcome by the world trying to discard you. God blessed and used many in their latter years, and He is still blessing us today. Never let a day go by that you fail to thank Him for His goodness and His mighty favor in your life. Keep listening for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit as He leads you in the truth of God's plan for your life. "He is faithful who has promised." Bless His holy name! May God bless and keep you safe until we meet again in Cynthia's Inspirations. Much love, Cki. ~ Calming The Mind!~ Blessed be the name of the LORD, for He is worthy to be praised! Good morning everyone and welcome again to Cki's Inspirations, a place where Jesus is LORD. As always, I pray that this moment finds you prosperous, happy, and exceedingly blessed. On my heart this morning is the mind of man and how powerful it truly is. The mind of man is housed in the soul which makes our souls: our minds, our wills, and our emotions pretty special. Many times sickness of the body originate in the mind of man. That's where the germ of sickness is embedded. If the soul is sick, the body will usually follow. It is a medical fact that our thoughts have a heavy bearing on our physical health, therefore we must take the reins of our thought life and control it like the rider controls a horse. We have been given dominion by God to decide what thoughts to allow and which ones we block. Proverbs 23:7 tells us clearly, that as a man thinks, in his heart, so is he. That's a high=powered statement! Thoughts become crystalized in our brains creating impulses. So, we must make sure that our thoughts are never random, never wandering, never susceptible to the suggestions of the enemy, Satan! When we change our way of thinking, allowing our mind to be transformed by the word of God, we make deposits into our "heart" which commands our brain and determines what we speak. The Bible informs us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. So, whatever thoughts we're feasting on will inevitably come out of our mouths. At the very least, if our thinking is negative continually, our bodies will suffer sickness and disease, when Jesus took stripes for our healing and wholeness. So, let's resolve to feast on the word of God and allow it to fill us up to the brim so that nothing else can enter in. Remember, death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love {either death or life}, will eat the fruit thereof. What a life-altering message for us to ponder and adjust to! We are children of God, able to become like Jesus, to think like Jesus, and act like Jesus the Christ as we walk the earth. When we devote ourselves to living this Kingdom lifestyle where we think and act like Jesus (like the child who imitates and emulates his/her parent), we are most blessed! I pray God's blessings will overflow in your life as you leave behind the customs of this fallen world and adapt your mind and actions to speak and do according to the revealed wisdom of God. Have a wonderful week and we'll meet again here at Cki's Inspirations! Be sure to check out the other features of the website here at . Blessings always, Cki. A Prayer For Peace Glory to God! As I sit down to write, it is about 3:00 AM on Saturday morning! This past week has presented with a host of trials, some sickness, some weather issues in many areas, and the awful news of war in Israel. These issues can bring on bouts of fear and uncertainty, especially since those aren't the only issues we have to deal with. So, today, my desire is to speak a word of peace and encouragement to all of us, to assure us of God's great love and His providential care. God is faithful no matter what man does. Man starts wars; man commits atrocities against man, then looks to God to clean it up. The truth is that what we fight about usually has no eternal value; they are not "Kingdom issues." So, let's pray and ask God to heal the fissures between two nations as well as between two people. Someone is thinking, it's not that easy. The divisions are too great for simple forgiveness. But when you're truly Kingdom minded, when you believe the Bible and what God says about forgiveness and love, we have to accept that everything can be forgiven. Father, our hearts are full this morning for war-torn areas around the globe. We pray for the peace of Jerusalem as Your word instructs us to do. We pray for the cessation of war and for reconciliation. Father, we lift up every man, woman and child who survived the atrocities of the past week and pray that Your peace will permeate their hearts, and that all their needs will be met. Father, help us, Your ambassadors to spread the word effectively so that Your Kingdom reigns on earth as it is in heaven. We pray and ask all blessings in the name of Your precious Son Jesus the Christ who bled and died to set us free. Amen. Father, I pray that someone reads this prayer intended for them and it ministers comfort to their heart. Let me be an instrument of Your peace. