Given the importance of kingdom in the message of Jesus, let’s briefly review this concept.
A kingdom is a society of people with a structure in which there is one person, a king or queen, to whom all of the citizens offer loyalty, service, and respect. The sovereign’s part of this relationship is to provide care, protection, and service for the good of the people. It has always been understood that the welfare of a leader rests upon the welfare of the people.
The kingdom of God is exactly like that. It is a society of persons where there is love, service, and respect for the king; and there is care, protection, and service for those who live in the kingdom. When we speak of the kingdom of God, we are speaking of a kingdom which works more like a family or a well-functioning neighborhood, where people really do love one another and care for each other.
This kingdom is the range of God’s effective will—or simply God acting in this world—where what he wants done is done. Jesus’ teaching showed us that the kingdom of God is not a thing of times and places; it is a thing of the heart. It is a life that is lived in vital connection with God himself.
Unlike the kingdom of God, human government functions on principles of force, deception, brutality, and the power of death. All human governments have the power of death, but what they lack is the power of life. This is what the kingdom of God has: the power of life. Human governments can kill. God’s government gives life. This life is based upon the new birth that is an entry into the kingdom of God.
We are invited to bring our lives into the eternal life of God in his everlasting kingdom, being mindful that eternity is already in progress; it is not something that will start later.
The only biblical definition of eternal life is this: “Now this is eternal life, that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent” (John 17:3). To “know You” is an interactive relationship in which everything we bring into that relationship becomes eternal.
When we live in the kingdom of God by the Spirit of God, our lives are constantly overflowing with goodness and mercy. We do not make this happen. It is a gift, and we receive it. It is not “eating and drinking, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Romans 14:17), which is not humanly possible.
The best advice about how to go to heaven is to go now by living your life with God. That is what Jesus was saying when he preached, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near” (Matthew 4:17).
The kingdom of God constantly renews us; it comes to us where we are. It is always “near,” present with us. When the Bible speaks of heaven, it means God acting in this world—right here, right now.
This is real life. That is why Jesus said, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well” (Matthew 6:33).
Adapted from The Scandal of the Kingdom by Dallas Willard.