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Have a wonderful week-end everyone and I'll talk with you again soon. Blessings always, Cki. ________________________ God loves us so much. He sent Jesus to die for us to bring us back to Him. If you don't know Him as Savior, please receive Him now, pray with me: Lord Jesus, come into my heart, be my Lord and Savior. I give You my life. I confess that Jesus is Lord, and I believe in my heart that You raised Him from the dead. I believe I am now saved. Father, fill me with Your Holy Spirit. Father, I will serve You for the rest of my days. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. _________________________ Praying that small prayer, small in size, but mighty in its meaning, brings you into the family of God, the family of faith. Your life has now changed forever! Ask God to direct you to a bible believing church where the entire bible is preached and taught, and where disciples are made. Someday, I hope to meet you in heaven where I believe spirit to spirit we shall know as we are known. Heaven is real and eternity awaits! What's Going ON? Today is Wednesday, we are almost over the hump of another precious week! I, for one, will not rush these weeks. My birthday falls within the month of August and I truly cannot believe its almost here! Listening to the news yesterday was an unsettling experience at best, frightening at worse. Man's inhumanity to man is everywhere evident, from politics, where political bashing is the new normal, to watching a brawl over a managerial issue become a full-blown brouhaha! Is that really who we are, America? And then, as if grown men and women fighting in public over nothing is not enough, skin color rears its ugly head again! As a Christian woman I wondered what God Almighty, our Creator, thinks of us as we live life without compassion, love or self-control? Who are we, barbarians? This is a great country founded upon great principles, but sometimes it looks a bit primitive emotionally. The good news is that it does not have to be this way. You and I can change things by the way we conduct ourselves no matter who we encounter in our day. We can make a difference! God has given us power to change things around us. But we must use it! Let's wake up each day determined to lift up our Savior Jesus to the world by how we live and what we say. When things get hot in conversations, remember who you belong to, and what the Spirit of God has taught you about how we should speak. Proverbs 15:1 tells us: "A gentle (or soft) word turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger." We're only fighting against the devil and the powers of darkness, not against flesh and blood (your sisters and brothers). To those who don't believe in Jesus these are just idle words; but to the one who professes Him, we must also profess His word regardless of the heat of the moment! So, today, let love abound; spread love; sow love (whatever you sow, you will also reap). That's good news for us today, because we desire to win souls for the Kingdom of God, and that will never happen if we succumb to the world's way of thinking, or God forbid, the world's way of solving disputes. Have a marvelous day, and remember, if You are in Christ, you belong to a different Kingdom. You are an ambassador to this world, on assignment from the King of kings, Lord of lords. And you are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! God loves You, and so do I! See you next time, Cki. ~Woman of God; You are God's Expensive Purchase!~ Glory to God!!! Praise God for another day in the Kingdom! It is always a pleasure to come to you in "Cynthia's Inspirations" to share life-altering messages from the throne-room of God. I pray your day has been glorious thus far. Since we have the breath of God within us, there is no doubt you've already found a lot to be thankful for. God is so good to us, and I believe He has equipped us with everything we need for life and godliness, because He said so in His word! Everyone has a talent, a gifting from God that allows us to make a Kingdom contribution. My gift happens to be writing. To date, God has allowed me to write ten books to His glory available to the public. My latest book is entitled, "Woman, Where is Your Crown?" This turned out to be an awesome expression of love to the Father for all that He has crowned His children with; giving thanks for His agape love; His loving-kindness towards us; His tender mercies, and His favor. Within the book we pray a lot, we examine ourselves to determine if we're missing out on finding out just how much Grace changes us; and whether or not we're allowing this amazing information to lift us out of the doldrums of life and set us up high where we belong. Some deep questions arose out of this book (the questions are included in the workbook now available through the on-line bookstores) such as: 1) How does knowing (yada; ginosko) that God's word transcends this fleeting world where everything is subject to change, and that God is the same yesterday, today and forever, enhance your willingness to trust Him completely? 2) How has the realization that God crowned you with so many incredible blessings that define you, enhanced your view of your destiny and purpose? 3). When you hear that God crowned you , do you desire to run out and buy yourself a tiara, or has the purity of this God-designed crown permeated your consciousness? 4) Have you accepted your "Royal Heritage" in Christ Jesus? These questions and so many more are outlined within the "Woman Where is Your Crown" Study Guide." I pray that every woman on this site will purchase a copy of the book (and the exciting new workbook) to join our revolution! God wants you to know, beyond doubt who you are in Christ Jesus and what that means to the rest of your life. I believe the book will bless you and catapult you to new levels of confidence and a deeper desire to know the Creator in all His glory. May God bless your days, and may the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit bring you comfort and peace in all that you do and say. God bless you, amen. Love you always, Cki. ~My Heart Thinks Like Jesus!~ Good morning everyone! We are now entering the month of August in a couple days. Can you believe it? One minute we were wishing everyone a merry Christmas and Happy new Year, then we looked forward to the Superbowl. Before we knew it, summer vacations were upon us! I was thinking this morning about how dynamic our thought lives really are, and how they can be influenced by thoughts, ideas and suggestions from the enemy. The enemy of course, is not flesh and blood; not the boy next door or the girl; but the devil himself. I know; some don't even believe there is a devil, and he likes it just that way! You see, when you don't recognize his presence in your life, he has carte blanche to do whatever he desires: and his primary desire is to steal from you, to kill you, and to destroy everything good in your life! There is one thing we who profess Christ Jesus absolutely must do, and that is, we have the power and authority from God to control our thought life. We are the only ones who can determine whether to think the thoughts of Jesus, outlined in the "Promise Book" called the Bible; or whether we will sit idly by while the devil rocks our world with ugly thoughts that bring fear and anxiety into our daily lives. Thoughts are powerful! They originate out of our heart which is the seat of our emotions, and the origin of what we say and do. The Bible tells us that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks! We're talking about the seat of consciousness, or our inner man: the place where you store up treasure. Whatever words you speak will emanate from your storehouse of either the wisdom of God, or the lies of the devil. Our brains follow our hearts; it signals the production of hormones and biochemistry in the body to support what the heart is telling it. Make no mistake about it, the heart runs the show! So, in a nutshell, harmonious living comes from what we store in our heart every day. It is like money in the bank when we send signals of joy, of love, of forgiveness from our hearts to our brains! Get wrapped up in the "fruit of the Spirit" outlined in Galatians 5:22-23. Allow the Holy Spirit to work these things out in you. Let Jesus the Christ live through you. Remember, no-one ever said, "Love with all your brain;" instead, we say, "Love with all your heart." When we do, the mind will follow suit! I'm making a case for a divine shift in our lives: that we will allow the wisdom of God to overlay our old thoughts, and all thoughts generated by worldly irritations. Today just might be the beginning of everything good in our lives; a transformation that changes us into spiritual powerhouses as we let go and let God!!! ~Blessings always and forever~ Cki. HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL! Today is a wonderful day in the Lord! Each day is full of hope because hope is a confident expectation of good that comes only through Jesus Christ! Some seem to believe that hope comes in a bottle; from that long=dreamed of job, or money falling from the sky. We look for help from all the wrong places when God has promised to supply all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. So, today I'm advocating for "Letting go and letting God!" To throw open the doors of our hearts and declare that Jesus is Lord of our lives. I'm advocating for sinking into the garment of praise like you would an expensive silk shirt or earthly designer robe. God has promised and His Word is true. He cannot lie (that should be a breath of fresh air to us). Your faith is the one thing you have that cannot be shaken by the works of men, unless you make a decision to relinquish it; and faith pleases God. So, go through your day today with "titanium steel" faith, knowing that He who has begun a good work in you will continue it until the day of Jesus Christ! He won't leave you; nor will He ever forsake you. Blessings always; Cki. WHOLE AND GRATEFUL SOMETIMES WE THINK GRATITUDE COMES ONLY FROM STRUGGLE. MANY TIMES IT DOES; STRUGGLE IS THE CONDUIT THROUGH WHICH AWARENESS OF GOD’S PROTECTION FLOWS. BUT, WE CAN BW WHOLE AND GRATEFUL; BLESSED AND GRATEFUL; HEALED AND GRATEFUL; FINANCIALLY STABLE AND GRATEFUL. WE CAN BE FULL TO OVERFLOWING AND GRATEFUL! WHEN WE ARE IN CHRIST AND OUR MIND IS BEING RENEWED, WE COME TO REALIZE JUST HOW AMAZING OUR GOD IS TO US. THE TENDENCY TO FORGET HIM IN THE GOOD TIMES BECOMES LESS AND LESS A THING, AND WE FIND OURSELVES LIFTING UP THE GOOD AND THE BAD TO HIM. WE FIND OURSELVES THANKING HIM FOR EVERY BLESSING, LARGE OR SMALL. WE BEGIN TO HAVE EXCEEDING GRATITUDE FOR THE PLAN OF GOD IN OUR LIVES. Love you, Cki MLK Day Today is Martin Luther King Jr's birthday. Having a day set aside to remember his sacrifice and the sacrifices of so many others fills us with awareness and gratitude. So many lost their lives on a mission to make life better for others. Living in slavery for them was not an option. Today, we get to live out our days in a free society known to them only in their dreams! But, as a black woman who is first and foremost a follower of Jesus Chris t, I must say that I believe the Civil Rights movement was as much a spiritual movement as a civil one. The movement, I believe, was God-ordained or it would have failed! Many preachers and men and women of faith followed Dr. King as He followed the move of the Spirit of G od to freedom. I thank and praise G od always for His hand moving inside that movement, and for every soul, regardless of skin color, who committed to freedom. I pray that our children will never forget the sacrifice of those who gave so much and received so little while here on earth. I pray that this nation and every nation will answer the clarion call of freedom for every man, woman and child, committing to never judging souls by the color of their skin, but as Dr. King so eloquently stated, by the content of their character. "Darkness will never drive out darkness, only light can do that ." The light that dispels darkness is Jesus Christ. My prayer is that the Light that is Jesus will permeate the hearts of men and women around the world; then peace shall reign. Love,Cki. Praise God For a New Day! Praise God forevermore! Today is Friday, 17 march 2023. A significant day simply because it is the day in which we are currently breathing air! I often think about the past or the future, only to realize that both are unobtainable in this moment, and although the past can teach us lessons; it is still the past. The future, though, will always be a consideration because it’s a product of our past as well as our todays; but it cannot be touched until at least tomorrow. Therefore, we have narrowed down our day. We need only think about the things of today, because as the Bible says: Tomorrow has enough worries of its own. So, the wisdom that I’m passing on today is that we must let the past be the past and not stress over future days to come. The best we can do is to maximize our now, this moment in time, making good decisions that will guarantee that what is to come will be to our liking. Another way to say all this; is to say: “Let go and let God!” Real surrender brings peace. When we allow the Holy Spirit of God to lead and guide us, we cannot lose! As I stretched out this morning early, looking out my window at the lake and the sky through the transom; all I could do was praise God Elohim, our creator God. Early morning quietness allows us to focus in on Him, and to see with clear eyes His providential care. All I could think was, “Thank You, Lord God for years of peace and prosperity of thought that has translated into a great life!” God wants that for all of us, for every man, woman and child He created. So, take a break during this day, focus in on Father God, and give thanks for what you have already. And remember, in Christ, I truly believe, “The best is yet to come!” Love you, Cki. GIVE GLORY TO GOD IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. GLORY TO GOD! LET’S GIVE PRAISE AND HONOR TO THE “MOST- HIGH GOD”! WELCOME BACK TO CYNTHIA’S INSPIRATIONS.” IT HAS BEEN A MINUTE SINCE I WROTE MY LAST INSPIRATION BECAUSE LIFE SOMETIMES GETS IN THE WAY. MY MOST RECENT BOOK, “WOMAN, WHERE IS YOUR CROWN” HIT THE STORES AND THERE HAS BEEN A WHIRLWIND OF ACCEPTANCE THAT FOLLOWED. BLESS GOD; I HAD THE PRIVILEGE OF BEING INTERVIEWED BY 97.7, THE BEAT; FOLLOWED BY A “GIVE-AWAY” OF THE BOOK TO A BEAUTIFUL WINNER! ALSO, ONE LOVELY WOMAN OF GOD WAS TOUCHED BY THE BOOK, AND DURING HER TIME OF STUDY WAS LED TO START A MINISTRY FOR WOMEN. I WAS ASKED TO PRESENT THE BOOK TO THE NEW MINISTRY FOR THE FIRST 4 WEEKS, WHICH WAS A GREAT HONOR FOR ME. I ALSO STARTED A “FACEBOOK SPOTLIGHT” FOR MY READERS AND RECEIVED MANY PICTURES OF MY READERS HOLDING THE BOOK. SO, SUFFICE IT TO SAY WHEN YOU COUPLE ALL THIS WITH OUR WEEKLY RTM PROTECTOR’S OF THE WAY THURSDAY MORNING MEETINGS; OUR RTM HEALING SCHOOL MEETINGS, AND WE HAD AN RTM BROADCAST (AVAILABLE ON YOUTUBE UNDER REVEALING TRUTH MINISTRIES, VALUABLE WEDNESDAYS), OUR DAYS HAVE BEEN FULL ALSO, OUR WEBSITE HAS A WHOLE NEW LOOK BECAUSE OUR WEB HOST SOLD THEIR BUSINESS AND WE IN ESSENCE LOST OUR SITE AND HAD TO START OVER. THANKS TO MY HUSBAND, WHO IS MUCH MORE SAVVY THAN I IN THESE MATTERS, WE’RE UP AND RUNNING AGAIN! TODAY’S INSPIRATION CAME OUT OF ALL THAT I MENTIONED ABOVE: IN THIS LIFE THERE WILL BE TRIALS, THINGS WILL HAPPEN THAT ARE GLORIOUS, AND THINGS WILL HAPPEN THAT TRY OUR FAITH. BUT IN ALL THINGS COUNT IT ALL JOY! COUNT IT JOY THAT YOU’RE ALIVE; THAT YOU HAVE THE BREATH OF GOD WITHIN YOU; THAT YOU SERVE A GOD WHO IS ABLE TO DO EXCEEDING, ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ANYTHING YOU CAN ASK, THINK OR IMAGINE. IN ALL THINGS GIVE THANKS FOR THAT IS INDEED THE WILL OF GOD FOR US! HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY AND I’LL SEE YOU SOON!!! LOVE YOU, CKI.

  • Sermons and Teachings | My Site

    Awsome blessings for the New Year 00:00 / 45:57 All Things New 00:00 / 32:04 We're Coming in Hot 00:00 / 30:07 The Mindset of Noah 00:00 / 32:11 Goodness the Essence of God's Character 00:00 / 29:23 New Mercies Every Morning 00:00 / 24:37 Recreated for God’s Glory 00:00 / 35:55 We've entered a brave new world 00:00 / 35:14 Prayer changes things 00:00 / 20:22 Taking back what the Devil Stole.MP3 We do not own the rites to the music on this recording! 00:00 / 42:18 Let God take center stage In Your life Marco & Cynthia 00:00 / 42:03 The Search for True Wealth and Riches.MP3 M & C 00:00 / 49:34 Praise Him above All Else.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 45:35 The Blood Never Loses It's Power.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 40:44 The Joy of the Lord Marco & Cynthia 00:00 / 47:09 protectors of the way 00:00 / 33:06 The Spirit of Thanksgiving 00:00 / 22:02 Praising From the Mind of Christ 00:00 / 31:47 Jesus Loves Me 00:00 / 34:12 Gratitude in the Midst of Pain 00:00 / 21:19 Elohim 00:00 / 39:42 The Cross is Relevant Every Day 00:00 / 26:19 Gratitude Shapes the Heart of a Christian.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 49:31 Freedom 7-6-23.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 32:11 A Balm In Gilead.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 47:26 We Have the Power.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 35:04 Light a Bon Fire.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 37:22 Increasing our Capacity for More.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 32:41 40 Days after the Resurrection.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 37:22 What are You Doing There.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 44:22 The Plot Twist Marco & Cynthia 00:00 / 39:08 The Presence of the Lord (POTW 11-7-24) Marco & Cynthia Inniss 00:00 / 34:35 Hot off the Press Marco and Cynthia Inniss 00:00 / 36:47 Help I'm Running on E.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 47:13 The Light of God.MP3 Artist Name 00:00 / 31:51 A Healing Message.MP3 Marco & Cynthia Inniss 00:00 / 29:37 New Wine Marco & Cynthia Inniss 00:00 / 33:01 God's Power is Sovereign.MP3 Marco & Cynthia Inniss 00:00 / 40:52 We do not own the rights to any music played on this page or in any of the teachings or sermons.

  • 101 Healing Scriptures | My Site

    101 Healing Scriptures These scriptures in the Bible are promises for the healing of our soul and body. They provide great benefits when we speak them forth daily. It's like taking your medicine (Gos-pills) every day, even three times a day! Try beginning each promise with, “God said.” I pray they bless you, mightily! Old Testament God said… 1) I am the Lord that healeth thee (Ex. 15:26). 2) Your days shall be one hundred and twenty years (Gen. 6:3). 3) You shall be buried in a good old age (Gen. 15:15). 4) You shall come to your grave in a full age like as a shock of corn cometh in his season (Job 5:26). 5) When I see the blood, I will pass over you and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you (Ex. 12:13). 6) I will take sickness away from the midst of you and the number of your days I will fulfill (Ex. 23: 25, 26). 7) I will not put any of the diseases you are afraid of on you, but I will take all sickness away from you (Deut. 7:15). 8) It will be well with you and your days shall be multiplied and prolonged as the days of heaven upon the earth (Deut. 11:9,21). 9) I turned the curse into a blessing unto you, because I loved you (Deut. 23:5 and Neh. 13:2). 10) I have redeemed you from every sickness and every plague (Deut. 28:61 and Gal. 3:13). 11) As your days, so shall your strength be (Deut. 33:25). 12) I have found a ransom for you, your flesh shall be fresher than a child’s and you shall return to the days of your youth (Job 33:24, 25). 13) I have healed you and brought up your soul from the grave; I have kept you alive from going down into the pit (Ps. 30:1, 2). 14) I will give you strength and bless you with peace (Ps. 29:11). 15) I will preserve you and keep you alive (Ps. 41:2). 16) I will strengthen you upon the bed of languishing; I will turn all your bed in your sickness (Ps. 41:3). 17) I am the health of your countenance and your God (Ps.43: 5). 18) No plague shall come near your dwelling (Ps. 91:10). 19) I will satisfy you with long life (Ps. 91:16). 20) I heal all your diseases (Ps. 103:3). 21) I sent My word and healed you and delivered you from your destructions (Ps. 107:20). 22) You shall not die, but live, and declare My works (Ps. 118:17). 23) I heal your broken heart and bind up your wounds (Ps. 147:3). 24) The years of your life shall be many (Pr. 4:10). 25) Trusting Me brings health to your navel and marrow to your bones (Pr. 3:8). 26) My words are life to you, and health/medicine to all your flesh (Pr. 4:22). 27) (My) good report makes your bones fat (Pr. 15:30). 28) (My) pleasant words are sweet to your soul and health to your bones (Pr. 16:24). 29) My joy is your strength. A merry heart does good like a medicine (Neh. 8:10; Pr. 17:22). 30) The eyes of the blind shall be opened. The eyes of them that see shall not be dim (Isa. 32:3; 35:5). 31) The ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. The ears of them that hear shall hearken (Isa. 32:3; 35:5). 32) The tongue of the dumb shall sing. The tongue of the stammerers shall be ready to speak plainly (Isa. 35:6; 32:4). 33) The lame man shall leap as a hart (Isa. 35:6). 34) I will recover you and make you to live. I am ready to save you (Isa. 38:16, 20). 35) I give power to the faint. I increase strength to them that have no might (Isa. 40:29). 36) I will renew your strength. I will strengthen and help you (Isa. 40:31; 41:10). 37) To your old age and gray hairs I will carry you and I will deliver you (Isa. 46:4). 38) I bore your sickness (Isa. 53:4). 39) I carried your pains (Isa. 53:4). 40) I took sickness for you (Isa. 53:10). 41) With My stripes you are healed (Isa. 53:5). 42) I will heal you (Isa. 57:19). 43) Your light shall break forth as the morning and your health shall spring forth speedily (Isa. 58:8). 44) I will restore health unto you, and I will heal you of your wounds saith the Lord (Jer. 30:17). 45) Behold I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure you, and will reveal unto you the abundance of peace and truth (Jer. 33:6). 46) I will bind up that which was broken and will strengthen that which was sick (Eze.34:16). 47) Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you and you shall live. And I shall put My Spirit in you and you shall live (Eze. 37:5,14). 48) Whithersoever the rivers shall come shall live. They shall be healed and every thing shall live where the river comes (Eze. 47:9). 49) Seek Me and you shall live (Amos 5:4, 6). 50) I have arisen with healing in My wings (beams) (Mal. 4:2). New Testament 51) I will, be thou clean (Mt. 8:3). 52) I took your infirmities (Mt. 8:17). 53) I bore your sicknesses (Mt. 8:17). 54) If you’re sick you need a physician. (I am the Lord your physician) (Mt. 9:12 & Ex.15:26). 55) I am moved with compassion toward the sick and I heal them (Mt. 14:14). 56) I heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 4:23). 57) According to your faith, be it unto you (Mt. 9:29). 58) I give you power and authority over all unclean spirits to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease (Mt. 10:1 & Lk. 9:1). 59) I heal them all (Mt. 12:15 & Heb. 13:8). 60) As many as touch Me are made perfectly whole (Mt. 14:36). 61) Healing is the children’s bread (Mt. 15:26). 62) I do all things well. I make the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak (Mk. 7:37). 63) If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believeth (Mk. 9:23; 11:23, 24). 64) When hands are laid on you, you shall recover (Mk. 16:18). 65) My anointing heals the brokenhearted, and delivers the captives, recovers sight to the blind, and sets at liberty those that are bruised (Lk. 4:18; Isa. 10:27; 61:1). 66) I heal all those who have need of healing (Lk. 9:11). 67) I am not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them (Lk. 9:56). 68) Behold, I give you authority over all the enemy’s power and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Lk. 10:19). 69) Sickness is satanic bondage and you ought to be loosed today (Lk. 13:16 & II Cor. 6:2). 70) In Me is life (Jn. 1:4). 71) I am the bread of life. I give you life (Jn. 6:33, 35). 72) The words I speak unto you are spirit and life (Jn. 6:63). 73) I am come that you might have life, and that you might have it more abundantly (Jn. 10:10). 74) I am the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25). 75) If you ask anything in My name, I will do it (Jn. 14:14). 76) Faith in My name makes you strong and gives you perfect soundness (Acts 3:16). 77) I stretch forth My hand to heal (Acts 4:30). 78) I, Jesus Christ, make you whole (Acts 9:34). 79) I do good and heal all that are oppressed of the devil (Acts 10:38). 80) My power causes diseases to depart from you (Acts 19:12). 81) The law of the Spirit of life in Me has made you free from the law of sin and death (Rom. 8:2). 82) The same Spirit that raised Me from the dead now lives in you and that Spirit will quicken your mortal body (Rom. 8:11). 83) Your body is a member of Me (I Cor. 6:15). 84) Your body is the temple of My Spirit and you’re to glorify Me in your body (I Cor. 6:19, 20). 85) If you’ll rightly discern My body which was broken for you, and judge yourself, you’ll not be judged and you’ll not be weak, sickly or die prematurely (I Cor. 11:29-31). 86) I have set gifts of healing in My body (I Cor. 12:9). 87) My life may be made manifest in your mortal flesh (II Cor. 4:10, 11). 88) I have delivered you from death, I do deliver you, and if you trust Me I will yet deliver you (II Cor. 1:10). 89) I have given you My name and have put all things under your feet (Eph. 1:21, 22). 90) I want it to be well with you and I want you to live long on the earth. (Eph. 6:3). 91) I have delivered you from the authority of darkness (Col. 1:13). 92) I will deliver you from every evil work (II Tim. 4:18). 93) I tasted death for you. I destroyed the devil who had the power of death. I’ve delivered you from the fear of death and bondage (Heb. 2:9, 14, 15). 94) I wash your body with pure water (Heb. 10:22; Eph. 5:26). 95) Lift up the weak hands and the feeble knees. Don’t let that which is lame be turned aside but rather let Me heal it (Heb. 12:12, 13). 96) Let the elders anoint you and pray for you in My name and I will raise you up (Jas. 5:14, 15). 97) Pray for one another and I will heal you (Jas. 5:16). 98) By My stripes you were healed (I Pet. 2:24). 99) My Divine power has given unto you all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of Me (II Pet. 1:3). 100) Whosoever will let him come and take of the water of life freely (Rev. 22:17). 101) Beloved, I wish above all things that you may…be in health (III Jn. 2). READ & RE-READ UNTIL YOU BELIEVE THAT IT IS GOD'S WILL TO HEAL

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